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Viewings: 5827
Разные полушария Солнца достигнут пика активности в разное времяRichard Altrock from the Research laboratory of the U.S. air force in new Mexico, specializing in the study of coronal structures of the Sun, put forward the thesis that the peak in solar activity, which is usually expected in 2013, in the Northern hemisphere, the Sun has already happened in July 2011. According to his calculations, the peak of activity in the southern hemisphere will be observed later predicted and will come only in the beginning of 2014.
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Viewings: 4941
До Марса дотронулась рука с ЗемлиCuriosity Rover began a study found on the red planet unusual stone in the shape of a pyramid. The unit, which was managed by NASA employees, managed using a robotic arm to touch the object, whose value is approximately equal to a football ball. This contact was the first of its kind in history. Moreover, the three-manipulator Curiosity in contact captured the rock samples for analysis, writes the TPM. Show videoanimal events here.
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Viewings: 4536
Вода и загадки жизни ЗемлиIn the press have repeatedly been reports of researchers that in ancient times the Earth has a smaller size, and speed of rotation around its axis is greater, in comparison with the present time. Naturally, if you increase the size of Earth and the slowdown in the speed of its rotation, the daily time increased. The main reason for the slow speed of the material body (including Land) is increasing its diameter. A clear example of this is the reception skaters on the ice used to accelerate or slow speed of their body by bringing or removal of arms from the axis of its rotation.
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Viewings: 5167
Если на Европе и есть океан, то очень глубокоThe machines that go explore the huge subsurface ocean, possibly existing on Jupiter's moon Europe will have to drill very, very deeply.
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Viewings: 4659
Дворники для Curiosity всё же полетят на МарсEngineers from Madrid University Carlos III (Spain) under the General guidance of Professor Luis Enrique Moreno has developed a brush-based alloys with shape memory for cleaning ultraviolet sensors of Curiosity Rover from dust.
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Viewings: 4073
Глобальное потепление зальёт тропикиThunderstorm complexes, fraught with monsoon floods and large-scale cyclones... they Say all these varieties of bad weather in the tropics will be more frequent as global warming. How?
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Viewings: 3782
Марсоход Curiosity нацелился на необычный каменьCuriosity Rover chose the first goal for his manipulator - a stone the size of a soccer ball.
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Viewings: 3947
Why Mars is cold and dry? Although recent research has indicated that ancient Mars, perhaps, was not wet and warm, many scientists still believe that the once Red planet had a denser atmosphere that can support liquid water on the surface. If so, then on Mars formed conditions that could exist microorganisms.

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Viewings: 3888
Тайна марсианских шариков раскрытаA few years ago, the Rover Opportunity found on the red planet mysterious little black balls, layer which covers the landing of the Rover. Recently the device found on Mars balls already another type. Most likely, both have natural origin and are associated with the composition of the Martian rocks, experts say.
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Viewings: 4257
От буйства Солнца планеты перекосилоAstrophysicist from France suggested an interesting explanation of one anomaly of the planets of the Solar system. They are all built in the same plane, but this plane is slightly tilted with respect to the solar equator. The scientist believes that this is the result of "hooligan" behavior of the Sun in the early stages of its evolution. Then it loved to radiate relativistic jets.
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Viewings: 5298
Марс уже давно заселили земные бактерии?Housing space technology specially treated with ultraviolet light to destroy all microorganisms. However, soil bacterium, Bacillus (saprophyte) were resistant to this treatment. Since 2006 it has consistently found on the surface of the aircraft. This means that our bacteria can be the first colonists on other planets!
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Viewings: 4152
Марсианская глина вновь озадачила...Until recently discovered on Mars clay was considered a sure sign of the fact that on the red planet has or, at least once existed water. However, new research conducted by Alain Meunier from the University of Poitiers (France), shows that clay layers can specify only on the processes of volcanic activity.
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Viewings: 6374
Марс,как вторая лунаSocial networks wanders sensation that Mars in August are as close as possible to the Ground and will look like a second Moon.
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Viewings: 3937
Марсоход Curiosity успешно прошёл первый тест-драйвSo, Curiosity Rover finally moved and left landing, named after the late writer ray Bradbury.
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Viewings: 3734
И север станет югомScientists predict: the Earth's poles at any time can change places. Will there be a global catastrophe?
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