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One of the most exciting mysteries of Ancient Egypt - a huge field of glass that were discovered in 1932. In December of that year employee "Egyptian geological Bulletin" Patrick Clayton was driving among desert dunes of the Great Sand Sea, near the plateau Saad.
Suddenly he heard under the wheels of the machine unusual crunch. Coming out of the car, traveler discovered that large pieces scattered transparent yellow-green glass, Glass was marked by extraordinary purity: almost devoid of impurities, it is 98 percent consisted of silicone! Clayton was not a pioneer became famous glass deposits of the Western desert. Prehistoric hunters and nomads used glass for making knives and other items. There is information that in the tomb of Tutankhamen was discovered scarab cut from the glass.
Deposits of glass stretches for hundreds of kilometers. Some pieces weigh up to 26 kg, but the majority is smaller and its shape resembles the pieces of a giant green bottles.
According to conventional theory, the transformation of sand in the glass was the result of the fall of the cosmic body which caused a massive heat emission. However, this theory has some flaws. On the surface of the Great Sand Sea there are no traces of the crater; it could not find even during microwave sounding depth layers produced satellite radar.
Some believe that the spaceship (or a meteorite) did not fall to the ground and exploded a few kilometers above the surface, which explains the lack of a crater. However, this assumption does not explain other oddities. The fact is, that accumulation of glass fixed in not one, but two areas of the desert. Out, there were two cosmic guest?
After the explosion of the atomic bomb tests conducted in the American state of new Mexico desert Sands turned into green glass melted. Maybe glassy sand on the territory of Ancient Egypt left us a legacy of bygone nuclear war - a war that was able to turn North Africa and Arabia in the desert?
Now and then in different parts of the earth are plots of ground, littered with shards very ancient glass. Does this mean that thousands of years ago the earth witnessed a nuclear war, or at least that someone regularly conducted a nuclear test?
Another puzzle that can be put in one row with the mystery of the Libyan desert glass - glass FORTS Scotland. One of the most striking examples is the fortress TEP About'Notes. This massive structure located at the crest of the mountain at an altitude of 560 meters. At first glance it seems as if the walls of the Fort consists of a heap of stones, but a closer look astonished to notice that they are not shot down from a solid boulders, and from molten rock. Where there were once isolated stones, now blackens frozen homogeneous mass.
None of the existing explanations of the phenomenon glassy FORTS is not undisputed. According to one version, the builders were deliberately set fire to the fortress with the aim of turning a stone into the glass, wanting to give the constructions durability. This version is interesting, however, is questionable. First, the fire, apparently, not only strengthened the walls, but some places have destroyed them. Secondly, in the laboratory it has been estimated that the process glazing stones, members of the FORTS, begins at the temperature of 1100'S! Such temperature is almost impossible to create, burning logs and brushwood.
Another hypothesis States that the fortress was ignited by the builders, and the conquerors. But why was the victories - indicators to make Herculean efforts not just to burn or destroy the fortress, and turn it into a glass? The one explanation: they have the unknown weapon, can melt the stone!
Written traditions brought to us the information on the substance called "Greek fire", which existed in ancient times. This substance was an ancient likeness of Napalm bombs. Reset using catapults, she had such a strong Flammability that it was impossible to extinguish. Some types of "Greek fire could burn even under water, so they are used in sea battles. The secret of making "Greek fire" has not managed to solve. There is an opinion that it is the "inheritance" of the aliens.
Proponents of intervention ancient astronauts in the history of mankind is believed that the walls of the Scottish FORTS drew in glass aliens. And this is the most acceptable version. In other words, glassy FORTS indicate that in Scotland, England and Wales, in prehistoric times, about 1000 BC, was inhabited by a highly developed civilization that has built an impressive building and was fighting with the other powerful country with nuclear or other mysterious weapons of enormous destructive power! This civilization on earth, most likely, would have left a lot more material evidence of its existence,
In 1922 Indian archaeologist P. Banerjee found on one of the Islands of the Indus river in the ancient ruins. They were called Mohenjo-Daro, which means "Hill of the dead". Even then there were questions: destruction of this great city, where are its inhabitants? Among the ruins scattered spravivshegosya lumps of clay and other minerals, which quickly hardened into a glass. Sample analysis, conducted at the University of Rome and in the laboratory of the National research Council showed that the melting occurred at a temperature of 1400-1500 degrees!
This temperature in those days could be obtained in the metallurgical furnace workshop, but not on the vast open area. In Mohenjo-Daro, in addition, there are traces of a special kind, If you carefully examine the destroyed buildings, the impression is that clear-cut area is a center where all the buildings are swept away in some squall. From the centre to the periphery of destruction gradually decrease. Best preserved outlying buildings. In short, the picture resembles the consequences of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki! Whether is it possible to assume that the earth's invaders of the valley of the Indus river possessed nuclear energy? This assumption seems incredible and absolutely contrary to the views of modern historical science.
However, in the Indian epic Mahabharata says about a "Bang"which caused "the blinding light a fire without smoke", "water started to boil, and fish became charred". If you believe the "Mahabharata", last on earth resounded fantastic battles, which were used aircraft, chemical and presumably nuclear weapons. It is possible, in this way, long before our era, strangers from the stars suppressed and punished disobedient city and even Nations. And the ancient vitreous education, scattered across the planet, remain silent witnesses have long ended battles.