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In 2013 in the USA will enter into force hundreds of new laws. Many of them are rather unusual. The American media has published some of them - those that are particularly surprised local journalists
"Stronger hold on their civil liberties, America" - writes The Atlantic, - "Legislators want to decide how many cats can be a citizen and if it should provide an employer with a link to your page on Facebook".
According to the publication, in 2013 in the state Kentuckey comes into force, for example, a law prohibiting citizens to disperse a herd of wild pigs.
In the state where the hunting of these animals is a popular pastime, this has become a big problem. Local media write: "If you have the urge to scare "Hrubesch" for fun, can leave it in 2012".
In California banned sex with prison inmates.
It is known that the guards in American prisons are not allowed into the camera to prisoners, to avoid cases of sexual violence. But, as in California, there were cases of sex between prison guards and prisoners during the escort to court (although it remained unclear whether it was rape), a state legislature considered it necessary to enter into force of this law.
Also in this state officially banned employers require links to pages on Facebook or "Twitter" when hiring people to work.
According to the newspaper, the people of the state are often faced with the practice, when the employer asks you to familiarize yourself with the data that people post about themselves on social networks, which, according to the media (and now - and legislators) violates the rights and freedoms of the individual.
The most amazing legislative ban in California resulted in a ban on getting people with non-traditional sexual orientation in the trash with the aim to make them heterosexual.
Probably, such a practice existed in California earlier.
People who are not licensed to carry a gun or hunting ticket, banned the demonstration of the people firearms.
"It looks as if many will still be able to demonstrate their gun others" - comments The Atlantic
In Illinois banned Santa Claus-pedophiles (edition calls them "Pedo-Santas"). Came into force the law prohibits people who served a sentence for pedophilia, dress up for the holidays in the costumes of Santa Claus, the Easter hare and other cartoon characters and come to the children. And they are prohibited to give children candy on Powers.
Also, Illinois officially banned necrophilia.
It is difficult to imagine, but in the state of no law prohibiting sex with the dead, said the media.
"The death of a loved one is certainly a great loss, but even such grief should not lead to an increase in the number of criminal cases. This is completely unacceptable", - said the member of the house of representatives of Illinois Daniel Beiser, one of the authors of the new law.
In Kansas, was forbidden to hold more than four Pets.
In Kansas lot of homeless cats, so the government has decided that people can contain a house not more than four. According to the head of the local police Tracy Jeff: "We picked up a couple of hundred cats a year. We hope that the new resolution can reduce this number is".
In Concord, Massachusetts, banned little plastic water bottles. In order to protect the environment drinking water in the city will no longer sell in a small container and "single" bottles. However, the newspaper writes, there is a suspicion that the producers of plastics is easy to bypass the law, just making water bottles large.
In the district of Snohomish (Washington) forbade delicacy of horse meat.
"Gourmets from Snohomish no longer be able to enjoy pony" - ironically The Atlantic
Local authorities prohibited to eat horse meat, although in the past year in the US again (after a six-year hiatus, has allowed to produce the meat. The debate about whether it is ethical to eat horse meat, go in many Western countries, but many American experts note that the resumption of production horsemeat will help the economy by creating new jobs for Americans, and help "ensuring food security of the country".
It should be noted that, according to the publication 1951, in Time magazine, which with reference to Wikipedia leads The Atlantic Cities, the problem of eating horse meat to the North-West of the USA stood very sharply in the last century: "eat Horse meat still, and if earlier people pretended "is their dogs"now they explicitly recognize that on the table it and give tips on cooking stew horse meat and horse fillet".
In General, lots of strange, funny and wonderful laws in the United States has long been a byword. In the Internet there is even a website, where some of them (according to the creators of the site - the meeting of the strangest laws - the most full in the network).
For example, in Alabama prohibited to disclose umbrella, if there are horses so as not to frighten animals, writes site.
Alaska is forbidden to Wake the sleeping bears a flash, but it is not forbidden to hunt them.
In Arizona you can put to prison for 25 years for a plucked cactus. This law, as stated, was adopted in order to protect some species of cacti, almost exterminated by fans to break them or shoot a gun.
In California Pets are not allowed in public mate closer than 1,500 feet from catering companies, schools and religious institutions.
Florida doctor has no right to ask the patient question whether they have weapons, and residents of Hawaii can be fined if they own no boats.
In Iowa, if you kiss in public, kiss under the law may not last longer than five minutes.
In Kansas prohibited to catch fish with bare hands, and in Massachussets - to treat patients in hospitals beer.
In Nevada men should not drink alcohol more than three people, including ourselves, and more than once a day.
In the state of new Mexico, the city Carinoso, women are forbidden to appear unshaven in public. And in city Deming prohibited hunting in the town cemetery. In Ohio, there is also a ban on hunting - but only on whales and only on Sundays.
In the state of Texas may not be sold (as organs for transplantation) the human eye.
In the business capital of the United States - new York - women are not allowed to appear in public unveiled, if not required for their work.
In the same state of Wisconsin for some time was banned margarine.
Svetlana Maksimenko, Ilona Yarosh
On materials of foreign mass media.