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Истина, стоящая за 9 старыми предубеждениямиNow it just feels like obsidianus fact that swimming immediately after eating will lead you to what appeared suddenly cramp would take you to the bottom. Moreover, everyone knows that if you look too close to the TV, you can destroy your sight.

As pure superstition, these tales passed down from generation to generation, told family members and friends, so they take root so that not even succumb to doubts. These legends, which often relate to health and nutrition, ranging from completely absurd to partially plausible. Below are 9 my grandmother's fairy tales and the truth behind them.

1. If you start to swim, not having waited one hour after eating, you can grab cramp, and you can drown

Most children probably have heard from their parents that they have to wait an hour after a meal, and then jump into the water. Otherwise, they may drown. Actually, there is something plausible, because in this case zamecheno the change of blood flow in the body.

When you eat, your body increases the blood flow to the muscles of the abdomen, to help the digestive process. The more food you use, the more oxygen-rich blood flow to the muscles of your stomach to digest. But this means that it will be less in the blood circulation in the limbs that are active during exercise (be it Jogging, swimming, bicycling, or something else). Deprivation of muscles of the hands and feet of oxygen may be expected to cause seizures that presumably increases the risk of drowning.

For recreational swimmers risk to get cramp after eating is actually very low, because the body has enough oxygen, enough for the muscles of the abdomen, and extremities. The real danger lies in wait for those who are tightly go before a session energetic swimming. Indeed, in such cases may have convulsions and even vomiting. But, nevertheless, all the doctors in one voice say that it is unlikely to lead to drowning, if the swimmer will not totally panic and do not forget how to swim.

2. Cows lie down on the earth before the rain

How accurately you can predict the coming of the rain? Just visit a cow pasture. If all cows lying on the ground, there will be rain. At least, there is a superstition.

Some supporters prejudice undertook to find out why our four-legged friends fall in anticipation of precipitation, many of these theories are plausible. The simplest explanation is the cow just feel the increase of humidity and go to save part of dry grass.

According to another theory, cows do to ease their stomachs, which are expected to be sensitive to changes in air pressure caused by the rains.

The most difficult of the theories says that the cow limbs have microporous structure that quickly absorbs moisture. When the air with the approach of rain filled with moisture, limbs cows more and more absorb it up until not be quite soft and cannot support the weight of the animal.

However, there is any truth in all these explanations? Unlikely, because the cows lie down on the ground for many reasons, and there is no evidence that the rain is one of them. According to the almanac farmer: "if a cow lying in a field, it often means that she just decided to chew lying, and is not waiting for the rain". And indeed, if the weather would be carried out on the basis of behaviour of cows, they'd always be very dark.

3. Cats kill their babies, literally "sucking" ones life

With cats is due to several biases. Perhaps the most common of these is that black cats bring failure. Immediately follows the common opinion that cats suck the breath of her kittens that, ultimately kills them.

There are two prevailing ideas that can explain why your cat wants to strangle the joy that came to your house: the first says that cats love milk, and they like milk breath of their children; the second is based on a supposedly cat jealousy, when all your attention switches with them on their kids.

Experts doubt that cats purposefully strangle her kittens, most often it happens by chance during sleep, or games. But how is this myth has it become so popular?

4. Spicy foods contributes to the appearance of ulcers

For decades, doctors believed that if there is too much spicy food, you can trigger the development of stomach ulcer, or the appearance of painful ulcers in the lining of the esophagus, stomach or upper part of the small intestine. It certainly made sense, because patients often complained of pain in the stomach after eating spicy food. However, they were appointed as treatment just switch to soft foods that actually didn't get rid of ulcer pain.

But in the 1980s, scientists still dispelled this myth, at least in academic circles, because many people still believe it. Studies have shown that spicy foods not conducive to the emergence of ulcers, she just can irritate the existing probably because of this and there was a misunderstanding.

The real culprit of the appearance of the majority of the ulcer is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. When she enters the body, the bacteria immediately goes into the stomach, while highlighting protective enzymes to protect themselves from the digestive gastric juice. Getting into the stomach lining, which partially protect it from getting white blood cells, which are the main weapons of the immune system against bacteria. After the bacteria colonize the stomach, developing ulcers.

Today the treatment of peptic ulcer disease consists of the use of antibiotics, which kill the infection, but recent research showed that in this process efficient and cranberry juice. Interestingly, cranberry juice has long been part of another, possibly true, the assumption that it effectively combats infections of the urinary bladder.

The mechanism behind the work of cranberry juice in both cases is the same: compounds in cranberry juice prevents the adherence of bacteria to cells that make up the urinary tract and protect the stomach lining from them.

5. If you put the soap under a sheet, then you can get rid of leg cramps

Strange as it might sound, this "tale", but there are many anecdotal evidence to support this. Many people post on Internet forums on health this recipe and say that this is a home remedy can truly save people from night cramps legs. However, there is no scientific studies proving the effectiveness of this "treatment".

Similar to unconfirmed information exists to prevent restless legs syndrome, but on a smaller scale. Only in this case it is recommended to use the lavender soap. Experts say that the smell of lavender relaxing in itself and may be useful in this condition. However, there are no peer-reviewed studies lavender or lavender soap can be used for the treatment of restless legs syndrome.

So if you suffer from night cramps, can still try this method, although there is no evidence that these treatments work. What you lose? Only, as I write online proponents of this method, do not use soap Dove, with it you have nothing happens. Why? Your answer to this question is as good as any other.

6. After shaving new hair grow thick and rough

When you shave their legs, armpits, or any other part of the body, you may find that new hair grow thick and coarse. But it's actually not so.

Hair narrows at the end, so we see the thinnest part. When we have him with a razor, we "cut" thin part of the hair, and leave thick grow. It looks like every single "lock" takes a bit more space.

Furthermore, hair feels hard, because they are shorter and their "cut" straight across. Even the obvious dark hair is an illusion, because they seem to be darker because of the fact that now you see the point directly on your normal skin color.

Scientists conducted a research in which they tried to find out, does shaving the hair growth. In 1982, a study published in the journal of the Anatomical Record and conducted forensic anthropologist Mildred the Trotter (Mildred Trotter), concluded that shaving no impact on the growth rate, nor color, nor on the structure, or the texture of the hair. Recent studies have come to similar conclusions.

7. A birth to a child, lost a tooth

The well-known statement says that with every born child, woman loses one tooth mainly because of the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, which affect the health of the oral cavity. At that time, as is actually the ratio between the number of children a woman has and the number of lost its teeth does not exist, the experts really found a link between pregnantcompletely and some dental problems.

In 2005, a study of over 2,500 pregnant women, conducted by the experts of the College of dentistry at new York University, has shown that women with each new child does not lose teeth, but the chances of their loss increases. Also more and more children at risk of developing periodontal disease.

There are several reasons that can affect the health of the mouth of the pregnant woman. Among them - morning nausea vomiting destroys tooth enamel), dry mouth due to hormonal changes (less saliva increases the risk of dental caries), increase the desire to eat sweet foods and starchy foods (which can damage the teeth). In addition, studies have shown that pregnant women seldom visit the dentist.

However, this is not a new issue. In 2008, scientists found that since then, how did the rise of agriculture about 10,000 years ago and the boom of the human population, health of the oral cavity women was worse than that of men. Bear a child, lose a tooth? Probably not. Bear a child, will have dental problems? Possible.

8. Chocolate aggravates acne

Despite the fact that chocolate can be the best friend for your taste buds, he is the worst enemy of your skin. Sounds like another prejudice. But there is evidence that chocolate in any way connected with "production" of acne?

In 1969 the first research on this topic has come to the conclusion that there is no connection between the consumption of chocolate and acne, later, other studies have confirmed these findings. Moreover, recently conducted experiments come to a very similar results. In General, experts say that your diet has little effect on acne.

However, several recent studies have cast doubt on this claim, because I had found some connection between pure chocolate and formation of pimples. Thus, the new data has divided experts for the two groups. What was to be expected, one and all claim that there is a need to conduct more experiments.

9. Sit too close to the TV dangerous to your view

"Do not sit too close to the TV will ruin your eyesight!" almost everyone has heard this phrase from his worried parents. Once it was the truth.

In fact, all televisions manufactured since the middle of last century, had very high levels of radiation, which increases the risk of human vision problems due to repeated and prolonged exposure.

But now this problem in the past, because modern TVs equipped with adequate protection, which blocks the radiation. Currently, the TV can only cause eye fatigue and excessive voltage that can be easily cured by a simple rest (same as that of the myth about reading in dim light).

Source: www.livescience.com
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