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Viewings: 5743
Феномен "маугли"One of the most intriguing types of legend about the werewolves connected with children, was brought up in the midst of wolves, like wild beasts, and to such an extent over the habits and habits of animals that normal life among the people was impossible.
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Viewings: 4178
Коварный или нежный спрутSpanish schooner with silver bullion crashed and sank off the coast of Colombia. Seven divers have already tried to reach the valuable cargo, but none of them came back to the surface. It seemed that fate hung over the ship, partially buried in the sand at a depth of 64 meters.
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Viewings: 5607
Сирруш с врат царицыThis extraordinary story would start with the events of the last years, but we will be back on a hundred years ago, by the time...
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Viewings: 26664
Русалки и единорогиIn world folklore, there are many stories about polozheniya-polurama, seductive inhabit the depths of the sea. The origins of these legends date back to Ancient Babylon. Why they have survived to this day? Maybe right modern psychologists, claiming that this image represents sexual desire, leading to self-destruction? In our days people tend to deny the existence of mermaids, as well as unicorns. These mythical creatures with the body of a horse or other animal, but always with a single horn, often mentioned in tales and legends. Only by human imagination they entered the folklore?
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Viewings: 4164
Огненные монстрыOn our planet there are places where strong enough to stamp several times that of the earth reached "fiery monsters".
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Viewings: 4353
ОборотниThe werewolf is one of the Central figures of the ancient superstitions. Together with vampires, witches, mermaids, ghosts and witches he existed for thousands of years, citing fear for adults and children in large cities and remote villages. The word "lekantrop", from which it got its name, literally meaning "the wolf man" and comes from the Greek Likantropia. Some dictionaries define the word as "the transformation of witches in wolf".
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Viewings: 4917
Неведомые морские созданияIn the afternoon of 31 October 1983 repair team Marin County, California, worked on the site of the N1 highway, just where it passes over the shore of the ocean. Right under them stretched sandy beaches Stinson beach, followed by the vast Pacific ocean. Shortly before two o'clock the head of the brigade stopped for a smoke, and looked at the sea - something not very clear and large floated on the surface toward the coast. He immediately called a friend, Matt Ratto, took the glass and looked down.
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Viewings: 4392
Мокеле-мбембеFrom the childhood was fond of books on cryptozoology, reading the Sirrusha, Nessie, Mokele-mbembe, snow man, pterodactyls Africa. I hope this article about a mysterious elephant-dinosaur Mokele-mbembe you are interested.
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Viewings: 9005
Лох-Несское чудовищеScottish folklore replete with centuries-old legends about the monster that lives in the dark depths of Loch ness. Even now studies with the use of sophisticated modern technology can not reliably determine whether such a monster as Nessie and similar creatures from North America, reality or fiction.
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Viewings: 6549
Летающие людиFlying people" known from time immemorial. Tales and legends of almost all Nations of the world contain descriptions of winged creatures like man. But only in recent times to them, so to speak, become more closely closely, trying to understand what occurs humanity in their native planet Earth?
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Viewings: 7480
"Алешенька " или Кыштымский карлик-гуманоидFor the first time on this story I came across a couple of years ago. Then, having decided that the explanation is quite simple ( mutant) I passed by. But today , after a Japanese producer of Deputy Masao appointed prize of 200,000 dollars for "Alesenko" and the media are carrying articles on this subject it should come back. Moreover, the Kyshtym humanoid no navel , and , therefore, he clearly could not be a human embryo.
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Viewings: 5903
Дьявол из ДевоншираIn 1855, in the County of Devon were discovered traces that are extremely excited locals: whether they belonged to the devil, unknown to science bird or they were created by a group of pranksters? So far nobody knows what or who left these traces on earth. Scientists of the 19th century put forward a variety of hypotheses about this. One of them, phenomenological, argued that we are talking about "something"that lives between the tangible and the intangible world, sometimes leave evidence of their existence, but is still above the human.
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Viewings: 7090
ВампирыWhat is a Vampire? Vampire roaming the earth tonight, both similar and different from what you might expect. Certainly, is better to start our discussion undead, as if they were separate species of living beings is superficially similar to humans, which once were, but representing a myriad of physiological and psychological differences. Largely vampires similar to the familiar monsters from the myths and cinema.
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Viewings: 5959
Homo FloresiensisSensational news in the field of the evolution of mankind came from Indonesia. On the island of Flores found the remains of a human-like creature, in the scientific world was christened after the island of Homo floresiensis. Being the growth of 90 centimeters, with a brain volume of about 380 cubic cm, which is about a quarter of the brain of modern man (1350 cubic cm).
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Viewings: 5681
Марсоход Curiosity опробовал лазерThe Rover "Curiosity" (Curiosity) for the first time took advantage of the laser. Experimental object was a stone the size of a fist, conventionally named Coronation (Coronation).
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