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Viewings: 3967
Люди влияют на климат уже более двух тысяч летNew data extracted from the glaciers of Greenland, suggest that the concentration of methane in the atmosphere follows the rise and decline of civilizations.
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Viewings: 5356
Ледяной терминатор живет на ВенереVenus is traditionally considered to be "hot" planet, because it has the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and the hot surface. However, recently space probe Venus Express has revealed in the upper layers of the Venusian atmosphere is an area where the temperature is from -175 to -73 degrees Celsius. This is very strange, because Venus is much closer to the Sun than Earth.
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Viewings: 4691
Роскосмос объявил об изучении спутника Юпитера и мониторинге астероидаIts grandiose plans shared with journalists "Roskosmos". Representatives of this organization said that by 2022 they are going to launch the spacecraft in a relatively deep space, namely to Jupiter. More precisely, not back to Jupiter, and one of these called Galilean satellites, Ganymede. The head of Roscosmos told that the spacecraft will descend to the surface of Jupiter's moon, and the other space probe will set the beacon on the asteroid Apophis. This asteroid has a high probability of threat to Earth, but because the Federal space Agency wants to monitor its status.
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Viewings: 5314
«Викинги» - Жизнь на Марсе: что дальше?The revision of the already previously obtained experimental data has led scientists to conclude that life on Mars not only exists in our days, but already was discovered 30 years ago. A new study confirms that the experiments "Viking" 30-year-old showed the presence of life on Mars, however, have been misinterpreted by the representatives of NASA.
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Viewings: 5547
Земля погружается во тьмуThe confidence of older people is that even before the Sun shone brighter than now, as it turned out, has more than good reason. British scientist Dr. Gerry Stanhill (Gerry Stanhill) on the basis of data analysis of long-term observations have established that the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, continuously and rapidly declining. According to the BBC, Dr Stanhill, working now in Israel, in 2001 named this phenomenon "global dimming" (global dimming).
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Viewings: 4264
Марс – непознанная родина боговThe exploration of Mars began a long time ago. Long before our era the mystery of the red planet fascinated astronomers Egypt and Babylon. The Egyptians called the Red planet Choir and has devoted her famous statue of the Great Sphinx at Giza, having painted it red. Later Mars studied ancient Greek, Chinese, Indian, and then and Arab scientists. With the light hand of the Romans it was named in honor of the God of war.
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Viewings: 5890
Аномальный центр ЗемлиWho would have thought that with a tiny country on the Baltic sea are related to the tragic events in most parts of the planet - riots, war and the devastating earthquake!
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Viewings: 3750
Curiosity сделал "маленький шаг для человека"The Rover has sent the photo which is clearly visible trace similar to human
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Viewings: 4057
Луна и ее темные и загадочные стороныThe moon is a satellite of the planet Earth, is the only celestial body in the Solar system that has a trace of a man. She is under scrutiny looking at her telescopes, its study and from space and from Earth, but scientists admit that for the last fifty years our knowledge about this satellite has increased only slightly, but on the contrary, increased the number of mysteries that surround the moon.
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Viewings: 4659
Стеклянный Марс About glassy Mars informed the American geologists, Brioni Hogan and Jim bell of the University of Arizona. In the images transmitted by the probe Mars Express, they saw like melted dunes. Scientists have suggested that the glass that covered dunes were formed by volcanic eruptions. What, in their opinion, convincingly proves that Mars was violent volcanic past. In the end, glass steel in total about 10 million square kilometers of the surface.
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Viewings: 4414
Живая плазма внутри ЗемлиThe crust of the earth is dissected by a dense network of ancient "scars" - faults. On them continuously moving rocks that prevent their "healing". One such break through Zelenograd near Moscow, has long attracted the attention of geophysicists. His behavior seems quite familiar.
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Viewings: 5850
Предсказатели о космической угрозе Земле и землетрясенияхThe probability of falling on us comet or asteroid neskolko small, but the fear of cosmic catastrophe that cannot (yet) to prevent grows in direct proportion to the growth of our knowledge about space. This is exactly the case when, as the ancients said, expertise make us unhappy.
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Viewings: 4298
Цунами: гигантские волны с моряIn one of the paintings of the cycle "36 views of mount Fuji" great Japanese artist katsushika Hokusai depicted a giant tsunami wave. This mountain water is so huge, that it seems that outshines the mountain itself. Of course, we just artistic exaggeration achieved through skillful use the perspective effect. But the tsunami really have a terrible destructive power.
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Viewings: 4252
Curiosity обнаружил на Марсе следы присутствия воды в далеком прошломAmerican Curiosity Rover found on the surface of Mars traces of the presence of water in the distant past. The Rover has transferred to the Ground a few shots of stones with a rounded surface. According to researchers, this figure and shape suggests that these rocks were in the stream channel.
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Viewings: 4653
Мировой океан, в котором заканчивается рыбаHumanity has not live by hunting and gathering as a once - with one important exception. Fish is the only wild animal, which we hunt in large quantities. And yet, we may be the last generation that was engaged in this trade.
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