Viewings: 9256

In the process of Quantum transition of the Earth and humanity will undergo a process of transmutation, i.e. compulsory, external translation vibration of the atoms of the body on more high level. United psychic energy of Humanity will send a signal about the processes with him, in the space of our Universe.
This energy will cause waves of vibration that would be perceived minded creatures of the Universe and will make a shift in their minds. Experience the evolution of freedom of consciousness of the Earth must be positive! In 2012, many encoded encrypted objects (skull, stones) will begin to rise from the Earth to the surface. This will lead to the consolidation of the Fourth and higher Measurements on the Ground of the Third Dimension. People will be involved in certain Holy places, where you will see variants of Future events.
Cleansing by the Fire: the thinner energy, the more powerful and effective impact it has. Psychic energy is equal to a Living Fire. In the process of Quantum transition Earth will penetrate the wave of high spiritual energy - Fire, as it is allegorically called in different religious sources. It would be a challenge for everyone. Those who pass through this kind of filter, go into the Fourth, and then in the Fifth Dimension. This test is not afraid of spiritual people. What in the Orthodox religions is called as last judgment, and will pass through the Gates of Spirituality. This will check every Soul in terms of filling of a Matrix a positive or negative psychic energy.
In 2012 there will be a shift Measurements manifest the reality of our world's 3rd major overtones in the direction of the Fourth Dimension, the fourth octave. When the Rapture of Earth humanity to higher levels of Consciousness, all lower overtones than our 3rd major overtone, will also begin to go up with us. This means that "the lower worlds", lying in the frequency range below our world, will be able to start the transition in the 4th Dimension. And, we probably all there'll meet, though, may be, we will be there in the same way in different overtones 4th Dimension and will not see inhabitants, existing now with us on Earth, Maya, Aztec, Inca, and others, but at a lower overtones than our world.
During the following years a new frequency vibration is so prevalent on Earth that rose Reality of our manifested, for the eyes of a simple mortal, - the world of the total Genesis of the Earth, its different versions of development of events will be shifted to a New cycle of existence, and another version of the Earth, our three-dimensional world will come to its full cleanse itself from the consequences of our civilization!
When the Rapture of people without dying physically, in their tight body goes from the 3rd major overtones 3rd octave (Reality of the Third Dimension), in the 3rd major overtone 4th octave (the Reality of the Fourth Dimension), i.e. is forced to shift one whole octave. This will be possible when a quantum transition, when external destructive effects - photon front Shining Light, high spiritual energy - will come to the Earth and begin to go through all of Reality at all levels of Being.
This event will be combined with another - the fall of the electromagnetic field of the Earth. These two factors will lead to the fact that virtually all elements of the periodic table of elements which make up our physical manifested world, will begin to accelerate its vibration. Therefore, the chemical composition of the physical bodies of people, animals and plants will change, will be transmutation atoms will be to adapt, to synchronize at a higher frequency of the photon front.
Not at all, this process will be affected equally. Pure spiritual people easily begin to adjust to the high frequency of the photon front, their body will adapt and will alter the chemical composition of its elements. Then they will Ascend into full Consciousness or partial lost consciousness, but Consciousness come back to them after crossing the Great Emptiness (the partition border overtones Realities of Measurements).
Some people who are not very sinful, unable to sync with the new frequency will die physically, their Consciousness is asleep and Wake up already in the 3rd major overtones of the 4th Dimension. There they will meet those people who have trodden the path of ascension, preserving the physical body, and Soul, already long gone, but he deserved his past life the opportunity of this meeting and were waiting for this hour is "the other world". The souls of these people will start to incarnate in bodies of Indigo children that will be born already in the new world of the 4th Dimension for human Aryan, the former Fifth Race. It will be the children of the transition period from the Aryan Race to the divine-human. But the children of Indigo children will already be the true masters of this new world the 6th Race.
People with severe spiritual pathology, moral dark or even soulless, hopeless sinners will not be able to adapt to high-frequency vibrations in the surrounding their Radiant Light, and probably will physically die. After completing the cleaning process, their Souls or disassemble at all, or will be put on the path of further reincarnation and life in another Galaxy, similar to Land another three-dimensional planet, but probably their appearance there will be slightly different, but life is still difficult and full of problems of survival.
What distinguishes the Resurrection from the ascension?
People physically die, but if his Mind is living, and the Merkaba is activated, the Consciousness moves in 10, 11 or 12 major overtone 4th octave (the Reality of the Fourth Dimension). Here the body recreates a new, more subtle, less dense, it is air that has a different chemical composition elements. When the Rapture of the modern person is given the opportunity to maintain its present physical body, move it one octave higher frequency range. With this change the atoms of the body undergoing a process of acceleration of their frequency characteristics, preserving the original form. But what is very important, the parameters of functioning of the body are updated, it becomes fine, past illnesses healed, perhaps, grow new teeth, improves eyesight, and overall life expectancy is increasing.
There, in the world of the Fourth Dimension, Lifted up the "old man" fifty years old are given the opportunity to live up to 150 years! His body to upgrade and improve their health. Then this "old"one, of course, will die with a quiet sadness, but immediately revived in the family, his children - the Indigo children, and already happily shall not live one thousand years. Thus, the Resurrection is the restoration of the new body under transition to more than one octave higher and eternal life. Ascension is the preservation of the old body when moving not more than one octave higher, its transformation, transmutation and continuation of life on for some time.
While crossing the boundary octave - Realities of the Worlds 3rd and 4th Dimension - is the three and a half days of darkness and emptiness. These 3-4 days correspond to the passage of the Earth and of all that therein is, Photonic Front. All the planes of Existence of the Earth begin to get into synchronous operation with a frequency of Shining Light. This period will be preceded by several days. The outer edge of the Photon belt Front very dense, they are determined by the structure of this energy. Therefore, particles of this energy will close the rays of the sun completely. Darkness will cover the Earth. First comes the darkness, then complete darkness, then the faint dawn and after a brilliant, dazzling light of the New world! This New world will be illuminated 24 hours a day.
Together with the General darkening comes the cold, which in the event of full darkness go into the freezing cold. Profound darkness will cause people to a state of endless Emptiness of all things. Photon energy will begin the conversion of atoms of the body of humans and animals with improved vibration. Breathing air, saturated with Photon Energy, will fill the body with energy, similar to the reception of healthy food with vitamins. That is, people will not realize the need for food. Drinking modified water will fill the body with additional energy. In the future, mankind in General will refuse to accept the animal food, and will meet their needs for food, eating only plant foods.
How to behave in this situation?
The most important condition for a successful transition to the New world of peace and clarity of mind. Gather the people close to you and explain what is happening and upcoming events.
Meditation is something that can help to link your true self with the Mentors, Guides, Higher Beings, which will be around. Meditation will help you to be noticed by them and to be constant communication with them. Mentors, the Supreme being will be able to give you instructions, following which you will conduct themselves properly and help your family. The communication channel that is, suppose you without much success was trying to build up to the Quantum Transition, will be successfully built on the eve and during the ascension. Take it easy and see within yourself, and you will see the new world and its representatives. They are near to you! Tune in to the technique of opening of the Third, the spiritual eye. And you open it, you will see that which is invisible to others! Get in contact with Mentors.
Technique of rhythmic breathing yoga and further transition to spherical breath. Spherical breath allows a person to breathe a prana through a head Higher Centre, which flows through the center tube top andbottom, is in the Center of the Solar plexus and then fills the Body of Light man - power skeleton of the physical body. In this type of breathing your physical body is becoming easier and easier, recovering from many illnesses. One of the important features of this period is that in meditation, perhaps some will begin to understand the thoughts of animals. Meditation together with increased mental clarity, and establishing contact with our higher Ya If you did not previously engaged in the meditation, it is recommended the reading of prayers.
The whole process of passing the Land through the Photon Belt will take about 7-10 days. However, after there will come three days full of darkness, will begin the process of rebuilding the matter of the three-Dimensional Measurements of the Earth and all Things on it in a matter of Four Dimensions.
Already a few months before the onset of these remarkable days on Earth, in its public society, will rage economic and political storms. Many governments have difficulty going to keep their populations from mass strikes, demonstrations, street brawls, and so on, World governments will not understand the reasons of the "common insanity" of the population. Frequent earthquakes, even in those places where they had not been, hurricane or tornado or long rain and other weather extremes will bring many people, even far from the study of esoteric literature, to the sense of impending change in the habitual way of life. Migration of people more relaxed in their opinion will take a massive, uncontrollable character. Human society will bubble.
And now somewhere in the approach of the Photon Front, many people will come a sense of confusion from occurring changes. Land 3rd Dimension everywhere will begin particularly often to shake. It will characterize the beginning of its synchronization with new, high frequency energies and setting it on a new installation. Public peace under the rumble of the Earth everywhere will come in full mass confusion.
If you have such an opportunity, leave the big city and go off into the countryside. What is happening around forced to reconsider their views even not believers. Right this event to meet in one-storey rural house, which is built only of natural materials: wood, stone. Why? The process of Quantum transition will be marked by the collapse of the artificially created matter. This means that plastic, aluminum and other materials of modern industrial production will begin to break down the elements that make up the primary world of mother Earth. Many ancient peoples: Indians, natives of Africa and Australia - transfer in their legends about the occurrence of these Last days.
The constant shaking will not allow the possibility of movement on the surface of the Earth. DON'T PANIC! This is a paragraph in the Divine Plan modification of the Earth. The appearance of the twilight day, the fall of solar light and temperature will tell and the beginning of a radical transformation of the Earth.
If you had the experience of meditative practices, these days will manifest your vision and communicating with beings and phenomena of the world of the 4th Dimension that is already on the threshold of your home. You can start communicating with the souls of the people close relatives. Do not worry, because you are prepared and in control, you are an example and a Teacher for others! Try to keep your Mind in the Light and the contact with the Higher Entities. Darkening and cooling will occur during the first two days. On the third day Photon Belt is fully engulf the Earth. Come thick darkness for three or four days.
With the passage of the Land area of Photon of Light Front synchronization occurs the World 3rd Dimension and the World's 4th and 5th Dimensions. Our World is the 3rd Dimension forcibly pulled into the frequency of the upper Worlds, and all that Exists on Earth is also beginning to adjust its frequency vibration under the frequency of the World's 4th Dimension. In this World the 3rd Dimension is in the process of purification from the matter of low-frequency vibrations. All artificial, synthetic matter will break up to elements of Nature that vibrate at high frequency, as well cleaned. The vegetable world is undergoing vibration, high-frequency treatment. In the animal world the one who goes to a life with more high-frequency vibration, one who is unable due stagnancy heavy, dirty, low-frequency cellular matter, dies and decomposes.
Thus, after 3-4 days the passage of a Photon of the Front is like copying from the globe Reality 3rd Dimension one of its Versions, or that part of it, which was able to adjust to the higher vibration of the 4th Dimension, at the globe Reality of the 4th Dimension. Another Version of Reality, one where the mother (mineral, vegetable and animal) were not able to rebuild their frequency, remained in the World of Reality, the 3rd Dimension, a more low level. Rebuilt same Version on more high parameters of their Being gradually moved (perekopirovannye) in the World's 4th Dimension and became invisible beings 3rd Dimension.
But the matter will be hidden after a period of Quantum Transition to a new vibrational level. At present, there are three days of darkness, all portals, the passages between the Worlds are open to all who can benefit. That is why we will come to the aid of the Supreme Being extraterrestrial Intellect and our ancestors the Lemurians, Atlanta of the Worlds 5-th and 4-th Dimension, as well as those lifted up from the human community, which previously have passed this Way yourself. Taking advantage of the favorable moment community of Mayan, Aztec, and Inca finally be able to get out from the maze minor overtones 3rd octave, and also go in the light of the World, the 4th Dimension, and, if you allow them frequency characteristics, to go forth into Reality celestial World of the 5th Dimension.
Don't be scared of the cold outside. Everything in the world is the 3rd Dimension became already to raise your vibration and your body too, if you will, of course, just not dead at this moment, from a misunderstanding of what is happening and fear that has consumed you. The increasing vibration of atoms tunable body will lead to that will not so much be felt in the freezing cold. What about hunger? Hunger also not be keenly felt. Those nutrients that you have stored in the cells of their three-dimensional body, probably, with abundant intake of food and drink for the whole previous life, in the restructuring of the body's cells will be enough not only for three days! And when it's all over, your body will not require barbecue and salted semechki for vodka. Ease novopostroine body is such that many will soar into the air, and the body the most will ask for a few plant foods such as carrots, cabbage or apples. And thoughts about kebabs more than likely will not be in the 4th Dimension. The Creator thought conditions Quantum transition in such a way that the existence of wildlife and humans will zashisheno!
Many people upon occurrence of these three days of darkness just fall asleep and Wake up already updated my body, in a new world of fairy tales. For them, this world will seem like a waking dream. Three days of darkness, this is the state of the world the Reality of the Third dimension, with a very high probability percentage coincides with the beginning of the movement of the North Pole to its new location and in connection with the beginning of the fall of the Earth's electromagnetic field to a value of zero. Changing the position of the poles of the Earth will lead to the development of huge amounts of water in the oceans.
The fall of the electromagnetic fields of the Earth will cause memory wipe of a mortal man with his "hard drive" - cortex. Everything that has been accumulated by a person during his last life in the reality of the world of the Third Dimension on the planet Earth, will be erased from memory. A simple, ordinary man immersed or sleep for three or four days, or just sit without thought, and maybe some would even begin to "go crazy", they have, as they say, "the roof will go" from the pictures of those visions that will occur before their eyes. Phenomena and paintings of various overtones of the Third and Fourth Measurements will be combined and manifest this transition period.
The rare person who practiced meditation practices and managed while still living in ordinary three-Dimensional world to intensify its field of the Mercaba, and keep it in working, promoted the status of rotation fields with the speed equal to the speed of light, 300 000 km/s, - will be able to keep your Mind, your memory and Consciousness in this transition period from the Third to the Fourth Dimension. But these "lucky" will be the units of the six billionth of mankind. Artificial gravity activated electromagnetic field of the Mercaba is a strong rope protection of human memory from her erase that can today, now to develop simple and accessible to everyone practices.
After passing a horrible three or four days of darkness and fear dawn will come and will be a welcome Light of the New World - the world of the third major overtones of the Fourth Dimension, waiting for that happy moment its inhabitants and transit passengers lands of the World of the Third Dimension, remaining forever somewhere in the distance the third major overtones our sad and forever abandoned by the inhabitants of the Earth three-Dimensional Reality. But these new arrivals into the rainbow world's 4th Dimension people will be like newborn babies, with clean from any thoughts head and enlightened Consciousness. Everything from scratch, again through kindergarten new world to realize their place in it!
Dispelling the darkness still will take another few days, but the sun of the New world will inevitably gain brightness. Leaving their homes and taking the first step, you suddenly can fly in the air like an astronaut on the moon, and even hang for a while. The body will be so filled with new energy, that this state will be unusual, but nevertheless happily and new. It will seem that the whole body is filled with youthful vigor. But the body itself is already rebuilt. There is not very much would want, because pretty soon you will learn the method of breathing prana through makeshadow chakra that will deliver the necessary body for the first time energy. There will want mainly fruits and vegetables that will grow in this new, bright and warm the world.
Some important assumptions
Going back a bit at the time of the fall of the electromagnetic field of the Earth and the beginning of the motion of a point of the North pole to his new geographical position - mount Kailas in Tibet. The change in the tilt of the Earth's axis, and that is what will happen when moving North and South poles to their new geographic coordinates, will move huge oceanic water masses and the development of continental blocks. You can imagine what consequences it would entail.
Huge areas of land reared from cracks in the earth rose up of lava that will pour the water of the seas and oceans. Faults, earthquakes and floods will be in all the Earth. And mankind at this point is included in Photonic Front, and most of it falls asleep. Many sources say that at this point appears alien spacecraft that will help people. What's the use? Probably because the sizes of these huge ships, up to 1.5 - 1.8 km in diameter, they will begin to collect humanity in their places of mass stay and move to safer places. And the number of such ships will be enormous. Maybe these ships will be taken on its Board of a certain group of people, where they will undergo the final Ascension, after which they will forward in the 4th Dimension.
The task of the Workers of the Light, on the eve of the ascension and especially the day before, several months and days before important events, hours "X", - gather the ascetics of the spirit and Knowledge of people, bright, good, clean, gentle. Indeed the right will be a prophecy of "the meek shall inherit the world!" in these places collective meetings ascetics of the Light and the spirit, the Light Workers should conduct discussions, explanations of what is happening and joint meditation with the aim mooring, grounding, manifestations on the subtle plane of the location of the Fire of the spirit, ready for the Rapture. The higher you will see it will see your light and don't forget to help you. Be worthy of it, proudly wear taken up the banner of Enlightenment of Consciousness.
The spacecraft will be partially other alien civilizations of the Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda. But there will be "our", earthly ships of the past, long gone from the reality of the World 3rd Dimension Lemurians and Atlanteans. All spaceships "emerges" from the Reality of the 4th Dimension in our 3rd, in the hour "X". Sirianni will help the people of Earth to survive in new conditions gave new, safe for humans and the Earth technology. Andromedian will localize and eliminate man-made disasters and their consequences for the Earth. After the disintegration of matter 3rd Dimension to all elements artificially created, Luciferians Reality deteriorate. Imagine thermal or nuclear power station, a huge industrial complex, metallurgical or military production, with a large number of cables, engines, pistons, shafts, etc., and at some point it all starts to break down. The failure of the means of protection, automation, fire-extinguishing systems shutdown of nuclear reactions, locks launch of nuclear installations and so on...don't want to continue this list further. You can imagine the scale of the technogenic disasters on the planet in our 3rd Dimension. If this will not interfere with the progressive forces of the Cosmic Mind, the consequences of this disaster will have a devastating impact on all Roses Reality of our Land. And perhaps, in the 4-th and 5-m Yu and in the higher worlds will affect the echo of the explosions 3rd Dimension. Nevertheless, the Earth will pass through the cleansing process.
What will happen to the Earth 3rd major overtones 3rd Reality? Today unambiguous question on this answer is not given to mankind for several reasons. First, in order not to plunge the society into a panic, chaotic, crazy state.
Secondly, probably before the end of this problem is not solved "at the top". It can be assumed that the Earth must move to a new vibration, somewhere in the range of 6-12 overtones our 3rd Reality, or it will move to another octave higher octave of the 4th Dimension. But in any case the ascension of the Earth it will be a process of purification from technocratic rubbish left by the man of the 5th Race. After a period of purification of the Earth will become, perhaps, a relaxation area and cognition shown that the physical world for Beings of a High Level of Consciousness. These Entities will be able to reduce the frequency of vibration of the atoms of our bodies and be manifested in the three-dimensional world. After living here for a certain period, they will be able to Ascend from the Reality of the 3rd Dimension, as they say, heritage and leaving garbage, completing a picnic in this Paradise of the Universe.
After hundreds of years of pristine Reality of the Third Dimension of the Earth will be again ready to receive guests in the Library Database. And the librarian will of Man's evolutionary development is not lower than the 4th or 5th Dimension, which by the power of his Intentions can reduce the frequency of his body, the frequency of the world 3rd Dimension, to manifest it and show you all the beauty of your Home.
Who will meet us in the 4th Dimension? And what we would see?
Came from the higher Worlds will appear before the stunned by mankind in the most dramatic moment of its history. They will come to help us. The fourth Dimension is the meeting place for the humanity of the Ascended from the 3rd major overtones 3rd octave and Higher Creatures from the Fourth, the Fifth Dimension and other higher Dimensions. These Supreme being will be able, in a low frequency vibration of the atoms of our bodies, to condense and be manifested in the 4th and 3rd Dimension. Inhabitants Higher Roses Realities long waiting our coming to them. Who are these inhabitants, where did they come there?
Imagine surround the globe globe with hard surface is our rose reality of the Earth 3rd major overtones 3rd Dimension. If you move up, in regards to this the hard crust of the earth surface, and to increase the frequency vibrations of your physical body and, accordingly, organs of perception of the external world, then we could see 12 Realities, 12 Worlds with more high matter that fills the worlds. This is the location of Roses Realities of the worlds major overtones 3rd Dimension. I.e. slightly above "our reality" there is another, we are invisible, but still surface. And it grow little different, but the trees. The world permeates the air, albeit with a slightly higher vibrations. There is its own fauna and sing their songs of birds.
And most importantly: the sun's rays, shining their horizon, which are floating their clouds that pass through their surface (upper world for us) and also light our horizon, which will sail our clouds. The same sun's rays pass through our surface and enter into the area of the horizon with a lower frequency compared to our lower world for us) rose Reality minor overtones 3rd Dimension. And in the sky also sail their clouds and birds are singing. All "higher" and "lower" worlds filled by their inhabitants. This mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms.
Many plants and animals, long ago disappeared from the Rose of our World, well there are other Realities of the Worlds Land. And somewhere, in one of the lower, minor Worlds, waiting for the hour of the start of the ascension gone there in search of a better life, the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca. As they spent all that time there, I think, we learn from them, when all together will be the World's 4th Dimension.
That is our Third Octave Earthly Reality conditionally is a multi-layer cake with many fillings of Different Realities, with a variety of inmates who fill these Realities. Moreover, "the higher worlds have more light filling both vegetable and animal world. And most importantly, intelligent beings who inhabit them, have Consciousness is higher, the higher overtones of their World. Conversely, moving down toward the bottom of the worlds, we will meet intelligent beings, but with all the lower Consciousness. And all this pie Worlds also permeate the rays of the Sun, which, incidentally, is also not uniform, and is a similar multi-layered structure of the Earth, but with a wider range of octaves sound and radiation of all kinds of waves, including light. Each octave of our Earthly World emits light rays life of its own octave Roses Worlds of the Sun.
How is the process of transition
During the synchronization process is an increase in the frequency of vibration of the atoms of the world 3rd Dimension to the frequency of vibration of the atoms of the world's 4th Dimension. At equality of these frequencies is beginning to be a copy of the world of the 3rd Dimension, this process is similar to the scan. "Filmed snapshot" of the world 3rd Dimension enters the clipboard between the worlds". This is one of Laya center in our part of the Universe. Probably, this copying is done after the end of the three days of darkness". Then this "snapshot" of the world, the 3rd Dimension is combined with the world's 4th Dimension, and they form a joint, unified form. All of imported copies of world of Reality 3rd Dimension that fits the underlying Reality of the world of the 4th Dimension, in harmony with it. Thus, when a Quantum Transition occurs the transformation of the world and the 4th Dimension.
To make this process more understandable, imagine how to create a three-dimensional picture postcard: it consists of a number, up to 10 pieces of different planar drawings, which when combined, the imposition of one another form a single three-dimensional image. About the way merge the transitional part of the world 3rd Dimension underlying RealSTU world's 4th Dimension and education of their General release.
All the things of the world, the 3rd Dimension that do not harmonize, does not fit the Reality of the 4th Dimension, remains in Laya Center, then probably destroyed as garbage.
What is common and what is different between the Roses Reality 3rd, low-frequency Measurements and the 4th Dimension, the higher frequency?
1. The diameter of the globe 4th Dimension larger than the diameter of the globe 3rd Dimension.
2. The land area of the globe 4th Dimension less land area of the globe 3rd Dimension.
3. The area of the oceans of the globe 4th Dimension larger than the area of the oceans of the globe 3rd Dimension.
4. The height of the mountains globe 4th Dimension smaller than the height of the mountains globe 3rd Dimension.
5. The forest area of the globe 4th Dimension larger than the area of forest globe 3rd Dimension on the same surface of the land.
6. Ecology globe 4th Dimension is much higher environmental globe 3rd Dimension.
7. The life expectancy of people globe 4th Dimension (thousands of years) is much higher life expectancy of people globe 3rd Dimension (60 - 70 years).
8. The total number of people globe 4th Dimension much smaller than the total number of people globe 3rd Dimension.
9. The geographical position of the continents, mountains, rivers and oceans: different.
10. In the world of the 4 - th Dimension with enough food, there is no animal that eats meat. All vegetarians, even lions, crocodiles and other happy to eat grass, and conflict-free live together with the lamb and the wolf. Your body needs are satisfied by the inhalation of prana is the energy of life, which is impregnated with all the air of the world.
11. In the world of Higher Dimension no diseases and ailments.
Thus, when you copy the globe 3rd Measurements to be performed when a Quantum Transition, not all passes into the world of the 4th Dimension. When Ascension into the world of the 4th Dimension, a man falls into a new world for him, which is quite a lot of familiar places and objects of the 3rd Reality. Caught up in my physical body of man can fall into the familiar environment: geographical place on Earth where can even be manifested his house, garden, forest, pond, river, a dog, a cow, and so on, And all this will be his "family and friends", if these phenomena and objects fit into the underlying Reality the 4-th Dimension.
If it don't fit, then the person is adjudged to be in an entirely new for him, at first, unusual world. There is nothing familiar. It is like the relocation to a new place of residence. Probably, the inhabitants of the world of the 4th Dimension not really be happy, if in their usual places of residence suddenly have some hill or increases the river, pond. Maybe right in their field will be your home from the Third Dimension. But they are residents of the world's 4th Dimension - far above us in its development, so they will not cause displeasure to take us to his house, and we look forward to.
The Supreme Being waiting for the moment of raising the level of Consciousness of mankind to their highest level. For them it is extremely necessary because of the existence of the law of Lightworkers who these Entities are. At the time, many millions of years ago, they have helped to push forward our development mechanism of Consciousness. They have tried to share with us your knowledge. Now we, mankind Fifth of the Aryan Race, his way of mastering of a three-dimensional Reality, must, must not bring their Teachers. We must synchronize the frequency of your Consciousness with the frequency of Consciousness. This will allow us together with them to go through the combined total of the Consciousness through the Stages of new Secret Knowledge. The experience that we will bring to the common Treasury of the Higher Knowledge, which will help to solve more ambitious targets us Supreme Beings of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Will merge data Bank of mankind of the Earth with the database of a higher order. Probably, it will be the increase of General capacity of databases Roses all Sorts of Realities. But this process is not infinite. When all databases on all courses games of the Gods - Creators will unite together the knowledge of a Single Personates about his Creations will be exhausted. His game is over, the manifested world rolled into a point, Personately will infinitely long analysis of the obtained data. Then in his giant supercomputer will create a new model of his game, it would all start again.
Man is multidimensional being, having a connection with Roses Realities of different Dimensions. This link provides its 12 chakras - the disclosure, the activation. In fact, 12 Higher self of the person can independently from one another to know your Reality. And only one Consciousness allows you to collect these components together. The Supreme being, being at different levels, in different Roses Realities can synchronize with one of the Highest contribution to the creation of the Human mind and fill it with your information or Vice versa learn from him something new for themselves. Thus, the intensification of our Higher centers, chakras is one of the most important tasks on the way of development of the multidimensional human Consciousness is our Fifth of the Aryan Race.
How and what for it is necessary to raise the level of your Consciousness?
Just starting to think about it, have you shift your Consciousness towards the expansion of its range. The expansion of your Consciousness means such a condition when any thing in your life you are considered from a height of vision and analysis will commit actions, thoughts and words, their personal Divine Ya
This means that you no longer live in silent mode increasing their earnings with the purpose of maximum satisfaction of their personal, often selfish desires. You start to look at everything that happens in your life as the factors that help you along the way of merging with his Divine Ya And there comes a moment in your conscious meditation or during sleep, when enlightenment comes from vision
paintings Higher planes where you appear as an angel of my Soul. The joy of meeting with a beautiful Contemplation of his Soul and consciousness of infinity beautiful and light fills your Mind with peace, tranquility and inner greatness (but not pompous pride).
Many of pleasure and joy being understood as imaginary, without meaning. Your life is filled with new meaning more filling the information content of your Consciousness and desire that is caught in you, to share with other people. Your opinion is becoming clear, and you begin to see in the world around you that you previously were not noticed. Heart is filled with Love for all the living and compassion towards him. To expand, raising the level of their Consciousness is transition to the level of your own Divinity and restore forgotten all their abilities. This will enable you to rise above the pain and suffering, the limitations of three-dimensional world. You will be able to consciously manifest in our ordinary life splendor knowledge, magic, that will allow to realize themselves as immortal, eternal light being created in God's Love. But, even raising your Consciousness to the level of the Fourth Dimension, you will go even higher, you only realize the beauty and joy of the infinite ways to Expand your Consciousness.
A new way of looking at the world, you automatically start again to answer venostasis before anyone questions: What am I? What do I live for? Putting these questions, you also new beginning to comprehend the depth and meaning of the answers. The most important thing you realize is that
You are eternal and immortal being, created by the Love of God, so as to bring Love. You are a small replica of the Omniscient and all-Knowing God.
The purpose of Man, as a child of God is the eternal condition of raising your Consciousness to the level of the Creator. Now, on the eve of the ascension, the man who Seeks to learn the laws of the Creator, gives a unique opportunity, without passing through physical death, to the state of life of the Consciousness in the body Length, i.e., to ascend to Heaven in life. it's never been on planet Earth, in our Universe. Therefore, the task of raising Consciousness merges with the task slip on the crest of a wave of ascension. The expansion of human Consciousness must be accompanied by the creation of awareness of the process of acquisition of divine Wisdom, Power, and Opportunities. This should immediately be fixed at a genetic level of understanding of their responsibility. And the higher a person will be produced understanding of this responsibility, the more will be given the Highest Wisdom, and Power. The triumph of High Consciousness is manifested in Acts of Creation, the materialization of thoughts. Every thought born of Consciousness, impregnated certain emotional as: feeling, love, envy, and the like. Then it is written in the matrix of the Soul and the media.
Getting the power to Ascend eliminates physical death is virtually forever!
The idea, born of a full-fledged activity of the Brain - that's the source of longevity of the human body. When generating a strong-Willed Spirit passed emotional system of the body and an active mind, mental and emotional energy will make hormones constantly rejuvenate the cells of the body. Want to live forever and live! If you live with the consciousness of the Eternity of the body, then the Current will Now move into the Eternity. Thoughts about the past and hopes for the future kill moment of the present. For the attainment of immortality of the Spirit and the Soul must become Master over the Body.
Tasks Of Lightworkers
The first aboriginal race of mankind, who lived more than 500 thousand years ago, had 12 active threads Code of Life and was the race of the Gods in human body. During the forced evolution of space aliens from the constellation of Dragons sent down humanity up to the level of plankton, which generates needed to power these Chernozemnoy (Reptiles) energy low frequencies of fear, chaos, violence, depression, etc. Civilization Family of Light from the constellation of Sirius and galaxies millions of years ago, selected from their ranks willing to change the course of this sad history and ran them with a certain mission, as "saboteurs" the effects of Reptiloids on the Ground.
Many of us, those in whom there is a Spirit of confrontation evil, lies, hatred, who have the thirst for Happiness, Love and Equality of opportunities for all on Earth are those volunteers who plunged into the sea of rebirth in a three-dimensional world with the aim to awaken the Consciousness of Light, to anchor it to the level of Consciousness of the planet Earth and to merge their Consciousness in a single Network Light of the Earth - the Network of the Christ Consciousness. Thus transferring their three-Dimensional Reality of our poor of the Land to a new frequency level. As a result of this tactical operations Chernozemnoye should be deprived of a source of energy supply on the Ground and eliminate the opportunity to exercise control over Mankind.
Volunteers, Family Members, Light, in the total number of mankind is not so much, but they should bring the information - has a specific, high-frequency component, carrying the Light - the system of the evolution of mankind on Earth, which is carried out under strict control Chernozemnoy. The information that these volunteers will carry to the native population of the Earth will invoke them in response to the study, and, as a consequence, there will be a genetic mutation, a change in the structure of the Code of Life of the body's cells from the inside of the person. They will first pass through the stage of the ascension in the physical body from the third Dimensional Reality to four-Dimensional and next to the five-dimensional.
The emission frequency of Knowledge of Love and Light will cover the range of low frequencies of fear and chaos. In the future all mankind should pass to generate level higher frequencies in all Realities - from the Third and higher. It is a Quantum transition of the Earth and of humanity in a different reality of Light and Love from fear, insecurity, violence and chaos.
The breadth of perception picture of the Universe, Will plus Intention in implementing the Supreme task, together with self-discipline and infinite love to all alive - that's the indicators that distinguish the Lightworkers of the total number of humanity.
To change the structures of Codes of human Life from Sirius activate the transmission of light waves of a certain frequency. These waves are broadcast in our Solar system, where our transmitter, the Sun, measured rays and illuminates the Earth. Activization of activity of the Sun in the period up to 2012 will completely neutralize the impact of Reptiles with the moon on humanity. The result of this long struggle will be promotion of solar component of thin bodies of mankind and its transition to the new quantum level - the level of the Entities of the Family of Light.
Currently, the very important work of Lightworkers is forming around itself collectives of the companions of the Holy spirit. Try to unite people who are drawn to Higher Knowledge. Teach, teach, conduct joint meditation. It can be your family and friends and people who came to the moment of realization of truth. They always Longed for this, and you helped them see what they intuitively went all life. Group discussions can take place at home, the apartment, the house, and in the offices, halls.
Everything is determined by your ability to sell your Reality. And already on the way to hour "X" Quantum transition of these United Association of supporters of the spirit, with you at the head, will be the beacons of Light in the Consciousness of the Higher Level of Perfume.
You, the Lightworkers, who have a clear understanding of what is happening, explain everything that happens and in what sequence. You will become an idler and a reference point for all others. It is quite possible that some Lightworkers will be to carry out similar activities at the state level. These lights Light of the spirit will be marked in maps and schemes of a Higher plane ascension, as one of the first points on the Earth, which is required to render account.
Now it is difficult to predict with 100% scenario Quantum Transition, but it is quite possible that on your beacons of Light will fly aircraft Highest Alien or our Earthly Mind to pick up and move to a safe place and to help me through the Ascension.
Why you need to study the Esoteric literature?
In 2009 - 2010 should happen first real contact with the life of Roses other Realities, other Entities and other Consciousness.
This contact will be covered in the media, more to conceal such contacts governments will fail. The End time of all time dictates new understanding and acknowledges the existence of the Mind, exercising control over mankind and help him. But may be in contact with the Forces of Darkness, imaginary Gods that will lure mankind new progressive technologies. A Dedicated task is to show people who is who. These contacts will become possible, because the Information network of the Christ Consciousness functions programmed for her options.
Time of termination of all the Times to come in the 21st. 12. 2012 to 19. 02. 2013
Those powerful changes that will occur in the coming years, will lead to growth of Unconditional Love that people will start to show for all the living. First on our three-dimensional world will respond to the inner call of Love the Indigo Children and young people. This will be the part of our young company, which will find its way to the Sacred Space of your Heart is the source of Universal Love, the Great Love, which is called the crucified Christ. He is the first on Earth has brought in its flames of this Eternal Source of everything in the Universe, and He tried to tell you about this feeling wild at the time of humanity. And was crucified, and was not understood.
The female aspect of Consciousness entering into the Age of Aquarius will gain strength and open the heart, first of all women and girls. They are: children and women will begin to transform a legacy to mankind from a bygone Age of Pisces society. It is in the human heart there is a place for the emergence of New Creations of the world.
In anticipation of the Quantum Transition, it is necessary to study this and similar literature, to form in his mind the overall picture of the movement of all humanity and the individual forward along the path of evolution. This plan, the path laid out by the Higher Beings as part of God's plan, and from him no one is not going anywhere. All will be done, and no one will escape the participation in this grandiose event. Therefore, with knowledge and clear understanding of all processes person cognizant can properly take this path and to help her family. Gaining clarity will help eliminate difficulties on this path. Off to go away no one. Just when that hour comes, untrained people will fall under the total wheel of chaos and fear, which can crush him and his loved ones.
The more clearly will be formed the picture all the way, all of the upcoming events, the easier it is to concentrate on helping the people around you, your family. The Creator has no intention to destroy our Fifth of the Aryan civilization, on the contrary - the transition in the 4th and 5th Dimension will lead to such change the whole way of life of modern man, tired of eternal struggle for existence or hold himself at a certain status of well-being that those frequent thoughts: "When I change?", "When will be the end of all suffering?" - those wishes of Mankind will be realized by the System of the absolute. The world will go to the more natural and simple human relations with nature, animals and the like.
What do the rest of us? The answer is simple: stop living a logical mind and seek heart, finding Wisdom and Knowledge. And may the Light of joy of life will light the Dawn of a New Era! This narrative is one of the many versions and do not take it as the only and inevitable Reality. Try and embracing realize what is going on in the world with your mind. And if you have read to this page, the process of expansion of your Consciousness has accelerated. Imagine the positive development version of events, as a personal nature and of society in General. That will allow all of us to optimally take a Quantum Transition and Ascension!