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Russian MPs, rescuers, forecasters, astrologers and doctors do not believe in the offensive "end of the world" on December 21. However, they still failed to convince some easily suggestible citizens who in any case are procured medicines and necessities.
According to the latest public opinion poll, in Russia about the predicted "end of the world" know almost everything: 57% are well aware of this, 40% had heard something, but do not know the details. Almost every tenth Russian (9%) believes "end of the world" December 21, likely, the majority of Russians (88%) is sure that this day will not.
The reason for the fear "end of the world", regularly occur in the human history, this time filed a calendar of ancient Maya civilization ending December 21, 2012. Many saw this as a sign that that day allegedly comes "end of the world".
Fears challenged and a Tibetan monk, of prophecy, of which in October spread through the media. According to his predictions, the Earth on December 21, at 10:00 MSK supposedly will pass through the galactic "zero band", and the planet on three or four days will be plunged into darkness and silence, there is no electricity and communications.
Not the end, but the beginning
However, the myth "end of the world" quickly dispelled specialists of the Mayan civilization.
So, archaeologist-pianist Yuri polyukhovich explained that the concept of "end of the world" in the culture of the Maya was not, and the date December 21, 2012 they considered to be the beginning of a new era. In particular, according to him, the so-called "the Monument 6" from the settlement of Tortuguero in the Mexican state of Tabasco contain the words that December 21, 2012 will end in another era and start a new one.
Insolvency of rumors about "end of the world" dismiss Russian officials, astronomers, astrologers, scientists, and even the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.
For example, the Minister of emergency situations Vladimir Puchkov was told to wait "end of the world" it is not necessary yet. "In the near future we can expect threats of natural character. But they will not be global" - said Vuchkov earlier to journalists.
"I say to you openly, " he said. - There are appropriate methods of monitoring of what is happening in the world. And absolutely proven that a global catastrophe to happen about once every 10-15 million years. And the last serious cataclysms that have influenced the development of human civilization, happened a few hundred years ago".
Do not believe in the Apocalypse and the Deputy head EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow Sergey Anikeev. "We are in the fable about "end of the world" do not believe, though willing to help people in any emergency situation," said Saykeev journalists.
The head of the Roman Vilfand meteorologist said that "meteorologists optimistic", and his Agency does not fix in the nature of any unusual phenomena, indicating the approach of "end of the world".
"The hydrometeorological center of Russia forecasts not "end of the world", and reduction of light day. Until December 22, every day of the astronomical day will be less and less. And on December 22-23, it will be only seven hours - is very small. No other traits associated with "the end of time"no", said Vilfand.
No reasons for concerns, and the head of Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko: "as far As I know, no objective reasons for such forecasts no one has".
Onishchenko advised to punish people, spreading rumors about the alleged "end of the world", however to make it it is suggested that the following day. "22 December the authors of these rumors have to claim for the escalation of unjustified passions. If you try to calculate the risks, which caused this information, it will be an occasion for economic claims" - he said.
Astrologers also see no reason to talk about the upcoming "end of the world".
The founder of the Union of professional astrologers Boris Boiko called talk of a coming Apocalypse "next topic to distract people away from more pressing problems". "No astronomical and astrological meaning there is no", - he stressed.
The head of the Russian astrological school Alexander Zaraev urged not to take seriously the talk about "end of the world" and recommended to tune in for good. "No anomalies from the point of view of astrology 21 December are not expected. If to speak about the parade of planets that scare people, it will not be" - he said.
Couldn't stay away from the discussion of this issue and the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.
"I still about "end of the world" you say a few words to say. I don't believe in "end of the world", anyway, this year. But I believe that will be the end of this year. And by the end of this year we must all prepare" - said Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with Russian TV channels.
Stalin, candle and wild Orchid
Certain of the baseless rumors "end of the world" and convinced Communists. "We are materialists, and in these eccentricities and ridiculous rumors do not believe" - said Russian state Duma Deputy, first Secretary of the Moscow city Committee of the Communist party Valery Rashkin.
He reminded that on December 21 marks the 133-th anniversary since the birth of Joseph Stalin and the leadership of the Communist party will celebrate this date with laying flowers at his grave at the Kremlin wall.
However, some Russians, despite all the assurances, just in case, still trying to prepare for the future, not only morally. For example, they began to buy medicines, as well as those items that, in their opinion, may be necessary in order to survive the Apocalypse.
In particular, in the Tomsk enterprising citizens were sold "Sets to meet the end of the world". The kit includes : identification card is a badge with a piece of paper on which is printed fields for first name, last name and other data; a set of medicines (Valerian, activated coal, bandage, validol); a bag with buckwheat as the most necessary of grains, the Bank sprat and a small bottle of vodka. Also in the mix, you can find a notebook, a pencil, two candles, a box of matches, a rope and a soap.
In the Russian capital also decided to capitalize on fears of possible disasters. The price of kits for "end of the world" in Moscow ranges from 1900 to 10 thousand rubles, depending on performance: "standard", the "advanced" and "extra save".
In standard sets, in particular, includes one packet of salt and refined sugar, 10 boxes of matches, one package of dry spirit, two liters of water, two cans of stew, one package of buckwheat, a compass, a set of pens and pencils, 10 sheets of paper, a piece of soap, a whistle and hunting matches. In the "advanced" to set apart this includes one Bank of condensed milk, four banks of various canned food, chocolate, packaging wet wipes, a small adhesive tapes, packaging bags for garbage, four rolls of toilet paper, first aid kit, flashlight with spare batteries, five cotton-gauze bandages, a respirator, one square meter of a polyethylene film. In the set of "extra save" added map of Moscow, a list of emergency phone numbers, set (knife, pliers, screwdriver, epoxy clay, oxygen cylinder, two radios and a gas mask.
In addition, the Muscovites prefer in advance stock soothing before the day of the Apocalypse. "In addition to the standard seasonal fluctuations has increased the demand for mild sedative drugs in a full range. Preference is given herbs and preparations based on natural ingredients. But, what is most interesting, has also increased the demand and increased significantly on the means for body care and medical cosmetics" - said "Interfax" in the Directorate, one of the capital's pharmacies.
Several dozens of megadance'm going to wait out the night "end of the world" in an abandoned military bunker, which use straykbolisty. The author of the idea, told the journalists that "at 21:00 local time (13:00 GMT) on December 21, the door of the bunker will close in the light of the survivors of the Apocalypse will come almost through the night". He added that the task is "undeterred, and have a good time", and megadance entertainment competitions. The walls of the bunker already painted artists, creating the "right" entourage.
In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky "end of the world" will celebrate mass start of air lanterns in honor "new world". There are 21 December decided to arrange a holiday, visitors who "waiting for video coverage of the fragments of my favorite comedies and humorous video from the Internet, suitable for family viewing, as well as various contests and quizzes", have informed in city hall.
And in the Botanical garden of Perm state scientific research University on the eve of the coming Apocalypse suddenly bloomed rare Orchid called "Dove of peace". "It petals alabaster-one white, under the form remind the flying dove" - said the press service of the University. Originally this plant from Panama forests, where it blooms considered favorable sign, bringing happiness. Residents of Panama, Brazil, Peru and Costa Rica's call it the Holy Ghost Orchid. "Our scientists and students are convinced that now is no "end of the world" will not happen" - said the Agency interlocutor.
Psychiatrists: "people in black cat believe"
The hype around "end of the world" in early December, has spurred some deputies of the state Duma to appeal to the TV channels with a request not to frighten viewers and give the word scientists to debunked the myth about the coming Apocalypse.
"The volume of this kind of "fried" Teledata exceeded all reasonable limits and can no longer be perceived only sarcastic grin" - said in the letter to deputies.
They note that "information of the Federal television channels has a high level of trust among our citizens, has a profound impact on the attitudes and behavior of people". "Active maintenance in the media themes "end of the world" negatively affects psychophysical and emotional condition of many people and causes some of them to inappropriate actions" - warn MPs.
Meanwhile psychiatrists sympathetic to those who give in to all sorts of vague prophecies. As stated by the chief psychiatrist of the Ministry of health Zurab Kekelidze, people who think "end of the world" will come, not necessarily mentally ill.
"Talk "end of the world" are, perhaps, throughout the history of mankind. People should react to it quietly - it is that part, which can easily vosem. Some still go to stock up matches, salt and flour, although the real reason for this, no", said Skatelites.
According to him, some people believe "all the signs, for example, that you cannot shake hands across the threshold, though it has no relation to religion, to anything, but people believe in it". "In a black cat believe, and so on. Is sumosalad, and other make - something might happen" - said chief psychiatrist.
"The same thing with numbers. People tend to symbolism, the linkage of some events in some situations and so on", - he said. He reminded that in 2000 also said that there will come a "end of the world". "When this did not happen, said that it was a mistake for 200 years" - said Skatelites.
He stressed again that the rumors about "end of the world" December 21 groundless. "No evidence that would confirm the upcoming "end of the world" - scientific nor, as far as I know, religious - there is no", - said the chief psychiatrist.