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Загадка Святой водыEvery year on January 19, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, is a real miracle: the water in all sources, whether it is spring, river or lake, alters its structure and acquires unique healing properties. How to explain this phenomenon?

In January Christians around the world celebrate the Baptism. It is Orthodox and Catholics in different ways, and even the date of the celebration is not the same. In the Catholic tradition Baptism is celebrated on 6 January. On this day, remember the three wise men - Caspar, Melchior and Belshazzar.

Following a bright star, they arrived in Bethlehem immediately after the birth of Jesus and the first to worship the Savior. People who profess the Catholic faith in the Baptism bring home from churches consecrated chalk. They write on the door of the first letters of the names of the sages "K", "M" and "b" thinking that thereby protecting the family from evil spirits.


In Orthodoxy the holiday falls on January 19. It is believed that then Jesus baptized in the Jordan river. According to the gospel, in that moment descended on him the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven proclaimed him to be the Son of God. In honor of this event in all Orthodox churches must be sprinkled with water, making over her special rituals. It is known that such water, if it is stored in a separate vessel, a long time is not spoiled, and moreover, has unique healing properties. But what is surprising: the same quality gets the moisture from any source, even from the tap. And it happens only on January 19.

In one of the research laboratories of water accumulated in the feast of the Baptism of the flow of the lake, was stored at room temperature for four years. However, she did not change no colour, no taste, no smell. Ordinary tap water, standing next to her in similar conditions, became undrinkable in five months, and still mineral purchased in the store, through eight. And it really is a miracle, to touch to which everyone, regardless of religious beliefs and religious affiliation.

Moreover, it is in this day, you can see another unique phenomenon. Sometimes calm surface water bodies show the sharp ripples suddenly arising at full calm. This phenomenon has been recorded many times, and witnesses were not only believers, but also far from the religion of the people.


Christianity traditionally binds the miracle of the consecration of the water with the Savior. The Church fathers believe that at the moment of baptism happened touch of the God-man with the matter. Having plunged into the water, he sanctified it. And ever since that day, not only in the Holy sources, but in any other place, the water gets "pristine property undying"and the processes of rot and decay she didn't get any. Moreover, it has the ability to cure diseases and to sanctify God's grace to every person with faith accept it. The baptismal water, by assuring priests, quenching the flame of the passions, and drives away evil spirits, so it sprinkles dwelling and food, wash the face and hands.

The time of entry of Jesus in the Jordan water was accompanied by numerous signs. The river flows from the mountains, flows into the sea Side (now lake Kinneret), but for 300 meters is not mixed with his salty waters, and powerful stream continues on his way, until you fall into the Dead sea, When Jesus received the baptism and the Holy Spirit descended, and the water of the Jordan went back. This sign has since been repeated annually. On the eve of Orthodox Christians let the river wooden crosses with lit candles. Water carries them into the Dead sea, and on January 19, returns back! On the same day the fresh water of the Jordan becomes salty...

The place of the baptism of Christ is now located on the territory of Jordan. Local authorities only 19 January allow riverside Church service, and sanctify the water. For action sees many tourists and pilgrims, so there are a lot of witnesses who own eyes watching the river turns back the clock, and the branches of the trees sink so low that relate to the water.


Despite the fact that the Baptism cancel have millions of people around the world, this event does not belong to the category of the Bible. The first Christians had nothing to do allocated this day. And in the Holy Scripture says nothing about this. The tradition of celebrating new in VII-VI11 centuries ad. Perhaps it has something in common with the traditions of our more distant ancestors? After all, the cult of water was one of the main in paganism.

For example, the Slavic Nations has always worshipped the rain, which watered, fertilized the ground. Heavenly water attributed protective, cleansing and stimulates the property, its quality is directly depended on the health status of residents of a particular area. One of the most common greeting among the ancient Rus was the desire to "Be reasonable, like water!". Many sources and wells in which the water had healing powers, was under the patronage of the goddess Mokosh.

By the way, after the adoption of Christianity they all went to the St. Paraskeva the Friday, and then the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In modern Mari, Albanian and Adyghe families until recently remained rites of summoning the rain, the roots of which go back to the beginning of our era. During the drought of women and girls made a special doll, they carried her to the river and threw into the water. Met on the way to the reservoir people tried to spray the procession, the participants of the action had to drag them to dip into the river.

Finally, in our days on the Mediterranean coast, especially in the area of Larnaca, Limassol, Protaras, Paphos, is widely celebrated ancient pagan festival of Kataklismos - day ritual bathing in the Holy water, which is an echo of the cult of Aphrodite and Dionysus* At dusk on the banks of mountain rivers and the sea, thousands of people gather for ritual immersion, one night coming magical properties.


The blessing of water and related various ceremonies were held in ancient times, everywhere. For example, the famous RUSAL, dedicated to the winter and summer solstice, served as a kind of initiation for girls and boys, entering adulthood. They have generated and sent forth into the epics and tales of mermaids and water, bailiffs moisture earthly and heavenly. The main characters of the festival - an innocent girl drawing lots. They sacrificed the river, crowned with water for fertility coastal land.

But the most terrible in the life of any pagan religious holiday - the Volos day. He is in b January (old style), that is on January 19, the same day, when we celebrate the Baptism!

The name of the God Veles (in some areas - Hair) derived from the Indian "led" - "to die", Within five days prior to 6 January, the elders of the births were selected infirm, sick and unnecessary tribe of people to send to the hereafter. This was done to ensure that workers did not have nothing to feed "parasites". Doomed prepared to ritual death. Relatives listened to their last parting words, they sent their requests to otherworldly forces, and then said goodbye. And in the Volos day people were taken to the shore and the drowned in running water (usually in the hole at the pool or at the mouth of the river).

Amazingly, after the adoption of Christianity in the same places started to build the chapel and the baptismal font, and in winter to make holes in the ice in the form of crosses. And where before stoked relatives began to bathe in the glory of the Christian feast of the Baptism, as if washing off his old sins!


And yet, why do so many rituals agreed date 19 (b) of January? In the result of long-term observations specialists in nuclear physics recorded each year on this day in the Land down intensive neutron fluxes-elementary particles having no charge. Power neutron irradiation of the planet increases to 100-200. The maximum rate of flow is from the area of the Dead sea - is it because bend the trees on the banks of the Jordan river?

Scientists have long established the fact that the intense neutron "attacks" have sterilizing effect, that is all malicious viruses and bacteria are destroyed. It remains only to be surprised and admire our ancestors managed to detect this effect. Perhaps wise Savior knowingly plunged into the waters of the Jordan at this time. Thus, he gave his followers a powerful tool for healing, purification of the soul and body.

"The line of Destiny" January 2013
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