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Космические странностиSince man went into space, it has been more than fifty years. During this time people reach unprecedented heights in the exploration of space and tried to create astronauts most comfortable conditions of life in orbit. But still getting used to weightlessness is not possible, what the astronauts had seen many times.

Star sickness

At the beginning of the space era, nobody could assume, how will affect the flight of human health, in particular, does not come to mind. In case of inadequate actions of Yuri Gagarin due to overloaded psyche engineers took care of its security. Before you run the motor brake, he had to prove his competency, deciding simple logic puzzle: to get a digital code. Only after you manually enable the necessary equipment. The task of the first cosmonaut coped easily. Far worse was the case with another problem weightlessness. No astronaut, including Yuri Alexeyevich was unable to avoid the so-called "cosmic ill". According to statistics, about 50 percent of astronauts complain of slight discomfort, dizziness, nausea, weakness, and 10 percent of the disease "breaks" is terrible. Worst of all endured weightlessness American astronaut (later the Senator of Congress) Jake Garn in 1985. He was so bad that among his fellow astronauts in NASA came into use comic unit severity of the state in the period of adaptation is one of Garn. "Motion sickness" insidious that in advance, no one can say how it will manifest a cosmonaut. The good news is that with time adapt to weightlessness, and the disease is in retreat.


Unlike "space sickness", the other attack so far unexplored. It is about a mysterious visions. First about this phenomenon reported in October 1995 cosmonaut Sergei Krichevsky lectures at Novosibirsk international Institute of space anthropology. Krichevsky learned about the "fantastic state-dreams" from colleagues on the eve of his flight. Some astronauts there is a change of consciousness, and they begin to feel those who are not in fact. People like leaves the usual shell and puts on another face - another person, fantastic creatures or animal, including long-vanished. Some astronauts turned into dinosaurs and mammoths, "rushed" through the woods and fields, "ran away" from predators and from people who preyed on them. Other "flew" on new planets, spoke in unknown tongues, communicated with humanoids. Returning to my body, the astronauts are in detail described its new guise. "Immersion" was so obvious that, "awakening", the man was sure that he was really that or other creature. Pictures-visions were extremely bright, colorful and memorable. Then, on Earth, they have long haunted the astronauts. They seemed sounds from their sleep-hallucinations, heard foreign speech showed some unusual landscapes.


"I, fortunately, nothing like that happened. But my partner Vasily Tsibliev, for example, behaved at times as if henbane overeat: shouting, shoving, manufactured tumbles feet. It turns out that he was dreaming absolutely stunning, enchanting, non-transferable dreams. To tell them he never could. Told only that nothing like this had ever seen. Such States could be repeated and reality. There, on orbit, and sometimes do not understand where the dream where reality..." - confessed pilot-cosmonaut Alexander Serebrov. But the story cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov: "at the Bottom flew earthly night. And suddenly out of this night... heard a dog barking. Ordinary dog, maybe even simple tykes... don't know where the path associations, but it seemed to me that this is the voice of our Laika. He came on the air, and forever remained Earth satellite. And then after a few seconds it became clearly heard a child crying. And some voices. And again very earth the weeping child."

This brings to mind the film by Andrei Tarkovsky's "Solaris"?! Ocean planet Solaris had a mind which materializovyvalis the images that arise in the mind are people on the planet.

Apparently, something similar happens to astronauts in orbit. But who materializes their images? While there is only one explanation: in weightlessness human brain is exposed to magnetic fields, radiation, and so on, in Addition, in orbit constantly distorted natural biological rhythms of the person. No joke - there Sun rises and sets every 90 minutes, and during the day the astronauts 16 times see the sunrise! This causes sleep disorders, causes excitability of nervous system, malfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Maybe the answer in this? Cosmonaut Alexei Serebrov testifies: "In the third flight, falling asleep, I saw a flash of bright flash from which constantly woke up. Then he used. These flashes, called phosphenes, is the result of the passage of heavy cosmic particles, they cause dazzling bright images. What happens to neurons in the brain - is unclear. Doctors do not even EEG astronauts during the flight".

Snipers on the orbit

Needless to say, stay in weightlessness is a huge stress to the body. Even well-trained pilots and cosmonauts can't avoid unpleasant consequences. After returning to Earth, they have to re-adjust to the "new life". So, many long used to the fact that the objects are falling. Therefore broken cups and plates in the order of things for several months to return home. Astronauts have not only learned to walk again, but to take food, clean teeth, to use the bathroom and toilet. Many hygienic procedures there, in space, look completely different. To brush your teeth, for example, have to swallow toothpaste. Bath is an unaffordable luxury in space. Left with wet towels. Ordinary toilet for cosmonauts - the ultimate dream. Space toilet is cleverly organized system: it doesn't drain, both on the Ground and suck waste products. To learn how to use it, astronauts have time to train on Earth in a special layout, equipped with video cameras. Need to get on the push right in the centre and "burn" in a strictly objective. Otherwise blunders in orbit can lead to big trouble. NASA scientists tried to ease in this sense, the astronauts life. Built in spacesuits special "bubbles" to collect "waste", supplied with diapers, but all these ideas refused. Meanwhile, the astronauts have to settle for the role of snipers.

This is interesting:

In the cosmos can never go women, augmented Breasts surgically. In orbit implants may explode.

The absence of gravity flattens the spine so that you can "grow" on 5-8 see unfortunately, excess growth causes complications in the form of back pain and causes problems with the nervous system. But in orbit nobody snores, the reason is the same: the absence of gravity.

Cosmonaut Sergei Kremlevskaya Sergei Krikalev held in orbit a total of 803 days, which is a world record. At the same time it can be considered the owner of another record - the longest time travel among the inhabitants of our planet. According to the theory of relativity, the greater the speed with which moves the object, the stronger for it slows down time. Calculated that due to space flight Krikalev on 1/48-second younger than if he had remained all the time on Earth.

Andrew PALCO
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