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Viewings: 3931
On Wednesday, NASA scientists spent the first sea trials of Curiosity Rover on the surface of the red planet. At a press conference held at the jet propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (USA, California), they said that "the tests went well, all systems are working fine". Photos made during the experiment, already transmitted to Earth.

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Viewings: 3645
Марсоход Curiosity оплакивает первую потерюMoving his wheels, the Rover Curiosity gave to understand that he is ready for its first test-drive which is to be held today, August 22. But instead fanfare NASA plays a mourning by the first loss.
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Viewings: 3927
Антарктические льды могли изменить сердцебиение планетыYou may have already seen the charts compiled by Antarctic ice cores, a kind of a cardiogram ice ages. If Yes, then most likely you said cyclicality: about thousand years of glaciation, then a relatively short interglacial period, and again gradual cooling covers the planet. The reason - in a small and rhythmic variations of the Earth's orbit, which alter the amount of sunlight received our home.
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Viewings: 4111
Мир должен готовиться к повышению цен на продовольствиеDrought in the USA and on the black sea coast, a weak monsoon in India, the famine in the Sahel... the World is waiting for a new round of the food crisis, experts say.
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Viewings: 4897
Спутники Урана решили выяснить отношенияThe discovery of new satellites orbiting Uranus, forced scientists to return to the study of old problems. They try to understand whether the system of this gas giant stable - and how likely collision with each other. What can happen as a result of such a cosmic accident? There are a number of alternative versions.
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Viewings: 3904
Ученые: максимум 90 лет - и льды в Арктике полностью растаютThe ice cover in the Arctic region has set a new minimum rate for the summer.
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Viewings: 6748
Внутри земли скрыт параллельный мирMore and more evidence in favor of the theory of parallel worlds. Physicists from Stanford University was able to calculate the hypothetical number of universes, formed as a result of the Big Bang - 10 in 1016-St degree. Thus it is not excluded that they may stay in each other, and within our Land, perhaps hidden Earth-2.
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Viewings: 5006
Как накормить 9 миллиардов людейWinston Churchill in 1932 said that, in his opinion, fifty years no one will care a whole chicken to eat her leg or breast. He believed that scientists will learn to grow separate pieces of chicken in a suitable environment.
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Viewings: 5653
Марсоход Curiosity опробовал лазерThe Rover "Curiosity" (Curiosity) for the first time took advantage of the laser. Experimental object was a stone the size of a fist, conventionally named Coronation (Coronation).
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Viewings: 5002
Землетрясения под антарктическим ледником связаны с морскими приливамиThousands of earthquakes occurring in rapid succession in less than a year under the Antarctic glacier, possibly connected with the tides of the sea.
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Viewings: 5989
Ученые выяснили, как погибнет ЗемляThe American team of astrophysicists led by Bruce Fegli built a computer model, which demonstrates the process of complete evaporation of the planet of the earth type. However, the researchers were not going to destroy the Earth - they were motivated purely scientific interest: to determine some characteristics of the so-called supersell.
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Viewings: 4998
Curiosity успешно испытал мощный лазер на МарсеOn Sunday Curiosity had successfully tested a laser to vaporize the Martian rocks to study its chemical composition, reports CNN.
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Viewings: 6150
The sun is entering a new cycle of activity. This occurs every 11 years. At the Institute of Geophysics warn of powerful flares on the surface of the disc. The strongest magnetic storms await us in a whole year. And Russia is in the so-called geo-effective sector - that is, emissions plasma will fly directly to us.

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Viewings: 5043
Марсианская порода будет расплавлена лазером CuriosityIt is planned that this weekend Curiosity Rover ("Curiosity") uses its laser, which is able to "evaporate" stones. The test should pass before a plain Rover will make the first trip to Mars.
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Viewings: 5119
Curiosity Rover conveyed to Earth the first data on the composition of Martian soil. Managed to do it with the help of Russian neutron detector mounted on the device - that he must find water on Mars. While the search was not successful. But scientists it is not upsetting: first, the Rover had not even moved from his place, and secondly, that the whole system works, is in itself good news.

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