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Челюсти крокодила чувствительнее кончиков пальцев человекаTiny knob on the jaw alligators and crocodiles are much more sensitive to the tips of the fingers of a man, scientists have found.

Receptive jaw help crocodiles and carry their young in the mouth with the utmost care, and capture prey for fractions of seconds.

As soon as they feel that their something is concerned, they immediately grab it" - explained biologist Ken Catania from Vanderbilt University in the USA.

The scientists decided to find out why the person crocodiles there is a tiny knob. These microscopic structure environmentalists to help distinguish the skin of reptiles endangered species, which is used for manufacturing of bags, shoes and belts. But no one, until recently, did not know their purpose.
World of crocodiles and their amazing sensitivity

The researchers used a scanning electron microscope to study the structure of the knobs American alligators and Nile crocodiles, and discovered that they have sensitive nerve endings, which trap the vibration and pressure. When they began to search for the source of nerve endings, he was in the trigeminal nerve, which protrudes from the skull. The scientists decided to find out the function of these nerves.

Previously it was thought that these buttons help to determine the level of salt in the water. Because the researchers placed Nile crocodiles in the water, but found nothing. When tested for sensitivity by touching one of the knobs thin hair, it turned out that they are much more sensitive fingertips person.

It is known that crocodiles and alligators can shut its jaws around extraction for 50 milliseconds, and it is now clear that this reaction was a result of their extremely sensitive skin.

But these great reptiles can be quite delicate creatures, transferring their offspring in the mouth from place to place.
The biggest crocodile in the world

The largest crocodile in captivity is caught in July 2012 estuarine crocodile Along length of 6 meters 17 centimeters. Weight crocodile was 1075 kg

This crocodile is suspected in the attack on a few people, and in the death of two of the victims. Now crocodile is Bonuscom the Ecopark in the Philippines.

The previous record belonged to the Australian crocodile to Cassius, 5 metres in length 48 see
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