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Viewings: 6473
Физические нагрузки не спасут от ожиренияAn international group of researchers have recently shown that the addition of excess weight among urban residents of the civilized world is not the result of a sedentary lifestyle. The fact that primitive hunter and city residents a day spend the same amount of energy. This was refuted the assumption that were considered obvious.
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Viewings: 7018
Почему Земля стала такой сухой?Scientists have long been fascinated with paradox: why a large part of the Earth is covered by water, while the water itself is less than one percent of the total mass of the planet? Rebecca Martin and Mario Livio of the Scientific Institute for space telescope in Baltimore (USA) conducted a study, which may have been found the cause of the mysterious contradictions.
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Viewings: 7045
Хеттские львы - стражи священного источникаTwo granite sculptures of lions in full size with a mass of about five tons each, created between 1400-mi and the 1200s BC may have guarded the sacred source. Found on the territory of modern Turkey artifacts were created by the mysterious Hittites back in the days when "the king of beasts" led his pride in the foothills of Asia Minor.
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Viewings: 6424
Загадка самой массивной звезды, кажется, решенаIn the tarantula nebula (NGC 2070), in the galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud, there is a massive star cluster R136 with the biggest and brightest star of all known to mankind.
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Viewings: 8892
Биоразнообразие на островах действительно выше, чем на материкеEnvironmentalists compared biodiversity on the mainland and on the Islands with frogs and lizards.
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Viewings: 6385
НАСА обнародовало общий вид на место посадки CuriosityThe equipment that came to Mars with Rover "Curiosity" (Curiosity), seen by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The HiRISE camera took pictures of the scene of the crime" approximately 24 hours after landing.
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Viewings: 6705
Солнце треснуло?Кометы в околосолнечной системе 8 августа 2012 годаOn the surface of the disc appeared a giant band. Giant band saw astronomers from NASA on the surface of the Sun. Really shone cracked? This was the first idea professionals. But soon understood: the crack was like oblast dark spots with low temperature.
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Viewings: 7002
Нашествие крысIt seems that we have all chances to return to the middle ages. Then the rats were the same terrible disaster, as plague, which, by the way, they carried. In 1347, for example, they literally occupied Europe. This happened after the earthquake in the area of the Caspian sea. Running away from the cataclysm, hordes of rodents went to the West. Their promotion has not prevented even affluent Volga.
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Viewings: 5740
On the surface of the Sun was a giant education, which has never had to watch the scientist. A dark band or crack length of 800 thousand kilometers. Her pictures made us astronauts and experts NASA now trying to ascertain the nature of unusual phenomena.

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Viewings: 6040
В Мексике откопали священное дерево ацтековBurial age of not less than five hundred years near the Great temple of the Aztecs scientists immediately called unique.
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Viewings: 5709
10 фактов подделки продуктов10 facts about the ingenuity of scientists in the field of food industry.
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Viewings: 6350
«Черный принц»In a fantasy novel "Feety" writer Apetencia is a curious episode. The astronauts in earth orbit investigate the mysterious celestial body, called "the Black Prince". One of them penetrate and takes out a few items that were of extraterrestrial origin.
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Viewings: 6419
Апокалипсис 2012. Когда настанет судный день21.12.2012... the Number that received already the definition of magic, fatal, fatal. Where this feeling is coming Apocalypse?
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Viewings: 6507
Вера в НЛО приобретает черты настоящей религииThe splitting of atoms, the taming of the plasma, nuclear programs of individual member"rogue" permanently scared man. And as a result - didactic the myth of the existence of civilizations that "the game's up" with such indomitable forces and thirst for knowledge of the hidden mysteries of the universe has always been inherent to man. But if, for example, a hundred years ago creative search was the prerogative of the educated class, reading intelligentsia, in the XXI century can deal with any, we need only turn on the TV or go to the bookstore. But it is clear that the popularity of esotericism is caused not only by literacy of the population.
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Viewings: 7018
10 самых страшных цитат из БиблииPublished a list of citations from the Bible, which include justifying sexism, genocide and slavery
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