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Viewings: 5236
НАСА знает, какие технологии ему нужны к 2015 годуProgram of NASA Space technology selected for funding five projects, each of which is reportedly capable of making a small revolution in Astronautics.
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Viewings: 5036
Землетрясения под антарктическим ледником связаны с морскими приливамиThousands of earthquakes occurring in rapid succession in less than a year under the Antarctic glacier, possibly connected with the tides of the sea.
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Viewings: 5495
Черви-убийцы поделились ядом, уделав ДарвинаAmerican biologists have unlocked one of the secrets of hearts killer with the help of which people struggle with agricultural pests. They understood how they activate their "biological weapons" lethal to insects, bacteria, living in their intestines. Now people will be able to use this weapon, not resorting to services of the worms themselves.
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Viewings: 5882
Божьи коровки подслушивают муравьевAmerican scientists found that ladybugs can "Snoop" chemical signals their enemies - ants. And they do this in order to be able to continue their family. The fact that these beetles lay their eggs around clusters of aphids or cognoscitivos, which protects vigilant ant guard, not allowing them outsiders.
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Viewings: 6024
Ученые выяснили, как погибнет ЗемляThe American team of astrophysicists led by Bruce Fegli built a computer model, which demonstrates the process of complete evaporation of the planet of the earth type. However, the researchers were not going to destroy the Earth - they were motivated purely scientific interest: to determine some characteristics of the so-called supersell.
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Viewings: 4387
Жертва инков оказалась смертельно больнойExamining the molecules of proteins mummy teen girl, which many years ago Incas sacrificed, scientists have found that it is in life he suffered from tuberculosis. Original research methodology applied by experts, have allowed to determine the form of the disease - chronic pulmonary tuberculosis. And here was found next to her boy was absolutely healthy.
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Viewings: 4282
Мы не глупы, а просто невнимательныConsolation for those who always tries to blurt out the stupidity in the conversation. We are not so stupid, what sometimes seem. Just very inattentive. And all because in the information age, our brains saves power. After all, if you will handle any information that you see and hear in the course of the day, you risk to go crazy. In ordinary conversation brain, without straining, snatches of speech interlocutor only keywords that sometimes leads to misunderstandings.
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Viewings: 4446
Взломать беспилотник? Легко!Researchers at Texas tech University in the US has managed to make a device that allows you to intercept the control of unmanned aerial vehicles. The worst thing is that this device was made from components that can be bought in shops of home appliances. Yes collect it can any Amateur radio operator.
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Viewings: 6309
It seems incredible, but the giant island of Greenland, freed from the weight of the ice shell, annually rises up to three centimeters. Scientists estimate that the total liberation of the island from ice masses will cause it to rise half a mile. One of the co-authors of the study, which allowed to come to such a sensational conclusions, became Professor at the technical University of Denmark Shakat Abbas Khan.
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Viewings: 5466
Лаванда — идеальная защита от инфекцийWhen we talk about the fact that antibiotic use is associated with various side effects and has led to the emergence of resistant microorganisms, involuntarily thought about an alternative. Indeed, what we can replace antibiotics? In fact, there are many herbal remedies, with pronounced antibacterial activity, like coconut oil, garlic or grapefruit seed. There is another effective remedy against infection is lavender.
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Viewings: 5041
Найдены родители Солнечной системыAccording to some theories, the emergence of the Solar system was provoked closest supernova explosion or impact stars AUG. Although the issue of creation of our star and its planetary system is still far from a final decision, but a number of intriguing conjecture suggests that not only the gravitational force led their birth.
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Viewings: 5515
Что за чередой смертей?The problem of safety of property of the Egyptian pharaohs, with whom they were sent to the afterlife, excited still builders of the pyramids. Robbers used a clever system of traps, false moves and cameras, zamurovic and artificial gegraphic. But relied extensively on the terrible power of spells...
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Viewings: 7462
Реальны ли путешествия во времени?Whether time travel? This question still has not lost its relevance, still occupies the minds of not only fans of science fiction and only unusual, but also eminent scientists from around the world. Disputes do not cease, but the information, which is usually write on these topics journalists is extremely scarce and more like speculation. Try to fill some gaps and fully support the claim that time travel is not only possible, but actually were and, probably, are constantly! In order not to be unsubstantiated, contact irrefutable facts, which are known to be very stubborn things.
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Viewings: 6966
Видение огненного крестаPeople have long observed the sudden appearance in the sky of different signs, images and pictures. All these visions, regardless of religion that prevailed at the time and place of the era, was interpreted as a divine sign. About these mysterious phenomena wrote even in ancient times Roman, Greek and Egyptian chroniclers.
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Viewings: 5635
Могут ли люди мысленно общаться с другими существами?The weak light of a single candle lights up the room. Around seasoned table - ten people. Among them, obmaknuv all over, sits a man of thirty. He seems to be sleeping. Suddenly, shaking his head and peretasoval whole body, the man straightened and low senile voice says: "Hello from Sirius". His face changed - aging to match the voice. Eyes still closed. He just made contact with Sirius...
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