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Viewings: 5635
Неизвестные острова в АрктикеThe contours of the continents of the Earth for thousands of years to change its shape. Also changed the coastline of the lands adjacent to the Northern ocean. Thousands of years ago the Northern ocean was free of ice, as the geographic North pole was in Alaska. In territory of the Arctic was located in a large island, which can be seen at Gerard Mercator's map has been compiled and published in the XVI century. It is possible that they were compiled on the basis of a more ancient sources.
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Viewings: 7943
Тунгусский метеорит - мутантыAbout once a year mystery of the century - where are the Tunguska meteorite and what exactly happened on the territory of Evenkia June 30, 1908 is solved. But not an ounce of what actually consisted space body exploded over the taiga at an altitude of several kilometers, was never found. And it is very desirable.
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Viewings: 7402
Тунгусский метеорит - а был ли онSpring of 1908 was rich unusual natural phenomena. At the end of may in Switzerland happened a strong snowfall. Over the Atlantic ocean was observed thick dust. Flooding rivers were strong. The beginning of the summer too surprised: 17-19 June Northern lights were observed on the middle Volga, and on June 21 in many areas of Europe and Western Siberia began unusually bright colored dawns. Shone brightly noctilucent clouds. Undoubtedly, nature prepared people to the marvelous phenomenon. It has not kept itself waiting.
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Viewings: 6539
Тайна священного колодцаEstablished in Mexico, the Spaniards tried not to remember about the disappeared of the Mayan civilization. Too much was cruel and bloody page in the history of their conquest. And yet the time came when they started talking again. At first there were legends. They were passed from mouth to mouth, and everyone tried to decorate them, adding its share of fiction. But in 1836 American traveler Joseph Stephens accidentally discovered in London report the Spanish officer Antonio del Rio, written in the late 16th century. And a beautiful legend about the Indians appeared in a new light. Del Rio argued that in the Yucatan jungle was great Indian city. Joseph Stephens invited the artist Frederico of Kauperwood, and they went on to establish the truth. The travellers moved through the roads of Yucatan, but never seen the pyramids, no palaces or temples.
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Viewings: 7448
Тайна долины смертиNatural phenomena are difficult to explain, especially if they are dangerous. On a geographical map of the world there are such names, from which unintentionally creepy: "hill of the dead", "swamp devil", "valley of death"... And every such place always has many mysterious legends, not just about accidental death careless traveler, and the mysterious and unexplained deaths.
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Viewings: 7649
Как создается ЛегендаAs soon as the Legend arose, and came to a certain circle of readers, it begins to spread on the type of infectious disease. Just as pathogenic viruses during epidemics spread faster than the effective power of vaccines, lies and hoaxes, enshrining the Legend, spread faster scientific facts, it denies. Comes to the paradox: for example, in Czechoslovakia the popularity of the Bermuda triangle contributed Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Of course, the term "Bermuda triangle" to include in the dictionary was necessary, but what is said about him in the definition is controversial. The dictionary States the following: "the Bermuda triangle is the name of the district in the Western part of the Atlantic ocean off the southeastern U.S. coast between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. The Bermuda triangle is known so far unexplained accidents and disappearances of ships and aircraft. The participants of the joint research program of 1978 established and recorded many protected optical phenomena, violations of terrestrial magnetism, water whirlwinds and whirling currents".
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Viewings: 9704
Дно бермудского треугольникаThe bottom topography in this region of the ocean well-known. We know even that is here under the seabed at a depth of several kilometers. On the Florida shelf, Bahamas and Bermuda have held a number of drilling and geophysical research. Currents, water temperature, salinity and the movement of air over the ocean are the phenomena and processes that are already thousands of pages.
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Viewings: 10335
Воды бермудского треугольникаIt provides information about the temperature and salinity of the Bermuda triangle, their dynamics, especially on the currents, which, as many people believe, is the mysterious power, which is a cause of unexplained accidents and disappearances.
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Viewings: 7459
Атмосфера над бермудским треугольникомTo the Bermuda triangle of course, we must identify and atmospheric phenomena occurring on its territory. First, because the planes disappearing like ships that fly in the atmosphere above the triangle, and secondly, because the ocean and atmosphere in close unity. We have seen that the fixed and variable winds make the surface layers of water move in the same direction; the temperature of the water mass on the surface of the ocean also has a decisive influence on the atmospheric circulation.
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Viewings: 7432
История бермудсккого треугольникаWhy write about the Bermuda triangle, and not, say, the Bahamas, Florida or Puerto Rican? Why talk about the triangle, and not, for example, about a square circle or a line? "Guilty" in the selection of these definitions are mainly people, first of all writers and journalists. However, the paths leading to one or another name, winding, and often all about the accident. The Bermuda triangle is not the only name of this amazing area in the Western part of the Atlantic ocean. It is also called the "sea devil", "cemetery Atlantiki", "the sea voodoo", "the sea of the damned".
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Viewings: 6671
СтоунхенджStonehenge, if you believe the accepted methods of Dating, a bit younger than the famous Egyptian pyramids. But among the ancient seven wonders of the world he entered not - nothing about him write either Greek or Roman authors Probably Romans these stones are not impressed, because they saw the Egyptian pyramids, they built majestic temples. Today it is impossible to determine who was the first biographer of Stonehenge. Already to the XII century all the information about its origin dissolved in myths and nobody remembered the true purpose of the monument. Who built it?
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Viewings: 6064
Подводные пирамидыThe existence of the pyramids at the bottom of the American Rock lake there is no doubt. But who was able to build 10 thousand years ago, when the lake's bottom was still land ? What a mysterious civilization existed in those distant times, when, according to the scientists, only a small primitive tribes were fighting for their survival in the vast North American continent.
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Viewings: 8724
Плато НаскаAbout 2000 years ago, one of poorly known South American civilizations created these mysterious image. In the vastness of the Peruvian desert Nazca these lines, drawn by Red rocks wilderness, represent more than 100 known plants and animals, simple geometrical figures, as well as a scattering incomprehensible, not related to each other straight lines. There are many theories explaining their meaning and answering the question why they were drawn, but their true purpose still remained a real riddle.
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Viewings: 6239
Пещера скелетовCave Skeletons - the legendary semi-mystical cave in the jungle in the North-West from the mouth of the river Kwai in Thailand, about the reality of existence which are numerous disputes. In Russia this cave for the first time it became known from the words of the well-known researcher Nikolai Nepomnyashchy, but abroad, talking about it in 1992 after the disappearance in these places known scientist David Weddle. National Association of anthropologists, the U.S. sent in search of a special expedition under the command Perry and Roy Winston Clive, who had already conducted in the area of the planned search than one year. Driving route Waddle, they quickly reached covered by dense thickets of the hills where the descriptions had to be the search area.
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Viewings: 7200
Патомский кратерNumerous expeditions to study a vast area of radial fall forest on the Podkamennaya Tunguska river, saw no impact craters, neither of meteorite substance. Therefore, the researchers came to the unanimous opinion that there is a real explosion, a powerful explosion odnogo thousand atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima, due to the blast of icy comets when entering her with cosmic speed into the dense layers of the Earth atmosphere. It is believed that up to the surface of our planet comet substance't have got through it all evaporated in the heat of high-temperature explosion.
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