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Атлантида, где искать остатки цивилизации Атлантов?Since the ancient Greeks, this mystery does not rest lovers secrets. The eternal question, there are already two and a half thousand years. First of Atlantis wrote the great ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, works which are based today's explorers and seekers of the sunken island. All that Plato was known about the mythical Atlantis, told in his two dialogs "of Crete" and "timey".

In them ancestor of Plato of Crete remembers conversations drevnegrecheskogo sage salt with an unnamed Egyptian priest. The conversation took place in the VI century B.C. the Egyptian told me, referring to the sacred Egyptian texts, that there was a great country Atlantis found behind Gerkulesovy pillars, which were killed in a terrible accident.

. "...There was an island which lay before the Strait, which is called in your language Gerlovina pillars. This island exceeded its size Libya and Asia combined. On this island, called Atlantis, there arose a great and worthy surprise Union of kings, whose authority extended over the whole island. They possessed Libya up to Egypt and Europe until Tirrenia.

... But later, when the time came for the unprecedented earthquakes and floods. Atlantis disappeared, plunging into the abyss. Then the sea in places became even to this day non-navigable and is not available because of the destruction caused by the huge amount of sludge that is left behind settled the island” ("timey”).

'Nine thousand years ago was a warrior, between those peoples who dwelt on the other side Herculean challenge of the pillars, and all those who lived on this side. The latter stood our state (that is, Athens), and headed the first - kings island of Atlantis; as we have already mentioned, this was once the island twice the size of Libya and Asia, now he failed due to earthquakes and became impassable mud, enclosing the path to mariners” ("of Crete”).

In ancient times appeared supporters and opponents of the existence of Atlantis. The hypothesis was supported by Pliny the Elder and Diodorus Sicilian opponents bili Aristotle and geographer Strabo. Controversy continues to this day - the number of published works on the problem of Atlantis exceeded five thousand, and versions about the location of Atlantis exceeded tens. Added to this is a lot of occult, theosophy speculation about Atlantis, and a large number "studies” lovers - "atlantaga"whose activity, according to A. Goreslavskii, "brought more harm than good, since their efforts interesting problem ancient civilization completely moved scientific curiosities”. As soon as any Kuriles "Atlantis”: attributed to all peoples of the world, the origin of the Atlanteans, called them by aliens from outer space, considered Atlanteans "ancient Russ”, give them some unprecedented wisdom and "secret knowledge” and so on. Well, "poor people! - you can repeat after the Marquis de Kostina. "They need to rave to be happy”.

By the way, Plato calls Atlantis island, and from his text does not mean that it was the whole continent. From the text of Plato it is obvious also that the civilization of Atlantis - the same archaic civilization of the bronze age, as the Ancient Egyptian civilization, the Hittites, Mycenae, the Indus valley, Mesopotamia. Atlanta had kings and priests offered sacrifices to the pagan gods, waged war, their army was armed with spears. Atlanta was engaged in the irrigation fields using channels, built ships, worked metals: copper, tin, bronze, gold and silver. On a large scale iron, they probably did not apply. Anyway, Plato about it does not mention. Therefore, inventions about some "vysokorazvityh” civilization of Atlantes can only call empathy.

Doubtful that Atlantis could exist in 9000 BC Long and fairly noted that at that time there were "was not Egyptians who could write about these events, nor the Greeks, allegedly making his exploits.” The first traces of Neolithic culture in Lower Egypt are about to V Millennium BC, and the peoples who speak the Greek language, appeared in Greece only in the II Millennium B.C. Hence, Atlanta couldn 9600 BC to war with the Greeks, as the latter did not exist. All the facts mentioned in the story of Plato, does not allow to consider the lifetime of a civilization of Atlantis next to II Millennium BC

In accordance with the instructions of Plato's Atlantis was placed for Gerkulesovy pillars - the Strait of Gibraltar, in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Small archipelagos - Azores, Canary Islands and the Bahamas was called the remains of the sunken continent. Rejoicing caused the event of 1898, when laying a Telegraph cable between Europe and America is a French vessel in 560 miles North of the Azores lifted from the bottom of the ocean gem, which upon closer inspection turned out to be a piece of glassy lava. This lava could be formed only on land at atmospheric pressure. Radiocarbon Dating was able to establish that the eruption of the mysterious volcano occurred in about 13 thousand years B.C. However, in addition to lava in this place nothing more could be found.

In 1979 Soviet research vessel "Moscow University” made a series of photos of a submarine mountain Amper. They were sealed with the remains of some artificial constructions. But the mystery remained unsolved. Besides, there are serious doubts in the correctness of the interpretation of images on photo - most likely, this could be the natural relief of the seabed.

After the discovery of America there was speculation that this continent is the legendary Atlantis. With this hypothesis, in particular, was made by Francis bacon.

X. Schulten in 1922 gave the idea that under the Atlantis should be understood known in ancient times the city of sails the Hostal Castillo, who was in Spain, at the mouth of the Guadalquivir river, and a sunken about 500 B.C.

In the 1930-ies A. Herrmann expressed the hypothesis that Atlantis was located in the territory of modern Tunisia and was buried in the Sands of the Sahara.

French scientist F. Gidon assumed that in the legend about Atlantis, the history of immersion in the sea of the North-West coast of France. In 1997 this hypothesis revived and developed the Russian scientist, a member of the Geographical society Century Kudryavtsev has stated a hypothesis that in the result of this event was scuttled the so-called Celtic shelf - bottom modern North sea, between France and southern England. Shelf this is shallow and has some similarity flooded shoreline. Almost in the center of this flooded the territory of the Bank is little Sol - remarkable underwater height at which, according Kudryavtsev, and was the capital of Atlantis: "the city is located on a hill with a cliff into the sea.” However, according to the hypothesis Kudryavtseva, Atlantis is not an island, but a part of the European continent, but the author of the study believes that in ancient Egyptian language was not individual words to transfer concepts "earth” and "the island”.

At the end of the ice age as a result of rising ocean levels went under water large area in the West of Europe, which was Atlantis, the former center of a highly developed culture. Attempts to link destruction of Atlantis with increase of level of World ocean after the melting of glaciers always met serious opposition. It is believed that this increase was gradual and occurred at different speed for several thousand years. Critics of this hypothesis argued that the flooding associated with this increase does not reflect on the effect described by Plato: "Atlantis was destroyed... one horrible day and one night”.

But Plato says: "Then... there were earthquakes and floods of unusual destructive force, and in one terrible day and one night for all your warriors were absorbed by the earth, and the island of Atlantis was also absorbed by the sea and disappeared.” The mention that has accompanied the catastrophe of the earthquake and floods in the plural says that the disaster occurred not for one day.

In 1988 the American paleoglaciological X. Heinrich were published data obtained in the study of bottom sediments in the North Atlantic, which testified to the fact that at least six times during the last glacial period was large-scale and rapid descents of ice into the ocean from the territory of present-day Canada. Judging by the fact that we are talking about many millions of cubic kilometers of ice, these events could not but lead to a marked rise in ocean levels.

German pastor Jurgen Spout put forward in 1953 the theory that Atlantis was located in the Baltic sea near the island of Helgoland. He based his hypothesis on the fact that in this place at a depth of 8 meters, in the highest part of the underwater ridge Steingrund, were found the remains of destroyed settlements.

But all these hypotheses about the location of Atlantis erroneous, as they are based on the work of Plato "Dialogs", which in itself is a historical mistake and here's why....

The philosopher Plato, who was born in Athens in 427 BC as a giant of the spirit is at the origin of human thought. Aristotle was his disciple, Hegel believed it "world-historical personality”, Schopenhauer called "deitiesmilitary”. And here on this bearded sage in leather sandals, made in his 35 dialogues praise to mind, who hated poets for the nebula and neitiniemi their language, falls the shadow of suspicion as to the greatest liar in the world literature. From Plato, and only from him, comes a fantastic story about the island of Atlantis, where everything was "well, surprisingly and in the richness”. People enjoyed "excess unrighteous wealth.” In the end, the country "degraded” and suddenly disappeared in the ocean.

Many generations of researchers conducted a search of this earthly Paradise. Disappeared land was searching on Helgoland and in the Bahamas, in East Prussia and in Mongolia. Jacques Cousteau tried to find it on the bottom of the Mediterranean sea, Erich von d?niken and even put her in space.

Like a Ghost floating this mysterious continent through the Millennium. Researchers-enthusiasts even identified the exact date and time of the collapse of the mythical realm: 13 hours 5 June 8498 B.C.

But none of enthusiasts search failed to go beyond vague assumptions about how lost Atlantis. For serious science still was unequivocal: Atlantis is no more than a figment of Plato.

The working group "research Center crypto technologies" after reviewing a number of hypotheses and having considered the results of the archaeological projects in Cyprus, Crete and Egypt,

came to the conclusion that the story of Plato nothing like "distorted memory of the great Three, the ancient city on Hellespont, which, if you believe Homer, in the XIII century BC fell victim tricks Odyssey and striking power 100 thousand Greek warriors.

Against what Atlantis fiction, says first of all the abundance of details in the story about her.

Already at the first selection "confused pieces to the puzzle” there are many proofs of this identity:

1. Sea power Platonov miracle cities based on "twelve hundred ships”. The fleet of Troy (according to Homer) consisted of 1185 courts.
2. In Atlantis is blowing strong "North wind”. Such weather conditions (by the way, not typical for the Mediterranean) are characteristic blown storm winds entry into the Black sea.
3. In Atlantis there are two sources - warm and cold. The same sources, according to Homer, beaten and in Three of them.
4. In Atlantis was known brass. In ancient times this alloy is produced only in one place - in Edremit, 80 km South-East from the city of Troy.
5. The size of the Central part of the city of Atlantis Plato evaluates to "five stages” (900 metres). Exactly the same size and has the Palace complex of Troy.

In General Plato four times confirms the truthfulness of his narrative. In addition, it refers to a very high authority: according to him, the first narrator of this story was a military leader and lawgiver Solon (640-560 BC). This "the wisest of the seven sages wrote off as if this information from one of the temple columns in Egypt.

"Original manuscript, opportunity, really existed and was owned by the family of Plato. Thus, a great thinker only used historical document. And this fact is confirmed by the following:

1. Salt really been in the country of pharaohs. Shortly before his death he, probably, visited the residence of the kings - SAIs.
2. Salt was "relative close friend” of preprepared Plato. So that is not excluded described by Plato transfer of the manuscript through six generations.
3. Computer stylistic analysis conducted by American scientists showed that the story of Plato about Atlantis is very different from other works of the philosopher. The impression that Plato used the text owned by another author.

In the temple, says Plato, priests summed salt to the column with the characters. It was filled with a strange story that "9 thousand years ago the ancient Greeks won some well-armed "power”, which name was Atlantis.

The date of the battle "9 thousand years ago” just shocking. It is shocking not because at that time could not exist advanced civilization, which is already in the stone age would have a sign for the letters and iron axes. As shocking is the fact that in the proposed Egyptians period of time, there were not Greeks.

But this complex, on first glance, the question has found a simple solution. And imnno: in Egypt since the middle of the third Millennium were priests for the chronology used the lunar calendar . If the temple column SAIs calculate the history of lunar cycles , this length of time should be divided into 12,37. And then we get a new date described battle - 1207 year BC

At that time, the Greeks had experienced a tremendous battle. Only the enemy fell upon them "from the Atlantic sea, and sat behind the walls of the fortress in Asia Minor. Greek Chronicles "Marmore parium” leads the date of the conquest of Troy: 1209 year BC

However chronicle Egyptian temple predstavlyaet us more information;

....in "subsequent time,” let the priests, the Greek cities were destroyed by natural disasters. Broke all management structure was lost even the art of writing. Yes and defeated Atlantis sank in the end, "the earthquake”.

The list of disasters presented in the temple, surprisingly exactly coincide with the real events of that period - the late bronze age.

Mycenaean Palace of culture (1600-1100 BC) with its blooming centers (Midea, Pylos, Mycenae and Tiryns) was destroyed almost instantly: in 1204 BC fortress Tiryns shaking from shock underground elements and sinks beneath the mud avalanche. Almost simultaneously flashes fire Pylos. Mycenae and Midea fall victim to fires or earthquakes. Severe floods strike against Troy.

Simultaneously collapsing extensive worldwide trading system of the Eastern Mediterranean. To 1000 BC formerly glorious world of the Achaeans, one of the major ancient Greek tribes) with their heroes Agamemnon, Odysseus, Nestor, Achilles turns into almost desolate heap of ruins.

After 400 years of this "dark age of first heard the voice of Homer. This is his "Iliad”.

If you think that salt is suitable with some priest to one of the pillars in the temple complex of SAIs, and together they try to translate ancient characters in Greek language. The result of this work was a huge translation "lapse”. Salt incorrectly interprets the geographical sense of the temple account, and takes with him to Europe a completely distorted picture of ancient events.

First a rough mistake in the word "island”. The corresponding character denotes the coast or sandy strip and "is widely spoken as a symbol denoting foreign lands on the other side of the Nile Delta” (Egyptologist Figure carpenter). From this point of view the word "island” true Troy.

The second major error allows the translator and in the next instruction (...Atlantis lies at sea Strait). He begins to look for a big island on the other side "Herculean challenge pillars”. In times salt was the name of the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Achaeans, as is known, not swim in the Atlantic. Their world was limited to other sea Straits, which they also called "Gerlovina pillars”, - the Dardanelles.

This misunderstanding and took all previous search in the wrong direction West.

But we draws the gaze to the East to the North coast of Asia Minor, mount Hissarlik, "that determined the fate of archaeology”, which Heinrich Schliemann in 1871 with "Iliad” in the hands led excavations in Troy.

The size and importance of this legendary city still remain controversial. Schliemann was estimated number of people in 100 thousand. But archaeologist Manfred Korfmann of Tubingen, which in 1988, after a 50-year break resumed excavations, merely says "pirate's nest” in 5 thousand people.

But a growing number of researchers of antiquity came to the conclusion that the Homeric Troy was the Central point of trade of the bronze age. It is assumed that it, like the octopus, covered passage into the Black sea and became rich at the expense collected from merchants tribute. Schliemann excavated in Three countless treasures - gold-ware, silver vases, luxury earrings, brooches, tiaras.

Many of the benefits of the Trojan Treasury gave, apparently, and the meteorological conditions of the region. For seafarers that time it was impossible to enter the Dardanelles against the raging North wind. Only in the spring and fall short time he blows from the South, allowing you to make and even then, dangerous maneuver. Archaeologist Michael Sibler explains the extraordinary wealth of the city, namely the forced Parking of vehicles. Trojans probably had pilotage services and provided accommodation and rest merchants. But where is the port construction?

Even after 120 years after the discovery of Troy, a city is a white spot. All previous excavations were focused on the Palace complex. And in front of the hill plain area of 20 square kilometers remains almost untouched. It is unknown how and where he lived a simple city folk.

The more detailed looks in comparison extant picture of Atlantis. Plato portrays her as a transit point for goods and shipping centre.

The city is bathed in gold, jewels, crowded with ships and merchants arriving from all sides.

Worthy of admiration and topographic parallel. As a Royal fortress of Troy, the main Palace of Atlantis is located on the hill. Beyond the hill plain surrounded by mountains and overlooking the sea.

Particularly detailed Plato describes striking port facilities of Atlantis. Royal residence is within the canal ring. Plain channelled, raids and ship docks. To fill this water maze, according to Plato, the inhabitants of Atlantis struck in the coastal rocks passages in the sea.

Plain, where is Troy, too freaked channels. As in Atlantis, coastal cliffs pierced through in two places. But traces of this great hydrotechnical works are hidden from the eyes. The Millennium plain, where was Troy, drowned under the heavy layer of sand. In our opinion, under the alluvial soil hidden remains of a giant port.

And if we return to text the works of Plato, you will find it detailed analogy:

1. In Atlantis has a 30-meter-long crack in the cliff to the sea. In Three gaping hole in the coastal rocks, according to researcher Peter Wilhelm Forchhammer, of the same sizes.
2. In Atlantis main canal leading from the sea to the Royal castle, the length - 30 stages. And in Three of the distance from the Bay to the Palace of the hill is the same.
3. The inhabitants of Atlantis broke into the cliffs, deep caves, flooding them with water and turning in docks for ships (Plato). With the same stone grottoes faced researcher Troy Heinrich Schliemann.

Offered "Center crypto technologies" formula "Atlantida=Troy"in our opinion appears to be the most actual version of the interpretation of "Dialogs" Plato, and find support, by Eberhard of Zangger (archaeologist, a graduate of Oxford and Cambridge universities).

It begs the question: "Than Atlantis did not exist, and is only a legend in error Plato?"

"The research centre crypto technologies" believes that Atlantis, which was described by Plato in the works Dialogs"is Troy.

The Atlantis, which could have information priests of Egypt, there was also a version of "research Center crypto technologies", and was located on the territory of Antarctica. American Egyptologist in his works refers to the fact that the Egyptian priests, describing Atlantis, say "... that Atlantis was easy to move to other Islands, and from there - on the whole the opposite mainland, which frames the true ocean". Assuming that the legendary Atlantis was located in the Antarctic and to compare the configuration of the legendary island with the outline of Antarctica, namely the Antarctic Peninsula and the Southern Orkney Islands, this comparison shows a striking similarity.

Although the Egyptian map Atlantis placed in the Atlantic ocean, this is a bug that believed and Plato.

Traditionally it is considered that Antarctica is covered by ice during the last 50 million years. But on the famous map Piri Reis, made in 1513, depicted Antarctica without ice, and map Urantia Finney made in 1531, Antarctica marked mountain ranges and rivers. Thus, it is not excluded that Antarctica in the memory of mankind was without ice cover. Argument in favor of a formula Atlantis = Antarctica is the fact that in 1990, geologists have found frozen in ice remains of the trees of the age of 2-3 million years. And the catastrophe with Atlantis = Antarctica, was the same accident, when there was a shift of the earth's poles, it is possible that belongs to the Biblical period. It is possible that "the deluge", is the reason for the destruction of ancient civilization. What lies beneath the age-old ice and why civilization of Atlantes was to be killed, about Humanity remains to be seen.
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