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Древние рудники и пришельцыAliens who find themselves at a considerable distance from their home planet and who experienced a shortage in equipment for mining, entered simple and brilliant, creating slaves-miners.

Without investing a significant investment in the production and placing people on self-sufficiency, they ruthlessly exploited by his servants, that with the help of primitive labor instruments "issued on the mountain" necessary aliens minerals. Especially valuable for aliens was not gold, not silver, and tin, which the Sumerians called "heavenly metal". Among the ancient tribes existed even narrow specialization. For example, the tin mining was only tribe cessario who previously lived on the territory of modern Iran.

Ancient mines of the stone age, which worked our ancestors, getting to aliens minerals that are found in different regions of the planet - in the Urals, Pamir, Tibet, Western Siberia, North and South America, Africa. In the later period people used the old mines have for their own needs, taking out their ore for the production of copper, tin, lead, iron.

Ancient mines

To get to madeenah layers, it was necessary to open 12 meters viscous and very heavy clay cover, reliably covering lenses and veins of copper minerals. We are trying to clear one of 35 thousand of such mines

Древние рудники и пришельцы

In the extant hieratic text on novoegipetskie language (it is stored in the British Museum) States that the Egyptian pharaohs long time used the copper reserves from warehouses, left by the ancient kings. This fact confirms the Testament of Ramses III" (1198-1166 years BC):

I sent his people off with the Commission in the wilderness ATEK [Sinai] to a large copper mines that are in place. And [here is] their boats full of it [copper]. Another part copper sent by land, loaded their donkeys. 't heard [such] before, from the days of ancient kings. Found their mines, full of copper, which shipped [in the amount] of tens thousand [pieces] on their boats departing under their supervision in Egypt and arriving intact under the protection of [God] with her hand [God Bus - the patron Saint of the Eastern desert], and which is built in a heap under the balcony [Royal Palace] in the form of numerous pieces of copper [number] in the hundreds of thousands, and they colors triple iron. I gave all people to look at them as unusual.

The people living around lake Victoria and the river Zambezi, preserved the legend about the mysterious white people who were called "bachwezi". They built stone cities and towns, canals were built for irrigation, carved into the rock pits with a depth of three to 70 meters, trenches several kilometres long. According to legend, bachwezi could fly to cure all diseases and reported on events that occurred in the distant past. Aliens mined ore and smelt metals. Disappeared from the face of the Earth they are as suddenly as it appeared.

Ancient mines

Panorama of one of the many sites Karganov with thousands of traces of buried mines (shooting from a helicopter)

In 1970, the mining company Anglo American Corporation"to reduce the cost of the search for new deposits of minerals in South Africa, attracted archeologists to find the abandoned ancient mines. Reportedly Adrian Boshier and Pieter Bomonti, on the territory of Swaziland and other places were found vast areas with shafts with depth up to 20 meters. Age found in the mines of bones and charcoal is 25 to 50 thousand years. Archaeologists came to the conclusion that in ancient times in South Africa have used the technology of mining developments. Artifacts found in the mines, indicate a relatively high level of the technologies that are unlikely to be accessible to people of the stone age. Miners led even on account of work performed.

The earliest evidence of iron production in Africa is found in the surrounding area Tarughi and Samon Wild - settlements related to the culture of the NOC and located on the Jos plateau in Nigeria. Found here furnace for iron production assistants date 500-450 years B.C. It had a cylindrical shape, was made of clay. Pits for slag were deepened into the soil, and the tube for furs were on the ground level.

In 1953 miners of mine "lion" in the area of Wattis (Utah, USA) at a coal mining at a depth of 2800 meters came across a network of ancient tunnels. Underground coal production, made by unknown miners, had no communication with the surface and were so old that the entrances to the mines have been destroyed by erosion.

Professor of the University of Utah E. Wilson spoke about this issue:

Without any doubt, these passages are made by human hand. Despite the fact that outside there were no traces of them, tunnels, apparently, was conducted from the surface to the point where they crossed the current development... there is No visible reason for Dating tunnels.

Professor of anthropology at the University of Utah Jesse D. Jennings denies that these tunnels could pave the North American Indians, and don't know who were the ancient miners:

First, to perform such work requires a direct need this area in the corner. Prior to joining the white man all cargo transported by porters people. As for the location, there is no indication that the natives in the area of mines Wattis burning coal.

In North America discovered several mines in which civilization was extracted minerals. For example, the Royal island (lake superior) from ancient mines were extracted thousands tone copper ore, which is then mysteriously was removed from the island.

Ancient mines

Eilat region, the most ancient copper mines

In southern Ohio discovered several furnaces for smelting of iron ore. Farmers of the state sometimes find metal products in their fields.

Image "miners" with a mysterious tools, like jackhammers and other tools for mining operations, can be met in different regions of the globe. For example, in the ancient capital of the Toltec Tula there are reliefs and bas-reliefs with images of gods, gripping objects, more like plasma cutters than guns stone or bronze age.

On one of the stone columns of the city of Tula has a bas-relief: the divine Toltec holds in his right hand "miner" tool; his helmet similar to the headwear of the ancient Assyrian kings.

On the territory of the state Toltec in Mexico, discovered many ancient mines, which have previously been mined gold, silver and other non-ferrous metals. Alexander Del Mar in "the History of precious metals" writes:

In respect of prehistoric mining supposed to put forward the idea that the Aztecs did not know of iron, and therefore the issue of mining mine way... almost not worth it. But modern researchers have found in Mexico ancient mines and evidence mine developments, which they found places in prehistoric mining.

China's copper mining was conducted since ancient times. To date, Chinese archaeologists have studied 252 vertical shaft that descends to a depth of 50 meters, with numerous horizontal tunnels and holes. At the bottom of the tunnels and mines were found iron and bronze tools, once lost miners. Copper deposits were developed from the bottom up: once the ore in the adit has dried up, get a new one, above, in a vertical trunk of mine. Because the ore is delivered to the surface in baskets, waste rock from new tunnels, in order not to raise it, I just dropped down in the abandoned generation. The gallery was covered forked sticks burning bamboo, stuck in the wall.

Numerous ancient mines are in Russia and in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The old deposits were discovered in the foothills of the Northern Altai, Minusinsk basin in Orenburg, lake Baikal, the Amur river, in the southern Urals, in the basin of river Ishim, in some regions of Central Asia and the Caucasus and Ukraine. L. P. Levites published in 1941 the brochure "About ancient mines"below is a map showing the locations of several hundred mining the earth's interior, which was extracted mainly copper, tin, silver and gold. In ancient faces many mines were found stone hammers of solid, made in the form of a polyhedron or flat cylinder. For the breaking off of ore were bronze picks, wedges and chisel. In some mines found skeletons of dead people.

In 1961 near Arkhyz (Western Caucasus) on mount Pastukhova geologists have discovered an old mine. C. A. Kuznetsov, who investigated the excavation, said:

...ancient miners and miners came acted with great understanding: they went through the vein and chose all the lenses and clusters of copper ore, not stopping minor inclusions. Oswegolaziness in those days striking, because no special scientific knowledge on Geology and mining existed. Already in antiquity people could skillfully lead the kind of geological exploration and to this end investigated inaccessible mountain ridges.

Peipsi mines (from the word "Chud") is the collective name of the most ancient ore mines, traces of which are found on the territory of Ural, Western Siberia and the Krasnoyarsk territory. Book I. E. the Eichwald "On Peipsi mines" contains detailed information about them:

Mines began operations around the 1st half of the III Millennium BC; most production to XIII-XII century BC; production ceased in V-VI centuries A.D. in Western Siberia and in the XI-XII centuries A.D. in the Middle and Northern Urals. At penetration Peipsi mines ancient miners used stone hammers, wedges, pestles, crushers; horn and bone picks; copper and bronze, and then iron picks, Kyle, hammers; wooden troughs, log-stairs; wicker baskets, leather bags and gloves; clay lamps and other mineral mining is usually started pits-zakoulkam; poring over the fall deposits of 6-8 meters, there was usually a funnel-shaped, slightly slanted and narrowing down the mine, sometimes small section of the tunnel, and streaks - Horta. The depth of the excavations by an average of 10 to 14 meters; some have reached significant proportions (for example, copper quarry near the town of Orsk 130 meters long and 15-20 meters width)as the mining of ore in them took place for hundreds of years.

In 1735 South of Ekaterinburg, near Gumilevskogo mine on the earth's surface were found significant quantities already produced ancient miners ore with a high content of copper (the great nest the best of copper ore), as well as traces of ancient fallen mines depth of about 20 metres and crumbled career. Perhaps something has forced the miners to hastily leave the place of their work. In the workings Gumilevskogo mine found abandoned copper Kyle, hammers, the remains of wooden shovels.

Ancient mines

About ancient mines in Transbaikalia and balances melting furnaces in the area of Nerchinsk was known already under Tsar Fyodor Alexeevich. In the letter to the head of Nerchinsk Burg, Samoila Lisovsky written:

Around the same places from Nerchinsk Fort in thirteen heads were found the cities and yurts, many residential, and mill stones Gornoye, and scree earth, not in one place; and he de Paul [Russian envoy] asked many old people Inozemtsev and Tungus and mongolskih people: what people in the place before this and supported the city and all the factories were opened; and they said, what people supported, that they don't know and neither of whom they have not heard.

The number of small mines and pits sampocak in Russia is in the thousands. There are many ancient quarries and mines, where copper was mined progressive Stripping way: over the ore Deposit was removed soil, and the mine was developed without additional costs. In the East of Orenburg region is known for two of mine: Ush-Cattin (four ancient career with stockpiles of copper ore, the largest of them has a length of 120 metres, the width of 10-20 meters and a depth of 1-3 m) and Elenovski (size 30 x 40 meters and a depth of 5-6 meters). Held mineralogical and geochemical researches have allowed to establish, that copper-tourmaline ore, similar Elenovski, was one of the sources of raw materials for metallurgical production in the ancient town of Arkaim.

In the Chelyabinsk region in 1994 there has been discovered a mine thieves pit, which is located in the interfluve of Singana - Quick, 5 kilometers from the village Sengeysky. Ancient generation has a round shape, the diameter of 30-40 meters, a depth of 3-5 metres and surrounded by waste dumps. According to the experts, the mine produced approximately 6 thousand tonnes of ore with a copper content of 2-3 %, which could be obtained about 10 tons of metal.

The traces of ancient mines are in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In the area of lake Issyk-Kul on deposits of gold, polymetallic and tin ores in 1935 were found traces of ancient mining.

In 1940 geological expedition under the leadership of E. Ermakova found in hard to reach the spurs of the Pamir horizontal drift with the ramifications of a length of about 150 metres. Its location geologists reported local residents. In ancient develop extracted mineral scheelite - tungsten ore. The length of stalactites and stalagmites, which was formed in the roadway, geologists have found the approximate time of excavation - 12-15 thousand years B.C. Who needed in the stone age this refractory metals with melting temperature 3380 °C unknown.

A very large extent an ancient cave mine Kaniget is located in Central Asia, it is also called "Mine disappearance". There was mined silver and lead. When inspecting these excavations in 1850, was found a large number of moves and rotted wooden supports, which served to strengthen the vaults, artificial caves. The length of the huge mine with two exits to the surface, separated from each other by 200 metres, is about 1.6 km. The way through this labyrinth from one input to another occupies not less than 3 hours. According to local legends, when Khudoyar-Khan sent there criminals, sentenced to death, and if they returned without money, they killed them.

The total volume delivered "on the mountain" and processed in the ancient mines breed impressive. For example, in Central Asia, in the field area of Kangal ("the path of the ancient miners"), which is located in 2 km North of the river to Alkema, there are traces of old mine workings, stretching band for 6 miles. Earlier in the mines were extracted silver and lead. The total amount of mine waste piles - up to 2 million cubic meters, the volume of visible mining - 70 thousand cubic meters. At the field Jerkeman discovered more than a hundred ancient mines with large dumps around them. The total number of ancient workings of Almalyk - about 600. Volume of excavated rock is more than 20 thousand cubic meters.

Dzhezkazgan copper Deposit in Kazakhstan, newly opened in 1771, was developed in prehistoric times, as evidenced by the huge waste dumps and traces of mining operations. In the bronze age there were extracted about a million tons of copper ore. From the assumption of mine was extracted 200 thousand tons of ore. In Dzhezkazgan was produced about 100 thousand tons of copper. Currently in Kazakhstan are found more than 80 deposits of copper, tin and gold-bearing ores, which were used for the extraction of metals in ancient times.

In 1816, the expedition under the guidance of the mining engineer I. P. Shangina discovered vast ancient waste dumps in the area of the river Ishim. In the report it is written:

...mine this was a rich source of industry for working over development of its...

The Sangin estimated waste rock at the mountain Iman: the weight is ancient dumps about 3 million pounds. If to assume, that from the mined ore was smelted only 10 % of copper, the resulting metal weighed about 50 thousand tons. There are estimates of extraction of copper, based on the analysis of spoil dumps, according to which the volume of mined in ancient times copper is about half the size of the whole field. Thus, in the distant past was produced approximately 250 thousand tons of copper.

In 1989 archeological expedition of the Academy of Sciences of Russia under the guidance of Professor E. N. Chernykh studied numerous ancient settlements of miners in Kargaly steppe (Orenburg region), Dating back to IV-II millennia BC the Total surface area with traces of old mine workings is about 500 square kilometers. During the excavations found the home of miners, many molds, the remains of ore and slag, stone and copper tools and other items, indicating that Kargalinskiy steppe was one of the largest mining and metallurgical centers of antiquity. According to estimates by archaeologists from the vintage of kargalinsky mines were extracted from 2 to 5 million tonnes of ore. According to calculations of the Century geologist Mikhailova, only in the Orenburg bronze age mines were extracted as much copper ore that it would be enough for smelting 50 thousand tons of metal. For unknown reasons, in the II Millennium BC copper mining was discontinued, although the mineral resource is not depleted.

Cossack officer FK Nabokov in 1816 he was sent into the Kazakh steppe to identify ancient abandoned mines and mineral deposits. In its report ("Daily journal of major Nabokov"), he gives a lot of information about ancient mines:

Mine Anninsky... was processed by ancient peoples in all during the. Embankments, these developments made, now covered with thick forest and take about 1000 square meters... Pits thereof contained in one pood from 1 to 10 pounds of copper, besides silver. According to the approximate calculation, mine this must conclude ore about 8,000 cubic yards, or up to 3 000 000 poods... Baron Meyendorff found different signs of copper ore in the Ilek river and on Berdianka. This last one is mine, it seems, was described by Pallas. He calls it Saiga and writes that it was found well-preserved, extensive and in many places developed an ancient adit at the cleansing which have been found pellet alloyed copper melting pots made of white clay and bones covered with earth employees. Immediately found many pieces of petrified wood, but didn't notice anywhere characteristic melting furnaces.

Judging by the total amount produced in the ancient mines copper or tin, humanity bronze age had to literally overwhelm themselves with production of copper or bronze. Copper in the past were produced in such quantities that it would be enough for the needs of many generations of people. However, in the tombs of the nobles, archaeologists find only separate subjects from copper, which at that time was highly valued. Where disappeared "surplus" metal unknown. Interestingly, in the area of many ancient mines no traces of melting furnaces. Apparently, the ore into metal was produced elsewhere and centrally. There is nothing incredible in the fact that the aliens are using the free labor of slaves-miners mined this way minerals from the Earth and took them to his planet.
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