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Viewings: 6422
Есть ли жизнь в стратосфере?Who lives on the edge of space? That is, who, apart pilots and rare divers in the sky? To this question and was about to answer one of the employees of NASA.
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Viewings: 4918
Удары по Марсу нагрели воду до жизненной температурыWater, warm water so that it could be conceived life, still flowed on Mars, tell us the authors of another episode of a long scientific series, which becomes more confusing. Let us just recall a recent example: first Curiosity Rover found on the red planet ancient river, but then showed that there is no methane, despite data of ground-based observations. Heart eager to see the Martian life this news fell on Earth, 90-95% of this gas produced by living beings.
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Viewings: 5486
Правда о засухеIntergovernmental expert group on climate change, predicting the active expansion of arid areas as a result of global warming, apparently mistaken. According to the results of a new study, it was found that current methods for estimating the strength of drought wrong. The situation is not so sad, as climatologists predict.
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Viewings: 4468
Глобальное потепление может стать причиной падения на Землю космических телCarbon dioxide is essentially a natural part of the atmosphere, but its accumulation at the altitude of 15 km above sea level leads to the greenhouse effect. The consequence of increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is caused including man, is global warming.
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Viewings: 6793
Топ 10 массовых вымиранийLife on Earth is always struggling for survival. Animals live in constant stress, to get enough food and adapt to the environment.
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Viewings: 4637
Уровень загрязнения атмосферы достиг своего максимума за всю историюEmployees of the Institute of renewable energy in Germany stated that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has broken all records. Statistics shows that their number in comparison with 2011 increased by 2.5 percent. Also for comparison, we can take the data 1900, according to which the total volume of harmful emissions in the atmosphere has increased in 2 times. It should be noted that more than 25% of all pollution comes from China. For example, emissions of the USA in two times less than in China.
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Viewings: 3833
Новый проект по изучению снега принесёт лавину данныхMountain - barometers of climate change, but so far science has no answers to the simplest questions about them. How much snow on the top and slopes? As the snow cover varies from year to year?
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Viewings: 4656
Марс а натюрельInterplanetary expedition is a long, costly and risky. And so attempts to organize a round-trip airfare and does can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In fact, lunar soil and to this day remains the only example of a large-scale delivery to Earth extraterrestrial matter.
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Viewings: 4063
Метаном на Марсе и не пахнет. А жаль!The first results of the analysis of the Martian atmosphere, made apparatus Curiosity, who is now "parked" Gale crater. Alas, laser spectrometer haven't recorded traces of methane, which is traditionally considered one of the main signs of life. But we had hoped to find on the red planet brothers in mind!
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Viewings: 4387
Прощание с ледниками в АндахInterdisciplinary research group that received $1 million from the National science Foundation, will try to clarify the fate of glaciers in the Andes. Hydrologists, geochemists, geographers and historians (mainly from the USA and Canada) should answer the question, how will the melting ice on the water supply of millions of people living in South America.
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Viewings: 4917
Извержение древнего супервулкана аукнулось на обоих концах ЗемлиAbout 74 thousand years ago on the island of Sumatra there was a terrible eruption of Toba. According to estimates, it was 5 thousand times bigger eruption of mount St. Helens in 1980. Yes, there is a major eruption on the planet for the last 2 million years!
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Viewings: 5030
Астрономы обнаружили странную активность на ПлутонеAstronomers have discovered a strange activity on Pluto Specialists of the American space Agency using orbital telescope "Hubble" managed to register on the surface of Pluto strange activity.
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Viewings: 5118
Экспедиция к Затерянному мируNear the shores of Antarctica, at a depth of 2.4 thousand meters, a few years ago,unknown before the anomalous zone, which scientists themselves called "the lost world".
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Viewings: 4862
Арктика превращается в Средиземноморье 21 века.Открытое море ("Foreign Policy", США)If the forecasts of climate scientists that the ice cover of the Arctic melts, indeed justified, we will see such changes in the geopolitical arena, which had not occurred since the opening of the Panama canal.
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Viewings: 3973
Капитализм погубит людей и планетуWe live in perilous times, especially spiritually. Several hundred arrogant and empowered people (they can be called Bilderberger, Illuminati, trilateralists) decided together to rule the world in the name of"trade and imagination" - once ruled, Cecil Rhodes, founder of the first version of ' new world order" and the first concentration camps.
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