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Viewings: 4604
Ченнелинг: Конец темных временOn Earth begins chaos in anticipation of the financial crisis. However, we stand behind the events that are accepted for repayment of the final collapse, and our allies can act. There will be no return to the old ways that have put you into a humiliating situation.
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Viewings: 4244
Водолазы спустились к НЛО на дне БалтикиSwedish divers inspected the mysterious object at the bottom of the Baltic sea and shot it. As the saying goes on the official site of the organizers of the expedition, none of them had not seen anything like it.
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Viewings: 8615
Все аномальные зоны МираANOMALOUS ZONES in the world and in Russia. THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE.
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Viewings: 4281
Посылка для инопланетян достигла границы Солнечной системыScientists specially placed in the spacecraft NASA's Voyager 1" message to extraterrestrial civilizations
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Viewings: 5976
Медицинские эксперименты НЛОUfologists believe that aliens are visiting our planet, conduct medical experiments on animals and on people. The corpses of animals that have deflated the blood or removed bodies using the most advanced tools, was repeatedly.
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Viewings: 4674
Гонка за лунуIt is known that first flew around the moon Soviet automatic interplanetary stations. Them in 1959, was the first to photograph the invisible side of the satellite. And a little later they were obtained and samples of the lunar soil. These achievements of Soviet science alarmed the whole world and has caused particular concern among Americans. They would lose its international authority, because in space substantially behind the USSR. The Americans were frightened that the USSR will create military bases on the moon and take from there the whole Western world under the gun.
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Viewings: 6816
After the rain the most people notice the presence in the air particular smell. It is often associated with spring, just as the smell of freshly cut grass reminds you of summer. It is written a lot of poetic lines and is often mentioned among the beneficial things that people feel happy. But what is the cause of that smell?
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Viewings: 5978
Every person lives in parallel in 2 dimensions . The first world is the real world , the second - a world of our dreams . Even the venerable scientists still can't understand what happens to a man in a dream . Why some see prophetic dreams, while others claim that they never dream?

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Viewings: 7298
Archaeologists have conducted a series of studies in Spain and made a sensational discovery. Rock carvings in the Spanish Altamira caves and El Castillo was the most ancient in Europe - their age exceeds 40 thousand years.

Наскальные рисунки в Испании признаны древнейшими в ЕвропеНаскальные рисунки в Испании признаны древнейшими в ЕвропеНаскальные рисунки в Испании признаны древнейшими в Европе
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Viewings: 6056
In China discovered the new terracotta army.

В гробнице китайского императора нашли терракотовую армиюВ гробнице китайского императора нашли терракотовую армиюВ гробнице китайского императора нашли терракотовую армию
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Viewings: 5620
"The flagship of the sailing fleet of Russia barque "Sedov", which many called diamond among sailboats, left St. Petersburg for a long journey."

Под парусами вокруг светаПод парусами вокруг светаПод парусами вокруг света
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Viewings: 6595
On Earth there are still inexplicable, mysterious, but the incredible natural phenomena: the fantastic beauty of the Northern lights, the majestic power of lightning, the gentle charm of the clouds, and many many others

Красиво, аж страшно!Красиво, аж страшно!Красиво, аж страшно!
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Viewings: 5108
Every winged creature has a symbolic meaning. The birds always friendly, because due to the connection with the element of air are the messengers of the upper world.

Посланники небаПосланники небаПосланники неба
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Viewings: 6797
Кладбища инопланетянRecently we talked about the mysterious mummies found in the mountains of Peru. Scientists do not exclude, that this is the mummy of aliens who once visited our planet and for one reason or another, remaining in it forever. Continuing this theme, we offer to your attention the material from which it is clear - the burial of strangers meet throughout the Earth.
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Viewings: 8738
Каменные слезыAmong inhabitants of mountain villages of the Tien Shan mountains, located in Kazakhstan, long since there is a legend connected with the mysterious stone tears: "In ancient times lived on Earth giants - Deva, who considered itself to equal gods. Angered by proud of the Devas, the gods created man to be clever and cunning warrior, who drove the giants in the mountains. Thousands of years have passed, and the Devas turned into a large stone, which to this day concluded soul giants, the weeping of anguish".
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