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Scientists from the U.S. space Agency NASA are convinced - contrary to many predictions, the end of the world in December of this year will not come. "Our planet was in good order for over 4 billion years, and allegations that soon coming end of the world, have no scientific basis" - noted in a statement posted on its website.
One of them, in particular, says that with the Earth will face wandering in the Solar system mythical planet Nibiru, the existence of which allegedly predicted the Sumerians. Originally a disaster for this scenario was planned in may 2003. However, when it did not, the end of the world was transferred on December 21, 2012. It is on this date, come the end of one cycle of the Mayan calendar, reminds ITAR-TASS.
But that's no reason to wait for the end of the world, experts say. "Time does not end just because hanging on your kitchen calendar ends on December 31. And the Mayan calendar does not end on 21 December 2012. This date is the last in a long period of system of calculation of time Maya, but then they begin a new cycle - just as you hang on the wall of the new calendar January 1,", - warned NASA scientists.
The researchers also refute and other common theory about the end of the world: the death of our planet as a result of collision with another celestial body, giant solar flare, the pole shift and "parade of planets" - astronomical phenomena, in which a certain number of planets of the Solar system is on one side from the Sun in the small sector.
On Thursday, NASA scientists, among which the astronomer, astrobiology and specialists for the study of asteroids and Sun, will hold for all comers Internet-conference in Google chat, during which detail about why the theory about the coming end of the world are pure fiction.