Viewings: 3949
On Wednesday, NASA scientists spent the first sea trials of Curiosity Rover on the surface of the red planet. At a press conference held at the jet propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (USA, California), they said that "the tests went well, all systems are working fine". Photos made during the experiment, already transmitted to Earth.
Viewings: 4449
Scientists from the University of Melbourne believe that the universe could have appeared not as a result of the Big Bang, as a result of"Big Freeze". According to the physicists, before that was the stage of its liquid state, then why is it froze, and everything started to happen just as in the case of water.
Viewings: 3816
Scientists are seriously puzzled unusual off the coast of North America: in the cold waters of Canada, local divers discovered tropical fish-of trigger fish. Zoologists do not know whether this is due to global climate change or they got there by accident.
Viewings: 3663
 Moving his wheels, the Rover Curiosity gave to understand that he is ready for its first test-drive which is to be held today, August 22. But instead fanfare NASA plays a mourning by the first loss.
Viewings: 3944
 You may have already seen the charts compiled by Antarctic ice cores, a kind of a cardiogram ice ages. If Yes, then most likely you said cyclicality: about thousand years of glaciation, then a relatively short interglacial period, and again gradual cooling covers the planet. The reason - in a small and rhythmic variations of the Earth's orbit, which alter the amount of sunlight received our home.
Viewings: 4127
 Drought in the USA and on the black sea coast, a weak monsoon in India, the famine in the Sahel... the World is waiting for a new round of the food crisis, experts say.
Viewings: 3766
 Contained in fried food substances can reward your children obesity and diabetes.
Viewings: 4485
 A quarter of a century ago, in may 1987, after two hours of Sunday night's 23-year-old Kenneth James Parkes left her house in the suburbs of Toronto (Canada), started the car and overcame 23 km to the home of the parents of his wife. He got out of the car, pulled out of the trunk mount and opened the door issued to him the key. Once inside, he strangled father-in-law, Dennis woods, and beat the mother-in-law, Barbara Ann woods, then stabbed the woman in her own kitchen knife.
Viewings: 3404
 "Many people think that the devil came. Some believe that this is the beginning of the end of the world". For George Henry Krista, who wrote it on January 23, 1812, earthquakes, who broke the valley of the Mississippi river, were completely inexplicable phenomenon.
Viewings: 4920
 The discovery of new satellites orbiting Uranus, forced scientists to return to the study of old problems. They try to understand whether the system of this gas giant stable - and how likely collision with each other. What can happen as a result of such a cosmic accident? There are a number of alternative versions.
Viewings: 4202
 Scientists from the U.S. and China have found that the DNA molecule can contribute to the formation of nanoparticles strictly defined structure. A sequence consisting of one type of nucleotides, interacting with the gold particles, led to the emergence of structures of a certain form. But the combination of different chains of nucleotides gave the most interesting effects...
Viewings: 4589
 "Don't worry needlessly", "All will be well!", "Live in the present!" Scientists have proven that the slogans "positive thinking", so popular today, is not feasible. The brain has a bad habit to compare the current experience with the previous one. In the XXI century it somehow became unfashionable. Psychologists add: positive thinking leads to depression.
Viewings: 3745
 Until all anxiously await "promised" some forecasters end of the world in the coming December, scientists say that the Apocalypse is almost took place this summer. 23 July 2012 happened strongest for the last 150 years magnetic storm on the Sun. And the Sun, as you know, affects nearly all of the processes on the Earth.
Viewings: 4407
 Cases where the inventor has become the victim of his own invention, actually not so little. What to do, to invent, is not only interesting, but dangerous. Voice" offers some very good examples proving this statement. However, this does not mean that the inventor to become not necessary.
Viewings: 3721
 It is believed that the universe around us is formed in the Big Bang 14 billion years ago and since then continues to evolve. The sun in this respect no exception, and according to the views of scientists through 5.5 billion years, our light will overcome the next stage of its development, becoming a red giant.