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Viewings: 6913
Сарматы. Русские амазонкиOn the outskirts of Russia and Ukraine there are tombs, where are the skeletons of women, buried with weapons. They lived in a time when the Greeks even told the centuries-old traditions of the nation's women warriors, but thought they were fiction. Because of the recent finds of archaeologists, there was again a question about the Amazons. Perhaps they once existed?
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Viewings: 7110
Рапануйцы. Остров Пасхи преподает важный урокRapa Nui is an island of volcanic origin posadu 170 square kilometers, with almost no trees. It is considered to be the most isolated inhabited island in the world. (Although the islanders call your island Rapa Nui and themselves ramanujam, the island is known as Easter island and its inhabitants are called pasalinami.) The whole island was declared historical monument, than he is obliged, in particular, stone statues, called moai. This statue is the work of the once prosperous civilization.
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Viewings: 6480
The history of the Huns still full of secrets. Why is only one of many peoples of Asia moved his tents to remote Rome? Why other barbarians, winning many lands of the Roman Empire, retreated under pressure from the Huns cavalry? Where did the Huns after the death of his terrible leader Attila? Finally, where hidden treasures looted by the Huns?
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Viewings: 6423
Набатеи. Сокровища древней ПетрыStories about lost among the rocks and Sands of ancient nabtesco city agitated the minds of European scientists and travelers since the days of the crusaders. These lands in the middle ages controlled fierce Bedouin tribes, but because of their inaccessibility further fuels the imagination, until finally, almost by accident, Peter was not detected by Swiss Explorer Johann Ludwig Vardhana.
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Viewings: 6351
Кельты. Их влияние ощущается и сегодняAlthough today little is said about them, but in the Western world they have left indelible traces. They became known for more than 2500 years ago. They had an impact on European history, art and religious customs. And - as it may seem strange - they had an impact on our daily lives. They were of Indo-European origin, and, during the height of their fame, they dominated over a huge area of the ancient world, stretching from the Atlantic to Asia Minor, from Northern Europe to the Mediterranean coast. Who were they? - The Celts.
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Viewings: 7476
Карфаген. Город, чуть не уничтоживший РимOn the North coast of Africa, near Tunis, the capital of the country, bearing the same name, lie the ruins of ancient Carthage. They are so inconspicuous that tourists can not see them. However, when it was one of the greatest cities of the ancient world, the one who wrestled with Rome, nearly crushed this powerful state. According to the Roman historian Titus Livius, "for this struggle the strongest on earth peoples watched all the Nations and kings of the". Still! Because it was about world domination.
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Viewings: 7062
Каменные головы ольмековAbout three thousand years ago on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico appeared Indian culture, called the Olmec. This conditional name was given on behalf of the Olmec - a small group of Indian tribes living on this territory, much later, in the XI - XIV centuries. The name "Olmecs"means "rubber people", - Aztec origin. The Aztecs called them by name area on the Gulf coast, where they manufactured rubber and where they lived contemporary Olmecs. So in fact the Olmecs and Olmec culture is not one and the same. This circumstance is extremely difficult to understand for non-experts, type, Hancock, who devoted Olmeca in his book "Traces of gods" a lot of pages. Such publications are only compounding the problem, nothing at the same time, not explaining the merits of the case.
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Viewings: 7339
Падение золотой империи инковIn the XIV - XVI centuries on the Western coast of South America to spread the power of the mighty "Golden Empire". Thanks to the guidance of talented architects and engineers public life of the Incas have reached a very high level. The territory of the state covered all the land from the southern regions of modern Colombia to Argentina and reached a length of 5, 000 kilometers. The Incas believed that they had conquered almost the whole world, and the land that remained outside of their country, was not, in their opinion, any value. However, in another part of the world nobody even knew about the existence of their state.
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Viewings: 8510
Загадки царицы Савской и золота СоломонаLegends of antiquity far brought to our time information about outstanding women Queens. Among them were mysterious and legendary Queen of Sheba from South Africa and Bilkis of the Kingdom of Saba (Yemen). For example, about the wise Queen of Sheba, who met with king Solomon, there is mention in the Bible. On the Queen of Bilkis there is information in Muslim sources (in connection with the acceptance of Islam in the seventh century A.D. and so on). They ruled in different historical periods, but they have in common the glory of wisdom, personal beauty, prosperity and wealth beyond their countries, as well as the location of their tombs in Yemen red sea (the Arabian Peninsula).
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Viewings: 6151
Загадка цивилизации МероеGreeks their adored. The Egyptians and Romans envied them. Now, thanks to the archeologists, the treasure of this fabulous civilization, which, alas, gone forever, finally "revived" of sand, while keeping her secret.
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Viewings: 5777
Загадка ГуанчейNear the equator, 115 kilometers from the coast of North Africa, located in the Canary Islands. From the Atlantic coast of Africa is visible from a distance the top of the Peak de Teide is the highest (3718 m) active volcano these Islands. About the Islands is known from time immemorial. For example, already Ptolemy mentioned region "Gannaria prom.", located North of the Cape nun, at the latitude of the Western Canary Islands.
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Viewings: 5493
Жизнь трех последних цивилизаций Земли ч.2Civilization conquerors. Not, perhaps, on the Earth is not a people, which would not be a myth or a fairy tale about a dragon, which had to give not only animals, but humans. The North American Indians have preserved the legend about an invasion of the land of monsters-dragons that destroyed civilization ancestors. Therefore, those who are the Vedas called the gods-Naga, most likely, were dragons, who arrived to us from Venus and kolonoterapii the Earth. Remember the amphibious serpent people depicted in the halls of Egyptian pyramids and the Serpent cast out of the biblical myth, tempted eve forbidden fruit.
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Viewings: 5824
Жизнь трех последних цивилизаций Земли ч.1Start searching secret. In the mid-seventies, after reading the work Abs that many thousands of years ago there was developed civilization, which died as a result of the flood, I was literally stunned. Reading and re-reading his book "Mysteries of ancient civilizations", I opened it, all the new details of the former power of the ancients, although it was unclear how some meteorite, though the giant, which has fallen into the ocean, can completely destroy the culture of the whole planet. Because people, in the end, always restore all destroyed. Something here was not so.
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Viewings: 5327
Гиперборея - утро цивилизацииHow old is humankind? Modern scientists, usually referred to as a figure of 40 thousand years - since the appearance on Earth of the CRO-magnon. This is a standard time interval allotted human history in educational, scientific and reference literature. However, there are other numbers, it went beyond the scope of officialdom. 400 thousand years - such a date is calculated by ancient historians - Chaldean, Egyptian, Greek, and Russia is projected Lomonosov. (In fact, in the scale of world history that there is another, clearly fixed date, which is not able to accommodate the imagination of modern people: in its painstaking calculations of astronomers, and the priests of the ancient Mayan history of mankind began in 5 041 738 year BC!)
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Viewings: 5333
Где в действительности были Содом и ГоморраThe Bible says that in the valley of Siddim the Lord rained brimstone and fire from the sky in five cities in the area and people. Such cities were Sodom (burning) and Gomorrah (the sinking, sinking). These cities were punished for extreme fall of morality and homosexuality their residents. The fall of morality here began after the arrival of the conquerors - warlike tribes, which is popularly known as "blue". The rebellion of the local civilian population was suppressed by the conquerors. Valley of Siddim is the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Eastern part of the Kaliningrad region).
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