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Viewings: 7165
Солнце уже устраивало нам "конец света"Researchers are not haunted by the mysterious "event of Charlemagne", which coincided with the victories of the Emperor over the Lombards. In the annual rings of trees that era detected abnormal concentration of radioactive carbon-14. American astrophysicists Adrian Melot and Brian Thomas suggested that the reason for that huge solar flare.
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Viewings: 6745
Смещение полюсов в истории ЗемлиMost of us know that the geographical pole constantly make complex loop-shaped motion in the direction of the daily rotation of the Earth ( precession axis with period period in 25776 years ).
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Viewings: 5138
Mars One: Марс ждет своих первых жителейIn the Netherlands creates unusual research project, which aims to sending humans to Mars. Although their Martian ambitions already announced a dozen countries, the peculiarity of the project Mars One is that its participants are ordinary people, and will fly to the Red planet they are free, because their flight will pay investors, to live on Mars, they will also be free. Tempting? Probably, Yes. However, the peculiarity of the project is that marconato will not return ticket and if something goes wrong, Mars will be their last refuge.
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Viewings: 6465
21.12.2012. Магнитное поле Земли. Исчезнет или нет?A change of magnetic poles he is reaching the alleged causes of the end of the world, which is expected on December 21, 2012.
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Viewings: 6955
Битва за Антарктиду"The world community", infected with parasitic habits, she tries to usurp Antarctica, opened in 1820 Russian scientists Bellingshausen and Lazarev. They think that Russia badly weakened, and it can Rob...
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Viewings: 7597
К Земле стремительно приближается огромная кометаIt promises to be the brightest in the history of observations and the Eclipse of the moon.
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Viewings: 5793
Сибирь спасет человечествоFifteen years ago, in the Siberian village Okunevo came on foot from India... Rasma Rosita. Eight years this woman held in the Ashram (spiritual community) Sri Babaji, until the death of the great guru in 1984. Successor Babaji - Munyagi told Rasma that in Siberia there is a place associated with Hanuman - loyal assistant God Rama, and she must find this place in the interests of Russia and the whole world, for there is a communication channel with space that you want to discover and activate before it closes.
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Viewings: 6316
Будни космического колонизатораPost inspired by conversations about the colonization of Mars and space exploration in General. We are talking about the current state of Affairs. Without hotly my favorite fiction and vague predictions. That's as if tomorrow it will be necessary to develop a plan and be ready to move.
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Viewings: 8163
Какого цвета Марс? Today I will take up the topic, which is already utterly beaten, but still steadily POPs up in almost any discussion of the Runet, where referred to "Mars" and "NASA". Let's talk about the color of Mars. You know, many have this theme is sitting in the liver like me, but I took it that's why. It is necessary once and for all sort through all the arguments and set the record straight.
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Viewings: 4969
НАСА отправит нового робота на Марс в 2020 годуNASA chief Charles Bolden (Charles Bolden) reported that at the end of the decade, the office has scheduled the launch of the new spacecraft destined for Mars exploration.
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Viewings: 4609
Opportunity завершил обход области на краю марсианского кратераThe Rover-survivor Opportunity has received the new task - in details to study the area, bypassing which he had just completed.
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Viewings: 5403
Curiosity нашел таки на Марсе органику – НАСАCuriosity Rover found on Mars simple organic matter, but scientists will need further research in order to eliminate the possibility that they were brought to the planet along with the spacecraft.
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Viewings: 5936
НАСА прокололось 2. Новая подставаDid not have time to smolknut a buzz about extraordinary discoveries on Mars, reported in the article "NASA failed"as a new publication began to spread rapidly across the Network.
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Viewings: 4767
В пустыне США количество мусора превысило количество животныхIn the South-West of the USA is one of the hottest and biggest deserts in North America - the Sonoran desert. Despite the extreme conditions, Sonora is home to hundreds of species of animals and thousands of species of plants, among which, for example, local endemic - Carnegie giant.
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Viewings: 5725
Солнечные вспышки могут нокаутировать технологическую цивилизациюAdrian Melot (Adrian Melott), Professor of physics and astronomy from the University of Kansas, and Brian Thomas (Brian Thomas) from Washburn University (both - USA) has offered a new explanation of the mysterious "event of Charles the Great" - named after the simultaneous victory for Carl clashes 774-775 years with the Lombards.
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