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Viewings: 6038
Ученые NASA изучают необычайное природное явление - "джеты" и "эльфов"Nature is so amazing atmospheric phenomena as lightning, the batter into the ground during a lightning storm, studied the man is still very superficially. Yet scientists know less about the unusual varieties of lightning, for example, ball lightning, or high-rise types of lightning, which can be observed more rarely. But experts do not stop attempts to explore these phenomena and literally go on the hunt for lightning. Sometimes the search to be successful - amazing natural phenomenon manage to capture a photo or video, and then to study in detail.
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Viewings: 3701
Мир в объятиях воды - глобальное бедствиеEcologists, managers and specialists of water management met recently in London Chatham House [Royal Institute of international relations], in order to reflect on the future. Asia is a continent where these problems are most severe at the moment.
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Viewings: 3672
Вода. Подготовиться к потрясениямIs the world to come face to face with shocks connected with water? Such events are inevitable and already are.
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Viewings: 7575
Магнитная буря: мифы и реальностьIn March 1989 in Quebec almost a day without heat, light and radio was left 6 million people. In the summer of 2000 unexpectedly failed Japanese communications satellite. And in March 2001 was nearly "dropped" from the orbit of the navigation satellite "Ocean"... Terrorists are above suspicion.
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Viewings: 6160
Солнечная катастрофаSince ancient times people thought with horror of the approaching end of the world. But numerous prophecies are still not fulfilled. Now scientists say that global catastrophe on the planet, and its cause is our luminary. Long-term studies show: powerful solar flares can cause the magnetic storm of unprecedented strength.
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Viewings: 4002
Перемены на Земле: Что будет дальше?According to the magazine "Nature", the human impact on the environment will lead the planet to the point of change. Last time it was 12 000 years ago. About it says Laure Nuala "Libеration" (France).
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Viewings: 3845
Первые люди отправятся на Марс в 2023 году и не вернутся на Землю While American Curiosity Rover exploring the Red planet in an automatic mode, in the Netherlands is in full swing preparing for a manned mission to Mars.
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Viewings: 4193
Полет на Марс: в одиночку, в одну сторонуSpecialists say that the flight to Mars is now impossible for several reasons. But it is in normal view. Science sees not only the entire reality, science does not see in this reality the main. The universe is arranged not so, says about this science. And if you think about it, taking into account some circumstances, mission to Mars largely may be close. It is proposed to consider three main points, which can be greatly facilitated this flight.
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Viewings: 3701
Паника вокруг таяния льдов Гренландии сменилась трезвым анализомIn July of the current year the world community was shocked with the news that the Greenland glaciers were melting at an unprecedented high speed. Let's remind, that several satellites, confirmed widespread melting of the ice sheet, including those areas that are not year-round are melting.
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Viewings: 3065
Зашедшие слишком далекоScientists from Russia, Norway and the USA examined the phenomenon in Arctic waters were discovered microorganisms, traditionally living in tropical and subtropical latitudes.
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Viewings: 2902
Потери морского льда в Арктике оказались выше ожидаемыхThe first satellite specifically designed to study the thickness of the polar caps of the Earth, showed that sea ice in the Arctic is disappearing much faster than expected.
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Viewings: 5719
Август 2012. Солнечная Вспышка. Разрушение и тяжестьAt the moment we are diving and swimming between solar flares faster than an Olympic champion in Boxing, but all these maneuvers do not bring obvious benefits. Electromagnetic energy has us wave after wave, and it is not felt so nice. But clean and offsets that these waves cause, really high, so that, when you next shout: "Oh, no! Not only this! Another flash!", know that they contribute a large internal and external transformation.
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Viewings: 5749
Земля: смена эпох («Libération», Франция)According to the magazine "Nature", the human impact on the environment will lead the planet to the point of change. Last time it was 12 000 years ago
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Viewings: 4987
Developed by NASA lunar landing module "Morpheus" crashed during a test tests conducted on Thursday at the site at Space center Kennedy in the U.S. state of Florida.

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Viewings: 43418
Новые фото с Марса от CuriosityNew house of Curiosity (Curiosity). These are the first two complete, fully-resolved images of the Martian surface from the navigation camera Curiosity, which is located at head" or the mast of the Rover. In the distance, on the rocky land you can see the edge of the Gale Crater and the mountains.
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