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In the possibility of the end of the world believe just over a third (34%), while not believe - 58%.
The results of the public opinion survey conducted by Research & Branding Group.
When it difficult to answer 8% mark in R&B.
Ukrainians middle age (30-39 years) believe in the possibility of the end of the world more often (35-37%)than young people (33%) and people older than 50 years (32%). Rural residents (40%) believe in the possibility of the end of the world a little more residents of regional centers (35%) and residents of other cities (29%). Residents of Western Ukraine (45%) believe in the possibility of the end of the world more residents of the center (36%) and South-East of Ukraine (27%).
In addition, respondents were asked the question, you have to wonder if they ever on such a topic as the possible end of the world.
Slightly less than one third of Ukrainians (32%) was conceived on the possible end of the world, while almost two-thirds of the population (65%) did not think about it ever. 3% of respondents could not answer the question, the study says.
The woman thought about the issue of possible end of the world more often than men (35% vs. 29%). Rural residents (37%) and residents of regional centers (34%) thought about the end of the world most often residents of other cities (28%). Residents of Western Ukraine (44%) thought about the issue of possible end of the world more often inhabitants of the Central regions (37%) and South-East of the country (24%).
The study was conducted 14-25 September by means of personal interviews in 27 regions of Ukraine. Altogether, 3114 people. Expected average sampling error is 2%.
As reported, Ukrainian scientists, meteorologists do not predict the end of the world on December 21, 2012 and any natural disasters think not. At the same time, they expect that on December 21-22 in Ukraine is expected wave of cooling.
At the same time, in some regions of the Russian Federation, according to meteorologist of the Russian Federation, the end of the world had come. "In Murmansk, Norilsk, light day zero hours zero minutes - no light there. We forecast that in Vorkuta on December 16 will be the end of the world - there's a light day too small" - said the Director of hydrometeorological centre of Russia Roman Vilfand.