Viewings: 5227
 Water is one of zagadochnaya substances on Earth. Modern science doesn't know much about it, including on the nature of its origin.
Viewings: 5981
 Water is the most common substance on Earth in its near-surface layer. Even the man himself is according to various data, from 70 to 80% of water, and, nevertheless, we can say that water is unknown substance.
Viewings: 4034
 In the summer of 1977 was published a report on the results of the research content 81 graves on the black sea coast of Bulgaria. They all pertained to about 4500 BC, by the time the achievements of technical thought mostly limited to wood or mud huts, various stone tools and ceramic pots. This cemetery has made such an impression on making it a description, archaeologist, Professor of the University of California in Los Angeles Lithuanian origin Maria Gimbutas that she even resorted to rare in academic language terminology.
Viewings: 8782
 "Almost all cultures of the world are strikingly similar to each other legends of the Universal flood - more than five hundred. In all of these legends the same story: humanity dies from a Flood that saved only one man and his family. In Western countries this man is known by the name of Noah, the Aztecs called it Nene, the middle East, his name is "Atrahasis", Utnapishtim all or Ziusudra. As for the rescue funds, that is, in the Bible it is called "the ark", that is ship; in the Mesopotamian myths, this underwater boat, and in the legends of the Aztecs we are talking about a hollowed out log" (Alford, "Gods of the new Millennium").
Viewings: 5168
 One of the brightest episodes of the Bible, undoubtedly, is the legend about the Flood. The legend of this affecting the imagination like no other, served as the eternal theme of artists of all time. Interestingly, mention of the Flood are found in folklore and legends of many peoples of our planet. Scientists have found that similar myths exist in Australia, India, Tibet and in Lithuania; they existed : in dokolumbovsky America. The content of these legends are very similar. The Spaniards, having mastered in due time the New world was astonished amazing coincidence in detail all the stories of the flood in different Indian tribes.
Viewings: 4897
 "...We found geological data, which, obviously, will lead directly to archaeological discoveries," said Dr. Roald Maxwell at the University of Washington. Dr. Maxwell, Dr. Harold Made and Virginia Steen Makinia reported at the annual meeting of the geological society of America that at the bottom of the stream in Mexico, they found intricate stone tools...
Viewings: 6645
 Mayan astrology. In the II - X centuries ad in the southern part of Mexico's territory Guatemala, Honduras and Belize there was a very high and very peculiar culture of the Maya. The Mayan civilization had a network of city-States, most of which was destroyed in the late ninth century In the XV I century, the Mayan culture was destroyed by the Spanish colonizers who, rejecting the local religion, burned almost all manuscripts contained and learning, and the history of the nation. When in the nineteenth century began to discover the ruins of the Mayan cities, were found and the remains of huge temples-observatories. One of the most famous Mayan cities, founded in the eighth century, Chichen Itza (in the North of Yucatan) was a ruin by the time the Spaniards. But the remnants of his grandiose religious and astronomical facilities ( including the Observatory "Caracol") and now amaze researchers.
Viewings: 5741
 In late November 1986 in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" published an article by Nikolai Bankovskogo and Savely Canicola "the Last riddle of the Sphinx", dedicated to the hypothesis of Anatoly Vasilyev. The researcher suggested that the famous pyramid of Cheops built quite differently, according to Herodotus (out of the hundreds of thousands of separate blocks), and represents, in essence, built on a rock. Vasiliev has revolutionized the technology of construction, from which it followed that, in addition to the well-known galleries in the pyramid should be hidden tunnel. He may lead to the tomb of the Pharaoh and his treasures. Vasilyev was proposed to test his hypothesis and pointed out several points in the pyramid, the study which would confirm (or deny)... to Do it decided Nikolai Bandrowski, today, chief editor of the newspaper "Architecture", the honorary academician of the International Academy of energoinformation Sciences. Here is his story.
Viewings: 5359
 Whether the pyramid in proportions "Golden section" generator of life?
Viewings: 8341
 Every year II of November, the Day of St. Martin, the residents of the Swiss village of Sursee (Canton of Lucerne), magnificently celebrate the feast called Gansabhauet. The crowds listening to the stories of the local patriarchs that this day marks the resurrection of nature, the return of fertility and the glorification of the life-giving Sun. The culmination of festivities is an ancient (by the assurance of the elders) and very curious ritual. On the main square in advance erected a scaffold, where on the rope hung by the neck carcass killed the goose. Executioner in a bright red dress, face is hidden behind the Golden mask in the form of a solar disk, under a storm of delight of the audience up on the platform and one stroke of the blade (in full conformity with the name of the holiday: Gans - goose, abhauen - cut, cut) separates the head from the body. It is believed that such a symbolic penalty is a vestige existed in these parts of the solar cult...
Viewings: 5966
 About 2500 BC, in the area of modern Huehuetenango, Guatemala, there was a group of tribes whose members spoke the same language, called scholars Protoria. Over time, this language was divided into different languages of the Maya, the speakers of these languages emigrated and settled in different areas, and formed a wonderful civilization. The Mayan Civilization
Viewings: 6037
 Who are they? One of the most interesting and exciting history, remaining to this day to the end not resolved is the issue of colonization of the American continent. And though the Word of God and does not give a direct answer to this question, recent scientific discoveries have confirmed the biblical concept. But before we move on to its consideration, let's take a quick look at the version on the settling of America.
Viewings: 4840
 The creation of human hands, immured in rocks Dating back millions of years, until recently ignored. And not just anyone, but the scientists themselves. Because finds violated generally accepted fact of human evolution and even education in Earth life. WHAT artifacts caught in the rocks, in which the current theory of the origin and development of man there should be absolutely nothing?
Viewings: 7496
 Legends East report that Atlantic had a few, because the earth catastrophes have died, and then it was revived again. Their capital was created in new places. Consistently they were:
Viewings: 7754
 On horses, fast as the wind, galloping horsemen, leaving clouds of dust. It returns the nomadic tribes with loot. 700 to 300 years BC they dominated the steppes of Eurasia. Then they disappeared, making a mark in history. About them even mentioned in the Bible. These were the Scythians.