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The most famous exclamation "Under us someone is!" belongs to the American ufologist Alan Polanski, who with a small group of researchers in 2005 studied abandoned in the mountains of South American lake. From the depth of the reservoir could hear strange sounds. Their nature is still not installed.
In many cases, the expedition was able to fix incomprehensible sounds using hydrophones. In particular, in Russian the lake Svetloyar. The legend of the sunken city of Kitezh, bells which still can be heard on the Svetloyar, well known to many. Exploring the area surrounding the lake with inflatable boats were recorded sounds that do not have biological nature, their origin was clearly manmade.
The famous story of the two St. Petersburg engineers, vacationing on lake Specific and fishing. According to the story Vitaly Sychev, they have been looking for a clean place on the lakes. At first they were not lucky, as soon as they found a quiet lake and threw the rod, the other hill drove a jeep with jet ski trailer, and three guys roaring began to drive it across the lake. We had jacked and look for other, more quiet forest lake. Deep in the jungle forest, they came across cherished quiet lake Unit, which was small, but in some places the depth of it was more than twenty meters.
Engineers had a single boat, so one is left on the shore, and the other went fishing boat. Vitaly almost reached the middle of the lake, suddenly paid attention to strange sounds coming from the depths of the lake. Vitaliy in his youth had to work at the factory, and unclear sound immediately reminded him of the work of a steam hammer, his punches, hissing. Then these sounds had died down and there was other, but this is reminiscent of the attacks on the rail. His companion, fishing on the shore; nothing unusual has noticed, but after dinner, when it was his turn to fish, too, heard strange sounds. And after sunset, there was a sound of a big bell, while industries and settlements near the lake was not.
In England, in the County of Wales, Celtic lake Betws-Ball, according to the legend at the bottom of it too sunken city. In calm weather, visible buildings, the walls of the fortress and heard the bell. The town was ruled by the king of Tegid Fuel and Queen Ceridwen, the witch, grandmother, great Merlin.
The underwater sound of bells was heard in the lake of the Malov Platovo Nizhny Novgorod region. In Tishkovo, the village, which is near Vitebsk, the sound of the bells is heard from the ground. Local residents have witnessed a strange anomalies, strange visions.
In the spring of 2002 a group of French researchers in inflatable boats examined one of the southern bays African lake Victoria, where, according to local residents, a large, is not known animal.
Down in the water hydrophones recorded a strange loud noises, as if a giant hit the hammer on the same giant anvil. The sound of these occurred after one or two hours after sunrise and stopped just before sunset, sometimes for a long time they stopped and appeared again after five to seven days.
However, the history of this phenomenon goes back several centuries and are sounding of the lake are available on all continents. On the territory of Eurasia, the most well-known saying" the lake Ladoga. Frequently, the fishermen, who retired from the shore on 2-3 kilometers, hear the mysterious hum, rolling like a distant echo of the storm. When the sky is covered with clouds, these mysterious sounds (brontide) quite a few newcomers to the lake as the "vodnomotornikov"and yachtsmen, immediately directing their ships to the shore.
By the way, in different literary sources can be found misspelled variations of this term, but he is directly traceable to the Italian word "brontide", meaning the sounds that are observed in some coastal areas of the Mediterranean.
Much less on Ladoga there is another view of branched - long sound like the sound of the bursting of the bass strings. Even more rarely able to hear two or three such sound in a row. And some of the water tourists, situated on the night in the numerous Islands of the North-Western part of lake Ladoga, suddenly Wake up from the sound of wheels quickly approaching trains, although no trains nearby, of course not.
In the beginning of 1890 American Professor S. A. Forbes visited the Shoshone lake in Yellowstone national Park with the aim of the study of invertebrates. In his report, he wrote: "In this place early quiet in the morning we heard strange sounds, which is famous for the lake. They reminded shake harp strings that someone was touching. Yet it was like the ringing of a Telegraph wire, and sometimes on a quiet, melodious voice, the negotiating high above us. The sound was there somewhere, getting closer and becoming louder, and then went away and disappeared in the other direction. Sometimes it seemed that he aimlessly wandering around us. In each case, the phenomenon lasted from a few seconds to a minute. Usually, these sounds can be heard in a calm clear morning, just before sunrise, at this time of day sounds louder and clearer. But one day I heard them in the afternoon, when the wind blowing".
Colleague Forbes, Professor Edwin Linton, working at the nearby lake Yellowstone, heard similar sounds. They reminded some metal vibration, which appeared just above their heads, and then moved to the South-West. On average, this phenomenon has been observed for about 30 seconds. Sometimes the sound reminded the howl of the wind, though the range was a complete calm.
In the same place researcher Hugh M. Smith in 1919 heard something similar to the distant hum of a huge bell, repeated at intervals of about ten minutes. Interestingly, strange sounds, resembling the sound of the organ, was observed Smith and while driving Canoeing, in which there were members of the expedition.
In Australia, since 1870, gained fame of "the weeping water hole" Wilga close to Ruthven station. Once close to it slept two strigelsky sheep. However, sleep they failed: middle of the night suddenly I heard a quiet weeping, it grew louder and louder. Then he changed, according to witnesses, the devil's otherworldly sounds, "which is not under the power of the human voice". The sounds grew. Strigelsky felt that they had now burst eardrum, wild fear literally bound them, not allowing to leave the damn place. Then howl became quieter and gradually moved into the soft whining. When all was quiet, strigelsky jumped on his horse and galloped away.
Sounds similar to the Ladoga brontide like distant thunder, are observed on the North sea coast, mainly in the quiet foggy days. Local residents they are known under the unpronounceable name "listpeer". The same rumblings in the Delta of the Ganges called "barsalini guns". A similar phenomenon in the state of new York is consonant with the name of "the guns of Seneca lake".
Researcher Albert J.. Ingalls writes about the mysterious sounds: "Their direction indefinable, and as the beginning of the rainbow, they are always somewhere else."
In the valley of the Connecticut river, this phenomenon is called "the roar of Medusa" (the name of the city), and Haiti - "goof-Frai". In the Philippines, local residents believe the unusual sounds kind voice of the distant sea and are confident that their produce a wave hits on the beach or walls of the caves. They believe that these mysterious sounds are closely connected with the change of weather and usually foretell the arrival of Typhoon.
In 1870, the correspondent of the journal " Nature " has taken the investigation into the so-called "greyfunky sounds", which are distributed in the coastal lakes and Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Trinidad. Ego were strange vibrating metal musical sounds, and with the characteristic rhythm. Noted and yeah additional, but not consistent factor: sounds more often heard in metal vessels, but only at night. As a researcher C. Kingsley heard the sounds, "which publishes the rumbling in the distance locomotive, when he is running out of steam" (that is very similar to some Ladoga brontide).
Despite extensive statistics of observations of this phenomenon over the past two centuries it was not found acceptable explanation, and those who speak out, sometimes naive. In Geophysics there is a whole branch of science, which is called the acoustics of the atmosphere, Is and acoustics of the ocean, but, alas, no acoustics lakes. In one story Armenian writer said what the students together with the teacher explored the mysterious sounds of mountain lake and which locals attributed the roar of the underwater deity. Now, they found a hole, which was periodically flooded waters of the lake, making scary sounds. This is practically all that was possible to read about the research of the votes of lakes". By the way, about the same explanation "of the devil sounds" "water hole" Wilga is also expressed to the Australian phenomenon.
More or less acceptable explanation is given and sounding lakes Yellowstone national Park. There is very high seismic activity, close to periodically geysers work associated with lakes, apparently, total water reservoir. When their work and there are, apparently, these musical sounds.
As for the Ladoga Bronte, there is only one very stingy assumption that they are probably connected with the peculiarity of underwater currents and the difficult terrain of the lake bottom.
Unlike the "lake", to explore the strange sounds of the seas and oceans of the postgo to a higher level. Recently, the office of NOAA (National oceanic and atmospheric administration research) registered in the depths of the Pacific ocean sounds, whose origin cannot be explained. For more than twenty years, scientists record and investigate the noise of the oceans. They recorded the sounds of seismic activity, sea animals, the noise of the moving ice massifs. However, the origin of some of the sounds to explain it is still not possible. Have been put forward various theories, including marine life, instability of ice cover and even UFOs.
The sound is called "Roar"
NOAA spotted this sound in 1997, he sounded at ultralow frequencies and was incredibly powerful. He was spotted in a very remote area of the Pacific ocean, which is located to the South-West of South America. The sound character suggests that its source was some kind of an animal, but a well-known science animals are not able to produce sounds of this nature, moreover, the volume of the "Reva" several times higher than any known noise of animal origin. "Roar" was also registered several hydrophones, remote from each other for five thousand kilometers, making it the most distant ever heard of ocean sounds.
The Sound Of "Julia"
He was registered NOAA1 March 1999, its duration was about fifteen seconds. The noise came from the Equatorial Pacific ocean, the source was somewhere between Easter island and South America. The sound of "Julia" was also very loud and was recorded by hydrophones, separated by a distance of more than five thousand kilometres.
Sound, called "Slowdown"
This sound NOAA registered on may 19, 1997, it lasted about seven minutes. He was named slowing because of his height continuously declined for seven minutes, Since 1997 this noise was repeated almost every year, location of its source identified just North of Easter island, not far from the Pacific to the equator. Scientists have put forward a hypothesis of the origin of the sound Slow, but it is not confirmed, His sound is reminiscent of the movement of the ice massifs of the Antarctic, but the location of the source eliminates the presence of ice at any time of year, so the discussion is still open,
The sound, which received the name "the Train"
This sound was recorded NOAA in the Equatorial Pacific ocean, just South of Easter island. The sound is dominated by regular increase in the volume and height to fixed limits, that is in tune with the tone of the train.
The Sound Of "Up"
It was recorded NOAA in August 1991 and consists of many repetitive sound waves with the rapid rise of the frequency. Since the discovery of this sound was recorded every year, but the rate and volume each time constantly decreased. There is a seasonal pattern - the highest frequencies of sound reaches in spring and autumn. The audio source is in the Pacific ocean, North of Antarctica, about halfway between New Zealand and South America. Scientists suggest seismic nature of this noise and its associate the occurrence of volcanic activity in the region.
The sound is called "Whistle"
This sound spotted July 7, 1997, and registered it was just one hydrophone sensor. This is very unusual, since all of the above sounds was located at least four different sensors simultaneously. The sound source is located in the Equatorial Pacific ocean, about five hundred miles (about 800 kilometers) from Mexico city. The sound reminds one of the whistle and usually lasts for about a minute. "Whistle" is logged each year from the moment of detection.
All these unexplained sounds come from the depths of the Pacific. You long to ask, what is their sources: animals, seismic activity or even a UFO? The good news is that the answer may not be forced to wait, because NOAA is developing new high-tech hydrophone sensors. Their sensitivity is more than a hundred times exceed the capabilities of hydrophones used now.
Source: "Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown" №23, 2012