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Russian scientists have studied the piece of fur, found near Azasskuyu caves in Mountain Shoria (the South of Kuzbass), where supposedly lives Yeti, and concluded that the sample with a probability of 60-70% owned snow man, said Monday, RIA Novosti chief researcher of the Russian state hydrometeorological University Valentin Sapunov.
According to the scientist, collected in the Siberian taiga hairs, probably belonging to the semi-mythical Yeti, studied in laboratories of Russia (St. Petersburg and Moscow) and the United States.
"In science there is nothing you can say with absolute confidence. But with 95% probability, we can say that found in Azasskuyu cave footprints belong Yeti, and with a probability of 60-70% of that creature belongs examined under an electron microscope sample of wool and a dedicated nuclear DNA" - said Sapunov.
"Unfortunately, the material for DNA testing was not enough. For a more complete picture would be good to find hair bag or a drop of blood Bigfoot. But nuclear DNA was able to determine that this creature, closer to the person reasonable than chimpanzees", he continued. The interlocutor of the Agency said that the difference investigated DNA and that of a person of less than 1%, whereas the DNA of chimpanzees and humans differ on 1-1,5%.
The scientist also noted that the study was not conducted in sterile conditions that could increase the accuracy of the result, but, nevertheless, several times repeated one and the same result, and, as in Russia and in America.
According to the interlocutor Agency, Bigfoot found not only in the taiga of Kuzbas, but also in all the regions of Russia with low anthropogenic load, for example, in the tundra. According to eyewitnesses, several times Bigfoot came to the outskirts of St. Petersburg, and once he was noticed in the area of Domodedovo (Moscow). However, in the Kemerovo area the phenomenon Bigfoot further studied, he added.
Earlier, in February 2009, the administration of the Kemerovo area has informed that in Gornaya Shoria, the taiga, local hunters saw some humanoid creatures, covered with hair growth and a half or two meters. The message was attached photo from captured after allegedly owned by Bigfoot. Interviewed by RIA Novosti, Russian specialists in advertising and PR then suggested that the disseminated information in the media, most likely, released to attract tourists.
After that, in February 2009 the head of the Department of anthropology of Moscow Institute of Ethnology and anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of historical Sciences Sergey Vasiliev told RIA Novosti that the probability of the existence of the Yeti is negligible, scientists-anthropologists have never met and examined the body of Bigfoot. However, one of the leading Russian researchers Bigfoot, candidate of historical Sciences Igor Burtsev (Moscow) said that there is nothing special in the fact that such creatures seen in Kuzbas because of Mountain Shoria is part of the Altai mountain system and is considered "breeding yetis". Burtsev repeatedly went in 2009-2010 in Kuzbass in search of Yeti. However, to find Bigfoot scientist have not succeeded.
In the autumn of 2010 in Shoria installed the official holiday - the Day of Bigfoot (celebrated on the day of the opening of ski season). The Governor of region Aman Tuleyev has promised to pay one million rubles, the one who will bring him to "relic hominid".
Since then, in expeditions in search of Bigfoot in Kuzbas was attended by many famous Russians, in particular, the well-known boxer, a state Duma Deputy from the Kuzbass Nikolai Valuev, as well as international experts studying the phenomenon of Bigfoot.