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Viewings: 5024
Русь и варягиThe Slavs, the Khazars and the Arabs called the Vikings Vikings. Dwelt among these people for the Baltic sea, which until the XVIII century was called Norman. On his strong, boats went in neighbouring and distant lands. Through the Gulf of Finland, the Neva river, Ladoga lake and Volkhov - up to the Ilmen lake, Lovat, and the Western Dvina, not fearing the protracted portages, got to the Dnieper river and through it - to the Black sea. This path was named "from the Varangians to the Greeks".
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Viewings: 5432
Между мухомором и волейThey were called robbers, said that with them it is impossible to fight: they say, drink broth of dried fly agaric and in this way bring myself to combat ecstasy... However, to Pat European army, one of the Amanita still not enough. The power of the Vikings was in another.
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Viewings: 5096
Легендарная страна ВинландWhere is she? In this country the wheat grows by itself, darkness salmon in rivers, wild "wine berry" (cranberry) and warm winter. People, who lived a thousand years ago, it seemed a Paradise. The message that was left thirty-six brave, committed trip in that region, pushed modern researchers to look for places where Europeans, perhaps for the first time set foot on the North American mainland.
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Viewings: 5065
In June 793 ad monks small island of Lindisfarne (or Holy island), located off the coast of Northumberland (England), has been quietly engaged in daily Affairs, not even suspecting that their island on the waves are approaching fast boats. They silently approached, and wicked-looking bearded men armed with swords and battle axes, jumped on shore and rushed to the monastery. Attacking frightened monks, they arranged a brutal massacre. They robbed the monastery, taking the gold, silver and other jewelry. Then they got back to the ships and disappeared, swimming away on the waves of the North sea.
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Viewings: 4619
Дети ОдинаJudging by archaeological excavations, Vikings were buried with those objects that could be useful to them in the afterlife. These were the weapons, food, beer, jewelry. Sometimes rich people were buried together with the slaves, horses and dogs. Their graves were very large, because there was free to accommodate all the things they took away with him into another world. The walls of the tombs a wealthy Viking was decorated with wood, inlaid with silver. Over the grave mound was erected the monument in the form lined with rocks ships sizes are also depended on the extent of the wealth of the deceased. What was above the status of a Viking, the bigger was the burial ceremony.
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Viewings: 4592
ВикингиIn Russia they were called Vikings, in Western Europe - by the Normans, and in them are known as Vikings: fearless sailors, fierce warriors...
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Viewings: 6689
Вандалы. Кто они такие?Where did the vandals? No, not modern, have "nothing is sacred"and "it", which eventually became known as barbarians and hooligans.
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Viewings: 6709
Основные варианты причин гибели Атлантиды...this happened when the Earth started to revive. No one knew what might happen next. Was a rain of fire, the earth was covered with ash, rocks and trees turned toward the earth. The stones and trees were broken... From heaven fell the Great Serpent... and fell on the earth his skin and pieces of his bones... and arrows fell into orphans and old people, in widowers and widows, who were still living, though forces for the life they have lacked. And they found his own grave by the sea. Then came a terrible wave. The sky with the Great Serpent collapsed and flooded her...
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Viewings: 7895
Есть ли надежда найти Атлантиду?Hope dies last. Proverb. Only one thing can finally solve the problem of the existence of Atlantis: the discovery of what was left on the seabed. If this event will take place, most likely it will radically change all ideas of mankind about their own history.
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Viewings: 9290
Атлантида — остров, канувший в вечностьSince the ancient Greeks, this mystery does not rest lovers secrets. The eternal question, there are already two and a half thousand years.
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Viewings: 6141
Ассирийцы. Марш несокрушимыхThe Romans considered the Assyrian Empire first "world Empire" and a remote predecessor of their own empires - Roman. But the Romans were prudent and careful: they conquered every piece of the world they had long inhabited and pririsovali to the body to his state. Assyrians also acted as if they truly tried to embrace the boundless. Their vast Empire that stretched from Egypt and the Mediterranean sea to the Caucasus and Iranian highlands and South to the Persian Gulf and Arabian deserts, was pulsing like an amoeba, blazing with riots and simultaneously in fear and trembling. In his time in the world was not the army stronger Assyrian. Assyria was living with war and war. In history there is no other example that the country maintained nearly continuous war for 700 years. And at the same time, the Pythagorean theorem here knew long before the Pythagorean. And it is in the capital of Assyria - Nineveh was collected famous library of the cuneiform tablets - a priceless collection of ancient texts, thanks to which, actually, we know so much about ancient history of Mesopotamia.
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Viewings: 6402
Эволюция вселеннойThe question about the evolution of the universe has always been open to humanity. Starry sky over your head for a long time was the symbol of eternity and immutability. Only in the New time people realized that "fixed" stars actually moving with huge velocity. In XX century the humanity accustomed to the more bizarre fact: the distances between star systems - galaxies that are not related to each other by the forces of gravity, is constantly increasing. And it is not in the nature of galaxies the universe is constantly growing! Science had to part with one of its fundamental principles: all things can change in this world, but the world as a whole is always the same. This can be considered a major scientific event of the XX century
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Viewings: 6148
Звезда - Черная дыраIf the mass of the star in two times more than the sun, by the end of his life, the star may explode as a supernova, but if the mass of the matter remained after the explosion, still exceeds two sun, the star should be compressed into a tiny tight body, since the gravitational force is entirely suppress any internal resistance to compression. Scientists believe it is at this point catastrophic gravitational collapse leads to the emergence of a black hole. They believe that with the end of thermonuclear reactions star can no longer be in stable condition. Then for a massive star remains one of the inevitable path is the path of universal and full compression (collapse), turning it into the invisible black hole.
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Viewings: 6119
Строение Вселенной и происхождение небесных телThinking about the Universe, cosmologists XVIII century was first Rene Descartes, and then to Isaac Newton.
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Viewings: 7595
Распространена ли во Вселенной разумная жизнь?The question should be similar to that which was used in the previous paragraph. If somewhere in the Universe emerged and began to develop life as much on average, depending on the conditions, will take time to appear intelligent beings was created civilized society? Of course, there is even impossible to answer. Try at least a few to understand the different sides of the issue and the opportunities to make in the future to answer it.
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