Viewings: 8117
 One of the most amazing, strange and little understood "damned" places is located in Mexico, just six kilometers from Texas town of El Paso, Mysterious, magic "Zona del Silencio" Zone of silence, as it is called by local residents. Researchers from around the world are increasingly connecting the Zone of silence with the UFO phenomenon.
Viewings: 6152
 There is in Loknya district of the Pskov region, the place, the existence of which the locals prefer to remain silent: the people over many decades has developed a belief that one who talks a lot about him, certainly will soon die. And these fears are not groundless: over the last 50 years the village, just 16 kilometers from the district center, practically extinct. And the worst thing is that many died with their boots.
Viewings: 6389
 In Eastern Turkey, on the Anatolian coast, not far from the borders with Iran and Armenia stands covered with eternal snows of the mountain. Its height above sea level is only 5165 meters, which does not allow her to be in the range of the highest mountains of the world, but it is one of the most famous peaks of the Earth. The name of this mountain - Ararat.
Viewings: 6537
 About the strange illusions that sometimes occurs on the Volga, in the last century, wrote A. F. Leopoldov in the book “Notes of the Samara region”. In 1927 year N. A. Steppe recorded in those places the following legend:
Viewings: 7001
 About Easter island we know a lot and at the same time almost nothing: his mysterious stone statues remain silent witnesses of an unknown culture. Who was cut down from the rocks, these monumental figures? Suppose it were Polynesians, who settled on the volcanic island in the period between IV and XII century When in 1774, arrived at the English Navigator James cook, most of the statues were already flushed with pedestals. A fierce civil war destroyed the ancient culture. To tell you about archaic cults and the value of the stone giants might unique hieroglyphic writings of Easter island, but they still decrypted only partially.
Viewings: 6780
 Rabies ball and giant usual lightning, UFO, vegetation and soil, clearly affected by some malicious radiation, a unexplored, only the planned network of underground tunnels is Medveditsky ridge, which is located in the Volgograd oblation, broken, like matches, trees more than thirty centimeters in diameter, which was opened by the blackness of space burns up to five square metres, - that we saw the place "coven" electric elements, once on the Medveditsky ridge. Later, during several expeditions, I and my companions know literally every meter of soil in this mysterious place. Finally on the map of Russia appeared one of the most powerful and unpredictable in his behavior anomalous zones. We learned much about it, but, frankly, there will be enough for all enthusiasts of adventure and study the unknown.
Viewings: 6019
 At all times people believed that the Earth has a satellite, the Moon. And only recently emerged evidence that the Moon is not the only natural satellite of the planet. In the myths of ancient times, you can find information about the fall of a cosmic body. Some researchers see in this event, the answer to the mystery of the legendary Atlantis.
Viewings: 7006
 The first observation of this phenomenon belongs to the late 1920's - early 1930-ies. In that year, in the Hangar (and the action of our story takes place there was little water, and farmers were forced to drive a herd of cows, hold on meat, on the banks of the river lie in wait in Bratsk. The way they lay from the village of Rozhkovo through the villages Kovu, Uyar and Karamyshevo. During one of the stops lost two cows. Farmers, heading in their footsteps, discovered a large (200-250 m) round meadow with bare, as if scorched earth; places in it lay the corpses of taiga animals and birds. Hanging above the clearing branches of the trees were charred, as if from a close of fire. At a distance less than 20 meters from the last trees lay the corpses of the missing cows. Dogs, barely running out to the field with a squeal jumped back and soon died. Then the farmers were able to establish that the locals know this place. They called it "the devil's cemetery.
Viewings: 7736
 This story began in 1991 on the Estonian island of Saaremaa. Among several "contactees", the testimony which I studied, was a ten-year Christian K. from a small Estonian town of Rakvere. He claimed that at night communicate with aliens. Not to forget the vivid nightlife of the picture, the boy in the morning I sketched them from memory: unusual control of aircraft, quite complicated schemes of entry into the atmosphere of different planets, the appearance of ships and of biorobots, who helped manage... was among these figures one quite "earthly": rural house, some buildings nearby. Under the house - a kind of "carelevitra" design. "What is it, Christian?" - "It was some kind of spacecraft. He is under the ground, somewhere in Estonia. Inside "plates", this device..." And he showed me one more figure: the concentric circles, some cells... Well that I still have the video. Well because this story has received unexpected continuation.
Viewings: 7204
 Devils tower - rock bar (so-called geological separateness), reminiscent of the tower, consisting of piled beam separate stone pillars, located in Wyoming, USA. This mountain is unusually correct form, arising 200 million years ago, long time gave the impression of artificial constructions. But as the rock in size exceeds the pyramid of Cheops 2.5 times (the height of 390 m, base width is about the same), the construction of the tower often were instructed not to man, but the devil (hence the name). The mountain has long been the subject of reverent worship and a source of fear in the local population, it was alleged that at the very top have repeatedly observed the strange light phenomena.
Viewings: 7178
 Astroarchaeology has accumulated a wealth of evidence to show that throughout ancient history, starting from the Paleolithic times, different Nations of the Earth were built prioritetnye Observatory to watch the sunsets and sunrises bodies. Only they usually were very simple: the Observatory configured only one (out of eighteen!) a significant event. Until now we had only one case of multiple events on a single Supervisory "tool". This case is called Stonehenge.
Viewings: 5846
 Has already become a celebrity, covered with legends Arkaim; known in the scientific world and which gave the name of archeological culture of Sintashta; less famous, but already studied the Mouth; covered with fame on the results of the last excavations, Quick and ?land - all South-Ural Country cities. Scientific naming of this clot fortified settlements of the XVIII-XVI centuries BC - monuments protocity civilization of the bronze age in the southern Urals. Country towns - the name for the shared use, it is best meeting the core of the Chelyabinsk phenomenon. Was already in the middle ages Gardarika, and all understood that this is a Country of cities - Rus.
Viewings: 6299
 Hotel tycoon Robert Bigelow has long been known as a fan of space research. Several years ago he announced the award of $ 50 million that will be paid to the person or company who will be able to build a five able to regularly run between the earth and the Moon. Another eccentric project of moneybags - hotel in orbit. Hotel Nautilus should open its gates (doors by 2015. Bigelow is collaborating with NASA and the space already sent a reduced copy of the hotel.
Viewings: 4783
 In the press have repeatedly been reports of researchers that in ancient times the Earth has a smaller size, and speed of rotation around its axis is greater, in comparison with the present time. Naturally, if you increase the size of Earth and the slowdown in the speed of its rotation, the daily time increased. The main reason for the slow speed of the material body (including Land) is increasing its diameter. A clear example of this is the reception skaters on the ice used to accelerate or slow speed of their body by bringing or removal of arms from the axis of its rotation.
Viewings: 4684
 The existence of healthful living and dead water is said in our ancient fairy tales. But the people, seeking to make a fairy tale come true, try to make this water in laboratory conditions by means of electrolysis. The result is acidic and alkaline water, not fabulously healing, while in use, it is called living and dead.