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Музей ЛюцифераOn the threshold of the third Millennium of the Christian era have been many predictions about the coming end of the world. Some were planning it for 1999, but when nothing terrible happened, began to push the fateful date in the future. First, in the current decade of the XXI century, then on, and on, and so on tens and hundreds of years ahead. The essence of the story about the end of the world, as it is known, that after the seizure of power on Earth, the Antichrist will be a decisive battle in heaven and hell forces, and on the planet, in the end, will reign the Kingdom of God.

For truly Christian believer is the fact. It is unclear just a question: when will these events. But many order podrasteryal the faith of the people issues much more. For example, is there really Satan, who will build the Antichrist on the world throne and thus mark the beginning of a dark period in the life of mankind?

Convincing the answer can be found in the Museum of Lucifer created in the Vatican. With the blessing of the Pope houses objects, proving that Satan roams the world.

The objects in this Museum, undoubtedly, are the evidence of the machinations of evil, " says the curator of the Museum father Ismara Benedicti. - The Church has accepted them as concrete proof of the existence of the Devil. We do not divulge them and not talking about it, but hold them, to show the power of the devil.

In the Museum, for example, there is a prayer book that belonged to the young Italian, who died from terror by night in 1578, when she was Satan. The book, which she dropped in a fright, stained in places where it touched the hand of the Prince of Darkness.

Another exhibit - dress French Countess Sybille de Mercer, met the Devil in the desert own yard of the castle in 1357. The hem of the dress ProGen in that place, touched by the hand of Satan.

- The Museum was founded in 1933 by order of Pope Pius XI (1922-gg), says father Stefan Mezzofanti, 11th, the Director of the secret of the Museum. - There are hundreds of testimonies of the real existence of Satan. Three of them Mezzofanti paid special attention.

Bloody agreement Hitler

The group of experts of the Vatican came to the conclusion that the document was found in 1946 in the burnt house and sent to the Vatican German monks, really is a contract that Adolf Hitler concluded with Satan himself. Contract dated 30 April 1932 and signed by the blood of both parties. According to him, the devil gives Hitler virtually unlimited authority on the condition that he will use it for evil. In return, Hitler promised to give his soul to Satan in his undivided ownership exactly 13 years. So, 1932 plus 13 - get 1945...

Four experts had studied the document and agreed that the signature of the Fuhrer genuine, typical of the documents signed by them in the 30-ies. But the most curious is that the signature of Satan also coincides with the one that stands on similar agreements with the Lord of Hell. And in various archives, especially the Church, a lot.

The contract Fuhrer with the Lord of hell helps to solve the mystery as to Schicklgruber was able to become the ruler of Germany. Judge for yourself: up to 32-year Hitler was just a loser. He was kicked out of high school, then he twice failed on the exams at the Academy of arts. He even was in prison. All who knew him at that time, considered him a good-for-nothing person. But the 32-year his fate changed. He literally left in the seat of power in January 1933 already ruled Germany. According to Vatican experts, this can be explained only by Union with Satan. And on April 30, 1945 - just 13 years later, he committed suicide.

So normally and operates the Prince of Darkness. He chooses loser, afflicted with ambition and thirst for worldly pleasures, and promises to fulfill all his desires. The result is a lot of damage to others and complete disaster for someone who "bought" on his promises. The fate of Hitler completely fits into this scheme.

The contract Fuhrer with Satan was found in an old trunk, that was just a coincidence (or maybe not?) pulled from a burning house, located on the outskirts of Berlin. It is heavily damaged, but read it to you.

Flesh demon

- According to archaeologists, explains father Stefan Mezzofanti, demonstrating to the journalists unremarkable brown shriveled body, the mummy, found under the ruins of the old Church in the capital of Mexico, Mexico city, is not "fully human". There is reason to believe that preserved the remains belonged to this demon! Dried body like a goat horns, elongated incisors and hoofs was discovered on 21 January 1997 work in the demolition of the old building.

"This is one of the most amazing scientific discoveries of our time, " said Professor I. Terranova upon completion of the examination of the remains. "We received evidence that Satan is really existed in the flesh."

Archaeologists don't know how mummy found in simple stone sarcophagus under the altar, was in the Catholic Church of St. Anthony. The scientists concluded that the age of discoveries about 600 years. The mummy was so well preserved that clearly seen many parts of the face, as, for example, long, almost feminine eyelashes. The study of the skull mummy showed that the horns and fangs the creature appeared as adults.

"Everything points to a sharp and painful physical changes, " says Professor Terranova. - We believe that in the beginning of this man led a perfectly normal way of life, but at the age of about 25 years in his body was possessed by Satan."

Now scientists are trying to read the inscription on the bronze medallion hanging on the neck of the mummy. According to the expert, there is an assumption that the locket was some occult subject with which Satan could enter a volunteer or an unsuspecting victim.

Nakhodka in Mexico city was, however, not the first proof that the Devil took human form. In late 1995, it was reported about the horned mummies found in the native American graves near the white river (South Dakota, USA). Indian Satan less fortunate than Mexican, he was tortured to death by the soldiers of the Sioux tribe.

According to the canons of Christianity, the Lord God has only one physical incarnation, Jesus of Nazareth, but Satan in the history of mankind appeared in the flesh hundreds of times.

The remains discovered in South Dakota, date back to the early XVIII century, that is, it is about 300 years. "Our mummy three hundred years older, " notes Terranova. - If the interval between the corporeal incarnations will not change, then the next occurrence of Satan should be expected in the beginning of the third Millennium..."

Museum of Satan, located in the Church of the sacred Heart of a Martyr, rarely visited by clergy or a senior tourists, because its existence is kept secret.

But Satan is not only wanders through the world, he intends to modify the script the end of the world which God intended. At least, so they say plates, which were mentioned at the beginning.

The predictions of the fallen angel

- These terrible prophecies were kept behind seven seals with 1566, when they were transferred to the Vatican had renounced their beliefs Satanist, " says Dr. Paul Moret from Washington. - And now at last they saw the light. Prophecies of Satan, in General, coincide with the predictions contained in the Bible, but with one important difference. In the Bible we find an indication that after a period of incredible turmoil, suffering and fighting the Good will prevail over Evil and will lead to the establishment on earth of the Kingdom of God. In the predictions of Satan sounds opposite statement. After a horrendous series of misfortunes and terrible epidemics, world wars and unprecedented terror Evil will win Good, and Satan will set on the earth, hell, and will rule eternally therein.

Prophecies only ten, and five of them have come true! That is why the Vatican was silent about them until the expiration of 1999. The other five predictions main villain should have been implemented before 2000, however, this has not happened. Such an abrupt change of the course of events can hardly be explained by anything else besides the victory of the forces of light.

But back to the predictions of the unclean. Being engraven upon the plates of black onyx, these prophecies are believed to account for at least 10,000 years.

- That no one was born doubt as to the authenticity of the plates, " says Dr. Moret, to take into account the fact that carried out using the most modern scientific methods the study showed that the engraving is made 9,5-11 thousand years ago.

And, what is more important, " he continues, " five of the prophecies have already come true, proving thereby, at least, that the author really foresaw the future happiness and suffering. Divination include, in particular, indicating the plans of Satan to lead the Christian world in utter confusion in the times of the Crusades, which, as we all know, actually took place. They also indicated the First and the Second world war and the coming to power of the servant of evil - Adolf Hitler. No less dramatic was his predictions on what the free world will collapse under the weight of drug addiction epidemic, unbridled sex and the General decline of morality. In the prophecies of Satan also indicated significant changes in the appearance of the Earth itself, starting with the unprecedented series of earthquakes and eruptions inalkanov that, and geologists confirm you that began with the end of the 80-ies of XX century. And all these horrors were timed to 1999-2000 Comments, as the saying goes - everything related to our time, in the prophecies of Satan appeared to be a bluff. But this does not mean that they should forget. All the horrors can still occur, but at a later time. Satan've been trapped with their plans, but never stopped trying to implement them again and again.

A brief overview of Svetovrachane"

To be able to forecast the Devil, as a prophet of large scale, you can add unfulfilled "revelations" several tens of diviners grade smaller. Many of them are our domestic. The beginning of the end of the world was declared the year 1990, the process is complete in 2003-M. According to other data, it was going to happen in 1996-1998. Well and, of course, lots of forecasts concerned 1999. Won't peddle, let's look at the problem globally. It turns out that the most conservative estimate for thousands of years of recorded history, mankind had been threatened by the end of the world hundreds of times! Listed below are the dates of the most famous prophecies. So, the end of the world was to happen: 900 A.D. in 1000, 1666, 1900, 1910, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2017, 3797 and so on...

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