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Viewings: 4747
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Viewings: 4920
На Марсе сравнительно безопасный уровень радиацииCuriosity Rover showed that the radiation level on the red planet is about the same as in low-earth orbit, where the brave guys and girls months hang out on the International space station. But a visit to Mars is of no less dangerous, because to fly'll have a long time (and I would like to return).
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Viewings: 6016
Биотопливо - друг природы?To become truly "ecotoursim"little one only of biofuels. Researchers from Switzerland undertook a detailed analysis of the most common types of biofuels - and have come to the regrettable conclusion. Most of the scenarios is not so much solves an environmental problem as it dumps the burden of responsibility on others shoulders. The question arises: biofuels - the nature of each?
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Viewings: 5983
Всё о планете МакемакеThe size of the dwarf planet, makemake are carved on rocks is not more than two third of the size of Pluto. Also, scientists assumed that it has the same atmosphere as Pluto, but after researching new data became clear that this opinion is erroneous.
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Viewings: 5067
Ученые готовятся к «эпохальному» открытию на МарсеThe Rover NASA "Curiosity", according to scientists who made a major discovery on the red planet, but they keep silent about what they have found. This discovery was made by SAM tool in the crater Gail near the place where the Rover landed.
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Viewings: 4643
Парниковые газы достигли нового потолкаThe concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has reached a new record high in 2011, and the level of carbon dioxide amounted to 391 part per million, according to the world meteorological organization in the annual Bulletin. According to its authors, carbon dioxide accounts for 85% of "radiation heating of the"leading to global warming.
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Viewings: 5060
Хочется залезть в Марс как можно глубжеNASA has plans delivery to Earth rocks and soil of the Martian surface, but the most attractive designs, according to some, are in the caves beneath the surface. The fact that the analysis of the material in terrestrial laboratories is considered as the best way of finding signs of life, and the chances of finding them higher if it is material from the bowels.
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Viewings: 4412
Европейцы вместо Луны полетят на Марс After 48 hours of Naples meeting of Ministers twenty European States participating in the European space Agency (ESA), they also approved the five-year budget office and outlined the main directions of its activity.
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Viewings: 5078
На Марсе бушует пыльная буряMartian dust storm, for which the probe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter watched it last week, resulted in changes of the atmosphere seen in force at the surface of the planet by the Rovers.
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Viewings: 5731
Как Новая Зеландия украдет ваше летоHere in Auckland 48 dormant volcanoes and very low seismic activity, in contrast to Wellington, which is at fault or Christchurch, which is a thin plate. I think, for anybody not a secret, that both the kiwi-island are at high risk, and generally relatively recently emerged from the ocean depths due to the collision of several tectonic plates. As in Japan in General.
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Viewings: 6965
Глобальные природные катастрофы после Великого ПотопаThe Russians will never forget the summer of 2010. A wave of heat swept Russia from the end of April lasted until the middle of August, almost holding and not giving exhausted people no respite. The morgues in large Russian cities were crowded, but no one will give us a truthful statistics of how many people died from the heat, because, in contrast to the cold, not die from the heat, and from related reasons. The temperature of 40 C in the shade was normal for most regions of the country in July.
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Viewings: 5038
Снега Килиманджаро скоро останутся лишь в воспоминанияхThe top of mount Kilimanjaro, the tallest free-standing mountains of the planet, by 2060 can remain without ice, experts say. In the period between 1912 and 2011 ice mass at an altitude of 5900 meters above sea level on top of a dormant volcano in Tanzania decreased by 85 percent, said the researchers from Earth Observatory NASA.
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Viewings: 4969
Космическая "Илиада" на задворках ЮпитераRecently specialists from NASA conducted in-depth study of asteroids, doing libration in the vicinity of their Lagrange points, near Jupiter. They are traditionally referred to as "Trojan" and "the Greeks". The results were interesting: first, scientists have discovered more asteroids than expected, and secondly, defined their composition.
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Viewings: 4504
Люди смогут жить на МарсеThe radiation level on the surface of Mars that scientists believed one of the obstacles to the landing on the Red planet person, actually comparable to radiation at low orbits of the Earth, according to the data of measurements of Curiosity Rover.
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Viewings: 5650
Соль ЗемлиIn the knowledge of the real world, there are no trifles. Even ordinary salt can tell us about global change in the nature of our planet. You only need to look attentively and ponder what lies before our eyes...
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