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Главная тайна ЕгиптаI have to say: I saw him, and miracle of miracles, not on the hot Giza plateau, where stands the three most famous of hundreds of Egyptian pyramids, not in the Valley of the Kings on the West Bank of the Nile and not dawn on top of mount Sinai.

I saw the horror and the curse of Egyptian antiquities, with its constant horrible signs - tombs and temples of the dead...

I saw the dark soul of Egypt chooses me, one of many, and insinuating whisper takes me away... persistently pushing in ancient horror and madness of parasta, to the catacombs of his dead and bottomless heart...

"The father of history” Herodotus claimed that Chronicles the Egyptian priests cover 12 thousand years. Another ancient historian, Diogenes of Laerti, believed that the astronomical records Egyptians were started in 48683 year before Alexander the great.

Helena Blavatsky refers to a Harmon, allegedly determined that the mysteries in the Great pyramid was already 69 thousand years ago.

The author of the VI century, Simplicij, more than that, wrote that the sky observation was carried out at the Nile for... 630 thousand years! Dizzy from one scope of these, let nothing and not confirmed messages.

What else from cultures of the Earth would dare to attribute such an age? Except that the Sumerian; but the Sumerians "own fault” - has left us his "Royal list” of the length of half a million years...

The Black Earth Is The One Who

Under these revelations father literature horror, Howard F. Lovecraft, could subscribe almost all the mystics, who gave a tribute to Egyptian theme from the moment she began to come into fashion in the West, i.e. from the beginning of the last century.

Scientists, together with the soldiers of General Bonaparte past deadly desert and heavenly oasis Nile valley, brought the first coherent message about the nameless ruins among the Sands, zerohalogen the images and inscriptions on the mysterious language.

Later the key to these inscriptions gave a lucky man Champollion (interestingly, Russian Academy of Sciences took him in her womb for three years earlier than the French) and sounds or images, comprising in the court records, and love poems, and prayers, and dry estimates for the use of slaves onions and garlic.

Started slagalica the real image of the country, once like a snake with green scales of crops ran between two deserts, along curves of grace hapi. But gloomy and enthusiastic cinevegas was closer otherwise; they have rejected the true information about Black Earth - The one Who, teaching, most importantly, mystical and terrible, it is necessary to read between the columns of characters.

Next to the less well-known scientific, has developed and triumphed kind Polonicum, bright mythical picture.

Egypt de birthplace of even the most sophisticated of witchcraft, dangerous magic; the abode of the astrologers and alchemists, driving friendship with devils; culture is so old that the origins of her must have stood monstrous races otherworldly beings. Who among writers, even the most talented, not paid tribute to this cemetery - romantic trend?

At Anatole France see reviving the Sphinx, and the demon - trained musician with frescoes in the tomb, seductive Christian ascetic. Conan Doyle painting student - Egyptologist, managed to revive the mummy, in order to avenge his enemies...

But, to tell the truth, and for a strict science there are many mysterious in the incredible, given the General savagery of the Neolithic age, the rise of The lonely-Nobody. How did it start? About 12 thousand years ago came a certain vsezemnoho disaster - asteroid impact or, according to another hypothesis, the sharp tilt of the earth's axis caused by the accumulation of the mass of polar ice.

Humanity this cataclysm memorable as the Flood... Dramatically change the look of North Africa. Die tropical forests, hitherto covered the Libyan desert; but on the place of a long chain of lagoons and lakes occurs mighty river Nile. Along it settles mysterious dark, wide-eyed people, immediately caught "between two fires”: from the East and from the West come lifeless Sands and rocks, and native river regularly spreads, turning all her fertile valley in the muddy swamp.

However, people are not dying and not migrate; it elects brilliant tactics continuous irrigation. All fit for sowing the land is covered by a network of large and small channels. Desert suspended, softened the consequences of floods.

In Europe distant ancestors of the Greeks, Romans, and Slavs still beat within the dense thickets a club cave bear, and over the great hapi already another... In the middle of his flow occurs mesopotaimia culture of Badari, in the Delta of the emerging civilization Merida. The hour of birth of the two kingdoms that then will unite under one white and red crown wearing affectionate nickname "grabitela heads” first Pharaoh Narmer, he Menes...

What are the tribes which blood mingled then Nile waters? Strange light-skinned people came there, perhaps, from the depths of Africa; pitched their tents of proeuropa, who followed the Mediterranean isthmus before I washed it the Flood.

And yet, hitherto thought by some scholars have settled in the fertile valley of the surviving descendants of the inhabitants of the mysterious, destroyed by the Flood of the country, the Atlantis, whose colony was probably the most ancient Egypt. The famous mother of king Khufu, in Greek of Khufu, the Builder of the greatest pyramids, the Queen Hetepheres, was, according to portraiture, found in the tomb, blonde with light eyes; unusual elongated shape are the skulls of the early kings...

Whatever it was, was gone mysterious "Roma”, the people That -- Who, by the drop dissolved in the streams of the great invasions and migrations. But still meet sometimes the handsome policeman in Cairo, a copy of Ramses the Second, then the stewardess domestic airlines, more like a Princess, with ancient paintings, than Arab girl...

Among the Sands

Maybe all the tricks irrigation inherited by the Egyptians that the Atlanteans? Crafts, the rapid development of which caused him progress in other areas?

After all routing channels requires knowledge of geometry, terms floods are determined by the starry sky, water supply to the field unthinkable without elementary mechanisms, etc. Maybe... But then do another, purely ideal inheritance left to his disciples proud of Atlanta, whether Egyptians themselves acquired this national feature... but, through all their history is feeling its originality.

Sort of, the oldest on Earth, racism, swaggering "Aristo”... Apparently, is too great a temptation to feel himself a civilized among wild and wise among the ignorant; live in the land, into thy efforts in the earthly Paradise, and know how poor and barbarically-dense other tribes in comparison with thy chosen!

The temptation of pride, for the most dangerous and strong... Many years ago was an American film "Zardoz” - fiction, far terrible future.

A small bunch of Immortals scientists lives in his handmade Eden - Vortex - protected by a force field, and around lies lifeless planet, and hungry Horde scratched into an invisible wall. It all ends with the invasion of bloodthirsty rabid riders, extermination immortal.

History proves the appropriateness of such a finale... In the Egyptian Museum, I saw painted relief: presumptuous Pharaoh holds her hair three bearded foreigners.

Any man that's born out of The one Who was conceived merely a potential enemy and a slave. And then one day, destroying the city and stamping shoots, lovingly cared Vortex Middle Kingdom invaded warriors "chekist”, which was later distorted named by the Hyksos.

Especially hated were the Hyksos residents TA-Who also because worshipped the conquerors Sutejo, or Sethu, the main enemy of the wasteland, the embodiment of the desert destructive heat...

Thus began a wave of intrusion, when Arab cavalry AMR Ibn al-Asa has routed the Byzantine garrisons, and the country became an Islamic... But back to the "atlantskog” pride. Modern Egyptians, entirely ArabIsraeli and Islamized, at first sight, it is quite strange. Moreover, in their behavior rarely notice a hint of dignity.

Pretty six-year-old boy in the hotel "Santana” pretends that he is the operator, accompanied tourists on the floor, and stretched out his little hand for "baksheesh” (the total for the whole of East title handouts).

Adult "businessmen” where navyazchivie and bolder. In a village near Luxor, among the rocks, where the whole population lives in the trade of Souvenirs, a big man ran after me, trying to foist black basalt Anubis, and so thrashed figurine of the God of the dead on the walls of the houses, with their plaster rained, - has proved the authenticity of the stone... as soon as I left him...

The national dignity of the Egyptians

Great President Nasser announced that all historical heritage from the ancient times, belongs to the Arab people of Egypt. It does not prevent the lovers of baksheesh to treat the old purely consumer, as a profitable business.

In the same villages near the ruins of some of the Ramesseum or Hatshepsut temple facades of houses and Fabrice Souvenirs crudely painted-striking similarities famous murals; at the entrance to the famous Cairo's Khan El Khalili on the sign Tutankhamen with his wife even drink coffee, which is a complete anachronism...

And yet want to say that the original sense of separateness from the souls of the Egyptians did not disappear, though, and has taken an unexpected form. The year 1999, my second visit to Egypt with the creative team of the TV program "Dialogue with Sphinx”.

Director Irina Shatohina and cameraman Vladimir Denbnovetsky OblomovAli for expressive "Eastern” frame quiet grey donkey, grazing on the hill in old Cairo. But jumps out of the car, our guide, a young charming Semen (we call him Simon), and just a little does not reset the camera on a tripod.

Why such an outrage? Ass here, clear, at anything. He simply goes against the background of the ruins, which in the country is quite a lot, together with their hungry, ragged population. And the Egyptians, unlike us, the masochist, do not admire his "slur” and don't like when it draws attention to the newcomers...

But later, in the car, Sameh so sincerely and ardently spoke about foreign cinematographers, creating ugly, grotesque image of his country, its glorious past - for example, in films, devoted to the biblical story of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt!.. He really suffered humiliation inflicted on his people.

And there were other episodes, say, in 1997, during my first visit, for the filming of the TV show "Mystery”. Then the three of us - Director Alexander Melnik, the operator Mikhail Lebedev and me violently attacked passers-by. You see, we took the lens is pretty, but ragged and dirty children... Oh yeah, were once the pride, for the oppression of the strangers severely punished and pharaohs, and the princes and peasants.

The very nature of their centuries was stopped; now the sacred shores are inhabited by descendants of Arabia of the Mujahideen, the Ottoman Turks, the Mamluks were former slaves from the Caucasus, from the steppes of Polovtsian... some fantastic genetic examination could we find long-relatives Khan Konchak!..

But once again think about the national dignity of the Egyptians, so let naive show, the - can't get away from the idea that it is based not arrogance of slaveholders, but something very different, still worthy of respect. Well, say, self-respect the choice largest, already the sixth thousand years australiaomega this region, wedged in the yellow hands of Seth. Working pride...

But, actually, the first number of years, I mentioned, fifty centuries that passed from the merger into a single state of the Upper and Lower kingdoms of Egypt, is quite enough, that the settled agricultural community, constantly urged to ingenuity of nature itself has developed and crafts, and the highest art, and bold scientific thought, and deep religious philosophy. I dare to suggest, is a philosophy that "programmed” development of ideas in the middle East and in Europe...

Back to the cold to the memory of the days when, about 3700 years ago, The Who, weakened by internecine strife between the king and rulers of the provinces, broke fans of Saleha, violent Hyksos. What brought them, except destruction? For example, iron weapons, largely providing them victory.

In the sacred texts

Probably among the innovations that have changed the future of the Black Earth (and not only), may also include the arrival of some tribes, related to Hyksos by blood. They were called in Assyrian texts "Habiru”, or "Habari”. Known also another option names: "ibim”, i.e. "on the other hand” - meaning the other side of the Euphrates river...

The name of the warlike nomads lived up to our days in familiar to all form: the Jews. The biblical Patriarch Abraham was, apparently, the leader of birth ibrim, then came in the Nile Delta and settled there on Nizhnetagilskij the land of Goshen.

Relationship with the Hyksos went out to the Jews favor: they peacefully grazed their cattle were multiplied, and some people from Habiru even reached high positions in the state. The Bible mentions Joseph, son of Jacob, which was the first Minister in gexeckuhi Pharaoh...

So passed century. But here were exiled chekist. In a series of kings, The-Who was Ramses the Second, the warrior and the Builder, has ever happened yet. Everything in it was different inhuman scale. Chronicle tells how Ramses alone scattered whole squads new enemies, the Hittites.

Forever a lack of Rameses slaves and prisoners of war for construction works; one day, not long thinking, Jews from Goshen drove to build new cities. Since they did not go out of the Egyptian slavery. In ancient mines of Sinai, where they extracted the turquoise found inscriptions on the Semitic language is not enslaved whether ibrim left them?..

Later, when Pharaoh Merneptah, rose to Jabiru; leader and prophet of them became Moshe - Moses. The biblical tale of how in infancy mother put him in a basket to sail on the Nile, as picked up by Moses by Pharaoh's daughter, was a fairy tale did not hold water, it is simply written off with the legendary biography of the Assyrian king Sargon.

More authentic other information. Moshe was lucky: he did not break ore, and graduated from the College of priests of the sun God RA in Heliopolis, received a high dedication - and it is out of Egypt ruled the idea of the invisible one God, the Creator of the Universe!

In the sacred texts of Egypt you can find the dogmas are not only old Testament of faith, but one that is much later was named after the Essene preacher Yeshua the Messiah (Greek - Jesus Christ). The concept of original sin and redemption in the afterlife of judgment, Paradise and hell, the future resurrection of all the dead in the flesh,... the Spring festival associated with the resurrection from the dead God Usera (Osiris), became the prototype of the Christian Easter.

Baby Jesus with his mother and stepfather were hiding in Egypt from Herod and behold the image of Mary with the infant God surely has acquired features of a millennia-old Canon That Somebody image Iset (ISIS), hiding his son Choir from the evil pursuer, all the same Seth... Egyptian spiritual program, and Moses put of the priestly school, and all-minded ibrim received over 400 years of stay on the Nile, have transformed the world.

Judaism, along with his secret part, Kabbalah, the generated; which blew the closeness of the Jewish dogmas, colossal movement of Christianity and Islam also bear the seal of the religion That Is Whom. The breath of the pyramids swept from Arabia to Norway, from Siberia to Argentina... But still - innermost sanctuary of faith in the one, Ineffable, the main focus of the spirit, storming the heavens, long remained Egypt....

Once this night, from 30 April to 1 may, was the night of the spring holiday Germanic pagans. According to the Christian calendar, she had the day before the day of the Holy Valpurgy - here and now Walpurgis night. Fanatics, in the name of Christ shed his hatred of all healthy and happy, believed that at this time the evil owns the land and witches have their coven. The European dark Ages announced mountains - broken, Blocksberg and other places demonic "gatherings”...

Despite the gloomy superstition, this night 1999 we ascended the mountain, believing that a move to the eternal light, and accordingly change internally. However, the mountain was special: it was called Jebel Musa (Mount Moses), or simply Sinai... the Steep trail, rough stone steps we climbed to the top, burdened with their sins, video camera BSP and stand to it.

Wealthy pilgrims carried Bedouin camel, grape and sides almost pushing into the abyss Hiking climbers, " I'm afraid riders was equally difficult to feel the mystical mood that night, as they are as the animals go through the eye of a needle... Gasping, increasingly making halts, cursing obryvalin hands equipment, we, however, were in a hurry, because the tradition ordered to meet the dawn exactly where the prophet of Israel in a fiery cloud was Yahweh God, and to shoot a touching scene of reading the Bible in different languages.

In a pink-purple haze before sunrise we overcame the last climb, and he saw the Church, folded on top of the blocks, delivered by the same way we barely dragged own body and not too heavy equipment. And around the secluded bizarre, as if by the hand of the sculptor made reliefs, brown wrinkled peaks were other churches or chapels, similarity white, almost detached from earthly "Himalayan stronghold” painted by Nicholas Roerich.

And to them, clearly visible in intensifying the may morning, led by the slopes zigzags ancient trails. These goat stitches carried monks from the bottom of the valley, each plate and the Board, every icon and every link fence, each sash and each nail. The temples were built on the threshold of the sky, along the way, free from all selfish wretch; it burns all of weakness, all the heritage of cunning, predatory and Horny primacy made man on the steep path to the peak of evolutionary Sinai...

The narrow gate

The great spiritual toilers have always created the land of Egypt. ...From the time of the Caliph al-Mamun, who was looking in the tomb of Khufu treasures antediluvian kings, and to this day last disputes - for what, in fact, built the Great Pyramid?

The coffins were empty - but it may mean that the mummies of the pharaohs were just perepleteny. This happened sometimes, for reasons, for us it is incomprehensible...

Many around the man-made mountain winds and does a fantastic fiction - old occult, how "divine energy descend from above on top of the pyramid-like tree with the root at the top and crown at the bottom, and then spread across the Earth”, to the latest, like crazy "hypothesis” of one of Kiev that the pyramids were... Helio-installations for water level control in the Nile.

But I am attracted to one assumption made, in particular, by Helena Blavatsky. I felt it possible justice when, bent, a narrow passage came down in the depths of the tomb khafra.

This way, says Blavatsky, symbolizes death and a new birth; it is the same "narrow gate”, the leading in the world updated, blessed life with God, about which mentions the Evangelist Matthew.

But not only that: the downward and upward moves only brought dedicate (probably student priestly school) to the present, serious test. Man was placed in the tomb of Pharaoh, perhaps, on many days, and covered a huge stone cover.

Darkness, silence, bendiga that terrible loneliness in the depths of the pyramid... not whether alone with the Royal mummy, nasheptyval unfathomable mysteries of another world? According to legend, the subject here was the Master of Masters, a creature with the face of a lion. He opened "secret name of God, that giveth power”.

The future priest learned for themselves "eternity of Life, Light and Truth and illusion of Death, Darkness and Sin.” The new man has risen from the tomb, with the soul, purified from all shallow and selfish. Unless, of course, not going crazy... Not visited there - or in the heart of the pyramid Cheops - student Heliopolis school RA, young Moshe?..

Went sorokoletya gods, allegories properties of the Supreme principle, but remained practice of initiation of the Transfiguration of the soul of appearance, and became Egypt the first centuries of our era - the Motherland of monkhood, bright lamp of early Christianity. Before the Sinai heights was white border with heaven Church, under the Alexandria escaped Saint Anthony, suffered terrible temptations and fears from demons, later depicted by Bosch and Dali.

In an abandoned in the desert temples found refuge gone from the world hermits; and, perhaps, a beautiful maiden with frescoes or reliefs, depicting the life of naked people in Paradise valley That Somebody really tormented their anguish on a pipe...

Then there was built first on Earth kin, hostel for hundreds of thousands of ascetics. The vineyard of Christ, garden ancient piety Egypt was called before the arrival of the Muslims. But does the rise of Sinai was not a development of the ritual of initiation in the pyramids, the upward toward the light?

And the monastery on top of the mountain not made by the likes of tombs of the cradles for all who decided to endure bodily death alive and new shining birth in the spirit?..

The main mystery of the Black Earth

And now - about the main miracle, the main secret of the Black Earth; what I found in the yard of a new hotel in Sharm-al-Sheikh, a resort, founded less than thirty years ago on a thin coastal strip near the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, near former military airfield Israelis, now serving the tourists from all over the world (us, as anyone of Kiev brought there the Agency "planet Tour Ramses”).

There at the hotel, I saw, as workers are planted on a small lawn modest flowers, including field chamomile who so lightly tearing and we trample on our generous Dnieper meadows.

Every Bush colors is taken out of the package, along with soil brought to distant lands across the sea; and each planted Bush is supplied as a separate thin hose water supply.

And still. On the banks of the Nile in Cairo, where the green and blossom magnificent tropical undergrowth, each palm, it turns out that grows in his tub, and every Botanical miracle has its pot.

...We all know how Ukrainian peasants cultivate and cherish gardens and flowerbeds in their own backyards. But is it easy to imagine our countryman, klopotowskiego over poplar tree or tree, planted in tubs on the common ground of the slopes of the Dnieper?! Alas...

The ability to survive in terrible Stojakovi combating desert, with breathing warmly Sedom, whose yellow legs forever trying to bend the tender shoots of irrigated fields - that's the essence and soul of Egypt.

In a peasant care and thoroughness, restlessness and integrity of those whose hands were Israeli muddy land That Is What millions of large and small channels, those who invented the leather bucket Sadova and rotate bulls watering wheel Saki, that was the beginning of that colossal hardening will also incredibly strong desire for purity and freedom of the spirit, which have found their grandiose output and in the mysteries of the pyramids, and in the Prime of Christ first monasteries.

It's a pity that after all of conquest and colonial turmoil has become a modern Egypt routine semi-feudal state with protruding at every step portraits "given by Allah” Mubarak and a million homeless, sleeping in the main necropolis of Cairo. Sorry...

But as they say, "the night”, the deep times ahead deeper than behind us. But the momentum of the highest moral aspirations embodied Hermes Trismegistus, Imhotep, Moses, Christ and Muhammad, given to humanity forever.

May be, and faith in the future immortality of all living felt for the first time the farmer saw that exist in nature hopelessly dead, and above where works soul? And the bodies of their kings, and body close he was to keep on rotting, exactly grain destined sooner or later to come up and give the harvest.

What ' dead and bottomless heart” of Egypt, "the horror and the curse of Egyptian antiquities”? Yes it is not there. Invented it idle Western intellectuals, never seen you down hose with life-giving water to cherish on the edge of the desert shrub of daisies.
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