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Пятак на счастьеThe coins, as people, their fates. Some of them before to get lost forever, or to calm down in collections - make amazing journeys, become participants of numerous dramas and Fursov. Learn coins to say how wonderful they would tell the world! But they are silent. Rather, most people are not able to hear them... however, it's time to find out what the coins some secrets.

Hi goddess

The goddess Juno, on the territory of the temple which was located one of first in Rome mints, Latins was awarded the epithet Coin, which means "guardian" or "counselor". The fact that Juno was the patroness of home, family, respectively, was meant to take away from the habitation of various kinds of afflictions, to direct their inhabitants on the right path. Named after for the goddess coins, means of payment the sobriquet is quite justified, because metal money, in addition to its direct purpose, and serve magical purposes: they are used when the draw in all kinds of fortune-telling, as amulets, that is, in order to receive a warning and protection.

Remember the student sign the Soviet times? The patch should be put in the boot or Shoe before the exam and thus increase their chances of success is Hello from Juno.

Engraver and two monarch

History knows cases when the coins played in the lives of individual citizens, and even entire countries, fatal role.

September 3, 1791 revolutionary France acquired by the Constitution. on September 14, Louis XVI brought her oath and became a constitutional monarch. This event decided to commemorate the release of a new gold coins 1 Louis-d'or. The author of the design of the new means of payment became an engraver Auguste Dupre. The coin is mainly repeated that of the pre-revolutionary Louis-d'or: on the obverse remained the profile of a king, but the reverse instead of the crown over the arms of France and Navarre appeared winged angel (Genius)that write on the tables the word "Constitution". The people called this coin "Golden genius".

As you know, freedom, equality and brotherhood prevailed in France long - soon broke out in the country terror. In 1794, is among those sentenced to death were Auguste Dupre. Waiting for the queue to the scaffold, engraver clutched in his pocket a gold coin. Suddenly in the dome of the Cathedral, next to which was established the guillotine, lightning struck the storm broke - execution was postponed. Then about Dupre forgotten, and six months later was released.

The story immediately known throughout France, and soon none of French sailor not leave port without their own kind of talisman. In the XX century, this tradition was passed to the pilots. "Golden genius" has become so popular that the French government has repeatedly said his image is already on francs. The French still give similar coins each other at Christmas with a wish of good luck.

And here is depicted in the Louis-d'or king coin killed. The fact that Louis XVI, is quite reasonable considering that all these good games in the Constitution will not be the end, decided to flee. Near the Eastern border of the postmaster Drouet learned of the monarch is recognized, of course, was minted at the Louis profile. King was detained and returned to Paris, and in 1793 was convicted of treason and executed.

Another French monarch mentioned coin has long been faithfully. According to legend, Napoleon always to carry Louis-d'or with a genius, because he was invincible. And just before Waterloo - lost...

So - who Obereg, and to whom, and black label...

Award from Suvorov

However, coins continue to be one of the favorite mascots. Now what about it tells the candidate of historical Sciences, Vologda writer, ethnographer and numismatist Alexander Vladimirovich Bykov: "Often worn as a talisman coins with the year of his birth. Maybe they help, but my friend drowned with this coin on the neck. However, one cannot deny that the coins indeed often saved lives, especially large ones, which were "happiness" in a breast pocket. In my collection has a lot of cars with bullet defects or scratches from a bayonet or a sword."

It is known that Suvorov was awarded the distinguished themselves in combat soldiers silver coins. Retrieved from beloved commander silver fairy-tale heroes did not spend, and were wearing as a precious relic. Perhaps Suvorov "awards" saved many lives, but a lot of upset collectors. "Such coins, says Bykov, for numismatists - existing disorder. The trail from a bullet devalues the coin in half".

Same story with monetami. "Silver bibs grandmothers Buranovskie for numismatists - pagan barbarity. One day I had to disassemble a hat like silver. In coins that better holes were soldered, the rest went to the scrap metal. By the way, coin that long worn on the body, "uplyvaet", as a remnant, and also loses its value."

Not that in our expert, there are coin-mascot - two kopecks 1810, he found even in kindergarten. A hole in it Bykov, of course, not pinned.

Gold dead

Coins in the view of people not only provide protection, but also can bring misfortune. Among archaeologists, and now among the innumerable "diggers" there are many stories about the unenviable the proportion of people Pozarevac on the so-called Obol Charon - the coin, which laid the dead man under the tongue, so he could pay for crossing the river Styx

"Any diggers and archaeologists, - says Alexander Vladimirovich, people, and everyone has his own passion with which someone is struggling, and someone not. But in war all stricter. Just know that the soldiers tried to take the gold from the pockets of dead enemies. If it is absolutely unbearable was quickly he was freed because gold "attracts" the lead. Even in the recent wars such tradition is".

Immediately come to mind another kind of history - about the misfortunes, priluchalisya with the owners of those or other precious relics, mostly diamonds. Did something similar with the holders rare coins? The most striking example is associated with the Konstantin ruble is one of the rare Russian coins, made at the St Petersburg mint in December 1825 in limited quantities due to the expected accession to the throne Cesarevitch Constantine Pavlovich. After the proclamation of the Emperor Nicholas all instances were placed in a safe in the archive of the Ministry of Finance. In 1878 Alexander II has declassified information about the Konstantinovsky ruble.

Of the five existing instances of one Sovereign kept the one he gave to the Hermitage, and three others gave their relatives-card - son, the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, uncle Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich and brother-Prince Alexander of Hesse - the only one out of all this, the company was able to die. As you know, Alexander II was the victim of people, Sergey Alexandrovich was killed by a bomb kalyaeva, and George Mikhailovich was shot by the Bolsheviks. "Georgii Mikhailovich in the collection were hundreds of thousands of coins, says Bykov, so the Konstantin ruble may at anything. But the fact remains... Generally, numismatists - the public does not superstitious. I know of only one case, when people got rid of a few coins. When it appeared that gold Swiss francs forties of the last century, perhaps made of gold dentures prisoners of Nazi camps, one numismatist all these coins are sold.


Money is always excite the human imagination. Especially in recent times, after the appearance of reports that some of the "active" or recently withdrawn from circulation coins are a great value. Alexander Vladimirovich on this account skeptical: "Rare types of modern coins, of course, is, however, it is rare to meet in one case in a million. Even if the coin will fall to get her more than a few thousand unlikely. The real value of what has recently been in circulation is only silver old model 1931 and coins 1958, but not particularly to profit".

Ironically refers Bulls and other advertised hypostasis coins - "treatment": "In one numismatic shop is worth a whole bucket of regeneration of Soviet coins with a sign: "for treatment". Ask: "what are healing?" Sellers laugh: "foolishness". Of course, no one denies the curative properties of copper, but this should be a first-class copper, without a hint on oxide! While chasing copper coins was a very different sort of copper".

Out - neither wealth nor health gain, no luck to lure using coins not? "To get rich is possible, - said Bykov, " but to do this in coins you need to understand. My friend just for a dollar bought on eBay penny Elizabeth for the occupied Prussia - he was the only known instance in the world. Imagine how much this rarity is really? Just the owner's nothing in numismatics did not know much, and that's mistake".

Sounds fascinating, but, dear readers, we should admit that the us is not able to distinguish the goods of the Moscow mint samples from the yard of the St. Petersburg - is happiness does not Shine. And what can you do?

Probably less hope for the Juno and independently create a talisman. I think we shouldn't trust him nor health, nor, especially, happiness - let it work on the basic to your profile. I, for one, is already not the first year carry in your wallet coin - five Norwegian krhe. I assure you - it helps... Because Norwegian Krone - the currency stable. If you have something equally respectable, but when Tom and old, from the ringing of metal - I think everything will be even better. Only I beg you: do not drill in the coin mascots holes and do not wear on the body - how among your descendants numismatist found?
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