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Viewings: 6166
The sun is entering a new cycle of activity. This occurs every 11 years. At the Institute of Geophysics warn of powerful flares on the surface of the disc. The strongest magnetic storms await us in a whole year. And Russia is in the so-called geo-effective sector - that is, emissions plasma will fly directly to us.

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Viewings: 5888
Открытия, которым нет объясненийModern man is proud of the achievements of civilization and of their belonging to it. However, some knowledge of our ancestors still baffled scientists around the world.
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Viewings: 6310
Посланцы ЗемлиWhen it comes to UFO, animals, arriving at them, usually referred to as aliens. Meanwhile none of them had not informed. So the conclusion concerning their space residence remains in question. Our visiting guests may arrive at their "plates" and not from space...
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Viewings: 5058
Марсианская порода будет расплавлена лазером CuriosityIt is planned that this weekend Curiosity Rover ("Curiosity") uses its laser, which is able to "evaporate" stones. The test should pass before a plain Rover will make the first trip to Mars.
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Viewings: 5282
Медовый месяцHow long have people know and use his magic power? Who first thought of to treat honey? Like many things, honey was revealed to the world the Ancient Greeks. Well, they must think, gave the mystery of healing treats patrons - Olympic gods...
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Viewings: 5136
Curiosity Rover conveyed to Earth the first data on the composition of Martian soil. Managed to do it with the help of Russian neutron detector mounted on the device - that he must find water on Mars. While the search was not successful. But scientists it is not upsetting: first, the Rover had not even moved from his place, and secondly, that the whole system works, is in itself good news.

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Viewings: 4838
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Viewings: 5157
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Viewings: 5347
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Viewings: 4656
In the South-West of France was established anomalous heat. The thermometer shows plus 35. Weather forecasters say that in the next two days in some cities, the air warms up to forty plus. Emergency services announced a warning about the heat in a total of twenty one Department. In hospitals already starting to get people with heat and sun beats. Authorities urged residents and tourists in the daytime if possible, do not go out in the sun.

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Viewings: 6776
Правда о ТибетеThe tale of Tibet is just another weapon in the ongoing information war waged by the Dark Forces against all people of the white race on the planet. It was time for us to know the whole truth about this great deception...
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Viewings: 5009
Фестский диск хранил молчание 3700 лет и заговорил...Grinevich Gennady Stanislavovich - Russian linguist and researcher, linguist, interpreter. Senior researcher of the Department of world history of the Russian Physical Society (Moscow).
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Viewings: 6062
Ученые NASA изучают необычайное природное явление - "джеты" и "эльфов"Nature is so amazing atmospheric phenomena as lightning, the batter into the ground during a lightning storm, studied the man is still very superficially. Yet scientists know less about the unusual varieties of lightning, for example, ball lightning, or high-rise types of lightning, which can be observed more rarely. But experts do not stop attempts to explore these phenomena and literally go on the hunt for lightning. Sometimes the search to be successful - amazing natural phenomenon manage to capture a photo or video, and then to study in detail.
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Viewings: 4171
The head of the company "Roskosmos" Vladimir Popovkin has confirmed that the recently launched satellites failed due to problems with the booster block "breeze-M".

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Viewings: 4933
ВВС США провалили тестовый полет нового сверхзвукового аппарата WaveriderAs the official representative of the U.S. air force on Wednesday over the Pacific has conducted tests of experimental supersonic aircraft WaveRider, who was in flight to reach the speed of 5795 km/h, but was unable to do it.
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