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In the world of the latest technologies, colorful packaging of various drugs, which, if you believe the advertising, able to perform any miracles, highly professional doctors, who can practice in the best clinics of the world, it seems strange that somewhere there are still strange people, steadily beating the tambourine and pronouncing monotonous spells. But, nevertheless, they are, as well as at all times, to them for help turns a lot of people, including those who have been rejected by official medicine.
Although most doctors is skeptical about "pseudo-scientific" spheres of life, there are those who recommend themselves to ask for help to specialists of this kind. These people are called shamans. Shamans have always shrouded in a veil of mystery. They try to understand and to check, to study their techniques and methods. While little has been able to understand, but some aspects of the activities of these amazing people have become available to the General public. What do they say in science about these people?
As already mentioned, most scientists refuses to believe that shamans have some amazing gift and able to heal the man. Doesn't matter, do they think so sincerely or are simply afraid to give in and admit they were wrong. The fact remains that a lot of talk about it, and to repeat itself has no meaning. However, there are other, less known versions and opinions of scientists. Those who were not afraid to speak out and get back rejection and ridicule colleagues. Their position, in General, can be expressed as follows - the time has come to acknowledge the obvious. The most interesting statements specialists from all over the world, can be collected in a General list, clearly reflecting the picture.
The distrust of shamans, if we are not talking about politics or financial situation, is not surprising. Every new theory, at the initial stage of its development, were met with a wall of skepticism and disapproval. However, in modern society still has recognized the effectiveness of the system of yoga, acupuncture and some types and techniques of traditional medicine. Moreover, widely and Tibetan medicine, the basis of which has always been the treatment of healing herbs. Do not forget that it is the centuries-old practice, which since ancient times served the people and passed from hand to hand. And if these techniques are now recognised and are perceived as if it were a matter of course, disputes and never was. But why, then, to this day, not studied the practice of shamans and their methods of treatment? Isn't it time to reconsider its position and to break stereotypes?
Now even schoolchildren know that there ultrasound treatment. Moreover, this theory is so popular that all over the world are developing new devices, the influence of ultrasound on the human body, and they are incredible popular. However, treatment with acoustic waves, sound range - very young industry to study in science. But there is an opinion that the usual sounds that you hear during the day, have an impact on mental and physical health. They can destroy, but so can be treated!
How to distinguish a disastrous sound from the healing sound? Until science is confused. But shamans know the answers to these questions. Precisely because the essence of their treatment is the impact on the human body pulses with a specific frequency and duration, which they manage to achieve by games workshop on tambourines and singing magic spells. The technology is so perfect game, which will not be repeated, even the best musicians, without any changes, passed down from generation to generation and perfected over the years. Thanks to researches, scientifically proven that the duration of strikes playing the tambourine changed by shamans of not more than 0.03 seconds. It really is a tremendous results.
Another proof to shake even the most hardened skeptics, is the fact that the activity of shamans and their music has a huge similarity, despite the fact that the observation was for people who are in the opposite corners of the globe and living in the most remote villages. So, eskimo shaman and the Negro priest, can produce virtually identical sounds, tempo and frequency, and instrument and voice, in spite of the different languages and the fact that they never seeing each other. It that other, as the existence and effectiveness the only correct method, which, probably hundreds, or even tens of thousands of years.
Equipment shamans are not so understood, as it might seem at first glance. They can work in a state of altered consciousness, as if in a trance, and in normal condition. Moreover, besides the healing, they are able to diagnose the physical and psychological States, predictions, "contracts" with the weather and much more. As they all do it? Difficult to say. However, already known to some of the techniques which are used by the shamans.
So, projective shaman's test has a lot of similarities with not obscure the test, widely used in clinical psychology and psychiatry, called the Rorschach inkblot test.
This test is based on the work with ink stains, looking at the patient describes what he sees or represents. The Rorschach inkblot test, as shaman's test, take as their basis in the structuring and interpretation of received messages, based on trends of consciousness or, more precisely, the subconscious desire to structure unknown images into meaningful patterns, in accordance with a one-time or long-term (sustainable) emotions and motives. Shaman variant of this method, in fact, very similar to the classic option, except that instead of ink spots here in the course are the usual stones and, under certain knowledge, testing may seem simple enough.
How does it work? The person who comes to the shaman with some question or a problem, we must find the stone and bring this stone shaman. The shaman tells the patient to keep your eyes on the stone and think at this time that he is interested in and, simultaneously, to inform the shaman about all the images that he sees on a rock in the middle of micro-cracks, game of shadows, etc. After the end of the description, the shaman can only ask what tips and answers gave him what he saw images. Sometimes it is enough to person able to understand your question.
Thus, there is a "showdown" unconscious and converting it into a self-conscious. The power and effectiveness of this method was noted by the ancient Greeks, saying that everyone sees things are not such as they are, and what they are people themselves. A later statement belongs to the famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who said that with the help of projection, you can turn the world into an exact copy of your own, unknown, face.
Another very interesting technique that is that the shaman, keeping hands on the weight of the man's head, who turned to him for help, specifies a series of questions and sensitively traces the changing of gravity of the head that occur after certain issues and claims, suggesting and pointing to a positive or negative response. It is considered, that, thus, through the man's head, with a shaman spirits communicate and the closer to the truth leading question, the harder it becomes head of the patient. There are even cases, when the head was so heavy that it could raise at least a couple of inches.
This way you can find any questions from psychological problems, until the causes of diseases. In each case probing questions until then, until a definite clarity in everything that interests of the client.
In psychological practice there is also a variation of this technique, but, from the point of view of psychology, everything is much more prosaic. That is, it is not spirits can control the weight of the head of the client or patient (if we are talking about clinical psychology), and conscious and unconscious motives reflected in muscle tension. Moreover, if the disease is of a physical nature, such a technique is beneficial not only for psychological climate, but also on the physiological state of the test.
Sometimes shamans consider it expedient to use the technique of group recognition. There is an interesting example of such techniques described in the literature. So, the shaman-eskimo went on a trip aimed to appease the spirit of the sea and to enlist his support. After discussions, the messenger returned to the shore, where his look forward to all the inhabitants of the village. All I want to know more details about the journey and the result of negotiations with sea Lord. However, the shaman does not say a word to them and only evasively says that the words will appear. He does this on purpose, because the main thing is what will happen next.
And then the following happens: all present on the shore of people, in the fear of hunger and deprivation, begin to confess all taboos that they violated. "It was my fault" begins to confess one after the other, and tells about the most incredible things. But the shaman continues to keep the intrigue till then, until you have made all possible causes of anger sea spirit. Especially important are the sayings of women, for it is norosheniya taboo woman is the greatest of all possible sins. When all there, then instantly there comes relief, ease the soul and faith in the bright future and the favor of the spirits. Eventually, it may even appear thanks to the most persistent offender, because he confessed and softened by this spirit.
Here is an interesting story. In modern language, it is nothing but a variant of group therapy. Members of a group, under the guidance of coach, ensue in contact, driven by one common goal. American Indians also used a similar technique, calling it "therapeutic wheel". It gives a stunning psychotherapeutic effect as the group as a whole and each individual party.
Thus, it is possible to summarize: the activities of shamans is a whole complex of various branches of knowledge and a set of its unique psychological methods of diagnostic, therapeutic methods and techniques of correction, "is decorated in its own interpretation and worked in the power of the rich experience of generations. Probably, knowledge gathered together for many centuries by their predecessors and passed under the great secret of the most talented followers. Some of these techniques anticipated the development of many modern practices, generally accepted and widely used in different fields and spheres of human activity. Probably, it is time to get rid of prejudices and accept the fact that the shaman, it's probably a very smart people and first therapists humanity. If everything already found only this chance, you could be right that medicines from the most terrible diseases should not be sought in recent experiments, and, simply, in return, to culture?