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Astronomers are constantly concerned about one thing: why the Earth's orbit is inclined by 7 degrees relative to the equator of the Sun? Now the new theory suggests that perhaps a roving young star passed close to the Earth and made our planet change the inclination.
Konstantin Batygin of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, suggests that during the formation of the Solar system "stray" star impacted not only on the Earth but on all the other planets of the system, and that is why the orbits of all the planets in our system are at an angle to the equator of the Sun.
According to scientists, the best way to check is to use tools to monitor multiplikatsii systems to estimate the probability of such a theory.
The spacecraft NASA Kepler, for example, examines the slope of one such multiplanet system Kepler 30, in which all three planets line up along the equator their stars.