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Viewings: 5315
Марс уже давно заселили земные бактерии?Housing space technology specially treated with ultraviolet light to destroy all microorganisms. However, soil bacterium, Bacillus (saprophyte) were resistant to this treatment. Since 2006 it has consistently found on the surface of the aircraft. This means that our bacteria can be the first colonists on other planets!
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Viewings: 3932
Балтийское НЛО создал ледник или нацисты?Passions around the mysterious object found in August last year at the bottom of the Baltic sea, continue to boil. For example, some experts believe that by unidentified artifacts from space Nakhodka has absolutely no relation. So, one of the versions says that this is a secret military base of the Nazis, and the other thought it just rocks...
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Viewings: 3408
Тайна взрыва сверхновых раскрытаAstrophysicist Charles Wong, seems to be close to the final solving the mystery of a supernova explosion. Still it was not clear what kind of process is taking place at the level of elementary particles, causing this colorful and dangerous phenomenon of nature. The scientist is convinced that the whole "big badabum" occurs because of the emergence of a scalar particle, like the Higgs boson.
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Viewings: 5034
Амазонские леса сами вызывают дождьWhat are the living beings can cause rain when they need it? It turns out that such power over the weather have on plants and fungi from the rain forests of the Amazon. Scientists have found that they can release into the air of aerosols, which contain crystals of salts and organic molecules. And those are just the centers of condensation of rain drops.
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Viewings: 5871
Найдена могила "кровавого горбуна"?Archaeologists from Britain's Leicester University in search of the remains of the English king Richard III. Under the asphalt on one of the city autoparkings Leicester found the remains of walls and two graves. Up to XVI century on this place there was a Franciscan monastery "gray brothers" - Greyfriars, the chapel which buried the ashes of king Richard III.
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Viewings: 3960
"Вояджер" не хочет расставаться с нами5 September passed exactly 35 years since the launch of the spacecraft Voyager-1". Today tireless space wanderer has already reached the edge of the Solar system. Will he be able to break out of it? Maybe it will happen until 2025. However, Voyager" already gave the researchers a lot of surprises, which they previously did not know.
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Viewings: 4557
Вселенская тайна легкого элементаThe recent opening of astrophysicists have shaken the traditional view of the earliest stages of evolution of the Universe. According to the latter, after the Big explosion formed a mixture of hydrogen, which has a fraction of helium and quite a bit of lithium. But now scientists have found a star of the first generation, the eyeballs full of that element. Where did he came from there?
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Viewings: 4491
Галльская война "аукнулась" и в ГерманииGerman archaeologists incredibly lucky: massif hunsr?ck in the West of Germany, which is located on the territory of the Federal States of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, gave them a sensational discovery - remains of a Roman camp. It was built during the famous Gallic war. This find is the earliest evidence of the indwelling of the Romans over the Rhine.
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Viewings: 4303
Серебро и золото куют разные звездыOur planet's precious metals such as gold and silver prefer to meet together. For a long time it was believed that the space they are friends - both produce the same star. However, the work of the German astrophysics Camilla Hansen showed that it is not. Silver is born in the explosion of one of the stars, and the gold is very different.
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Viewings: 4117
Приятные сны уже можно заказывать?Researchers have learned how to manage rat dreams. Maybe the next step - human dreams? Matt Wilson and his colleagues, who several years ago found the opportunity to read rat dreams, now found that dreams rodents in addition, you can manage. Opens up the possibility of scientists and doctors the ability to influence a dream?
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Viewings: 4504
Мельница мифов: топ научных заблужденийRecently the American journal Live Science has compiled a list of the most popular myths related to science and medicine. As it turned out, most of our ideas about the world and the human body, which are considered indisputable dogma, not quite right or very wrong! At least this is the opinion of professional scientists.
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Viewings: 4170
Марсианская глина вновь озадачила...Until recently discovered on Mars clay was considered a sure sign of the fact that on the red planet has or, at least once existed water. However, new research conducted by Alain Meunier from the University of Poitiers (France), shows that clay layers can specify only on the processes of volcanic activity.
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Viewings: 4063
Сточные воды превратятся в горючееAmerican scientists, working in the framework of the project OMEGA, were able to establish the mass cultivation of algae on wastewater to obtaining from them biofuels. According to one of the participants, it is very similar to "Neolithic revolution" in the energy sector: from "hunting and gathering" energy people are gradually moving to their cultivation.
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Viewings: 4348
Болгарский Геркуланум поделился своими тайнамиThe black sea coast of Bulgaria, under the waters of the Gulf of vromos at Cape akin, South of the old Byzantine fortress of Acre researchers have discovered an ancient Wharf, with the adjoining shopping market. Archeologists assume, that, most likely, there was moored small ships with goods intended for residents of the Peninsula of Sveti Nikola.
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Viewings: 6388
Марс,как вторая лунаSocial networks wanders sensation that Mars in August are as close as possible to the Ground and will look like a second Moon.
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