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Начнем зановоThe end times, supposedly predicted by the ancient Mayan means only the beginning of the next calendar cycle

The hysteria over the end of the world, "scheduled for December 21, on the home straight. Around the world people with unstable mentality seek asylum in order to survive the Apocalypse. French village Byugarash in the Pyrenees was forced to move to a state of siege: some clairvoyants prophesied that in this place it is expected the appearance of aliens who will save everyone in the day of judgment.

Thanks to such advertising is already about a hundred thousand people expressed their desire book there a place on the Apocalypse. If the authorities will not take the situation under control, December 21 this village will certainly come to an end.

There seems to be absurd than to get in the top of the mountain and to the coming of the aliens? However, there are stories abruptly. For example, recently in one of the Newspapers of the Kirov region on the page with anecdotes and scan words published a message of unknown Tibetan monk about the approaching end times. In the local shops on the next day did not remain matches and canned goods. The most interesting is that all this fuss around the end of the world be quite scientific explanation...

Pleasure fear

"This kind of hysterical epidemic is very well described in psychiatry, - says the head of the Center for legal and psychological assistance in emergency situations, doctor of medical Sciences Mikhail Vinogradov. - Waiting for the end of the world, fear mongering cause the reaction of betnovate, and the level of personal development, education, intellect here is not of great importance. The end of the world await people defiantly hysterical circle. Among those who fear the end of the world, there are professors, and illiterate people. They are all United by fear, fear, fear and secret anticipation of a disaster. And a certain hope that the end of the world will take place, and they are in a cave in the forest, in the forest - it will survive".

The apocalyptic epidemics have as General social prerequisites and subjective. As noted by Professor of the philosophical faculty of Moscow state University of a name of M. of Century University, member of the Commission to combat pseudoscience Russian Academy of Sciences doctor of philosophical Sciences Valery Kuvakin, talks about the end of the world can be a criterion of health or ill-health of society: "If society is sick, ignorant, some talk about the Apocalypse get very wide resonance, up to the planned hikes in some sacred mountain".

Talking about the coming end of the world come to life in conditions of crisis. "Any prediction of the end of the world, if you delve into the history anyway focuses on some critical situations that were in the company in one or another period of its development", - says Deputy Director of the State Museum of the East, on scientific work doctor of arts Tigran Mkrtychev. People, he says, every once in a particular crisis situation it is important to get the confirmation that everything is bad. This should happen not because everything is really bad, but because there's some higher power, which will put all points over "i", even at the last moment. "Now there are a number of negative trends, " continues Mkrtychev. - In addition to the economic crisis marked a crisis of tolerance, the crisis of culture and so forth." This is the social problems of the world order, are not being addressed. What is not a reason for the mass hysteria around December 21.

The global nature of the current panic is determined by the unprecedented development of mass media, from Newspapers, TV, radio and ending with the Internet, social networks. So, for example, before waiting for Armageddon was associated with only one religious tradition. In the Middle ages, Christians were able to wait for the end of the world on a certain day, and Muslims treat it calmly. Now, when the information field cover all without exception, the feeling of a global catastrophe. For example, opening a newspaper in the subway, where it is reported that on 21 number assigned to the end of the world, any person unwittingly becomes the partner of this event.

In addition, each person is present fear of death. "In childhood all told each other stories about the black hand, and before heard stories about Baba Yaga. It is a way to get in touch with fear not directly but indirectly," says existential therapist Anastasia Preobrazhenskaya. However, as says the doctor directly to admit that life is finite, the person is difficult. It is easier to anxious some indirect way, but not to think about her life in specific circumstances.

Mikhail Vinogradov believes that the idea about the end of the world some people just get pleasure: "As masochists get pleasure from pain, and these people are from the fears that they cultivate". This religion does not play a big role. The dominant is peculiar to the person of any religion of fear, masochistic pleasure to them, and the main thing is the idea that everything will perish, and he will survive.

The memory of ancestors

In this connection, we should remember where we went talk about the date of December 21. The story is this: the British researcher Lawrence Joseph in his book "Apocalypse 2012: optimist studies the end of civilization", published in early 2007, told the world about the Mayan calendar, which somehow ends abruptly in 2012. This, according to the British, directly referring to the Apocalypse. Then a myriad of different researchers has revealed the light of their own scenarios of what the Indians could envisage. The most often mentioned today disasters related to space and specifically with the Sun, problems with the magnetic field of Earth, as well as the emergence of a deadly virus. So should we expect on December 21, something extraordinary?

Leading researcher of the laboratory of x-ray astronomy of the Sun of the Physical Institute of name P. N. Lebedev of RAS, doctor of physical-mathematical Sciences Sergey Bogachev assured "Results"that from the Sun, our planet is no threat in the near future does not come. He ridiculed the two most popular among the predictors of the script. The first of them says that the Sun will explode and will immediately destroy the Earth. On it Sergey Bogachev says, "the Sun-like Star in the Galaxy there are many, even in the closest to us around and at different stages of life." Scientists can observe how the Sun was young, what it is now and to see the old dying stars that were once the same as the Sun. Accordingly, the life cycle of stars like the Sun are well studied, and astrophysics know that they are very stable. "It is a big happiness for us, this means that they can Shine with the same brightness for billions of years," says the scientist. Taking into consideration the fact that the Sun today has existed for about 5 billion years, and the average lifespan of such stars 10 billion, it turns out that Earthmen waiting an eternity stability. Moreover, even at the end of his life, the Sun will explode. Exploding stars of a certain mass, approximately two times heavier than the mass of the Sun, and less massive stars die quietly," says astrophysicist.

In the second scenario on the star should occur strongest flares, which will cause a blackout of planetary scale and bring civilization to nothing. This scientist says that the Sun is observed for about 260 years. It experiences some fluctuations, it fixed fairly mild outbreak, but for all this time there was nothing that could be seen as a harbinger of the Apocalypse. Observations confirm the fact that the Sun is the star is very stable and is not able to destroy the Earth.

The next version of the catastrophe is connected with ostensibly expected on December 21, a parade of planets. Astrologer Pavel Globa: "Any astrologer, or the astronomer, looked up to heaven, definitely say that no parade of planets in December is not planned". Globa, however, adds that astrology is nothing specific about end of the world cannot say: "in order to predict the date of the end of something, you need to know the date. No one knows the date, when he formed the Earth, so the cycle from the point of view of astrology cannot be computed".

There were also concerns that December 21 may happen something extraordinary with magnetic poles of the Earth: that will shift the axis of the planet, which will disappear in the Earth's magnetic field, which, like a shell that protects us from harmful solar radiation and at the same time keeps the atmosphere at the surface of the planet. The Director of the astronomical Observatory of the Irkutsk state University doctor of physical-mathematical Sciences Sergey Yazev says that "the astrophysicists and geophysicists there is no reason to expect something terrible. None of the asteroid us not threatened, no comet on us will not fall. Axis will also not occur simply because it does not happen".

As for the threat of biological Apocalypse head of chair of Microbiology, Virology and immunology, St. Petersburg state medical University named after I. P. Pavlov, doctor of medical Sciences Victor CHP clearly stated "Results"that "according to the laws of epidemiology, if even now there is a germ killer of all, he would simply not have time to 21 December to spread out.

And finally, associate Professor of ancient history, historical faculty of Moscow state University of a name of M. of Century University, member of the European Association of mayanist candidate of historical Sciences Alexander Safronov authoritative confirmed "Results"that the end of the big 5200-year cycle calendar Indians December 21, means nothing other than the beginning of a new, exactly the same cycle on the same calendar. That is, as explained by the scientist, this is similar to how we, Gregorian, calendar ends in a year or Millennium, after which comes next, is the same for the duration of the period.

So much so, that in the end of last week to refute rumors about the Apocalypse had from the rostrum of the state Duma. The Deputy from LDPR Mikhail Degtyarev said that information about end of the world is a scientific fact and that working in the legislative body scientists responsible ready to say no end of the world will not.

The sun will rise

To refute the rumors concerning the close of the end times, the sound of the last four years, almost every day. But people persistently continue to believe in it. Why? You can, of course, to remember that the Apocalypse was prophesied by St. John. Since then, says Valery Kuvakin, it and wait, "well, the Bible said would be, there will be, the more there is not clear when this will happen." Perhaps this explains the great variety of the date of the end of the world, and already past, and predicted for the future. Last week representatives of the three main in Russia religions - Orthodoxy, Islam, and Judaism, said that neither of which end of the speech can not go.

But where is the perseverance in error? Teacher of Chelyabinsk branch of Russian Academy of education, candidate of philosophical Sciences Nadezhda Usova, for example, is sure that the person who has declared on December 21 by the end of the world, very subtly knew psychology and esoterics. The thing is that since then, there was a reasonable man, in late December, he observed a completely objective astronomical phenomenon - the winter solstice. By December 21, our luminary invariably reached the lowest declination angle above the Earth, the day became very short. People there was a strong feeling of approaching end of the world. And in some places just came polar night... For centuries this observation was accumulated in the collective memory of mankind. And now all this information is actualized, were mixed with finely built forecast and date. Now we should wait until December 22, and make sure that the Sun again rose over the horizon.

Vladimir Kryuchkov
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