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Made almost half a century ago by Helena Blavatsky try "synthesis of all religions" one degenerated into the usual propaganda Eastern mysticism, occultism and magic. However, having had time to visit the Soviet years "beloved religion Soviet engineers"and then the spiritual basis of totalitarian sects.
on November 17, 1875 in new York Yelena Blavatsky and Henry Albottom was founded the Theosophical society, still plays a noticeable role in the occult-mystical worldview. The founding fathers of this organization were, indeed, quite extraordinary people. The same U.S. army Colonel Olcott, manifested itself in the heroic side during the Civil war of 1861-65 years, and then became even "honorary Brahman"adopted in this favorite Indian caste of priests of merit for their religion.
But, of course, of particular interest is the figure of Helena Blavatsky, our compatriot. The more so that it laid the foundations of the Theosophists. Olcott quickly broke away from her and organized its own maloletnie a group of his followers.
Born Elena in Katerynoslav (now Dnipropetrovsk) in an ancient noble family. Suffice it to say that her cousin was Sergei Witte - statesman "first magnitude", who served as Finance Minister and Prime Minister of the Russian Empire.
But the young Elena career secular "lionesses" did not deceive. Already 16 years old and pulled her to the secret mystical knowledge is good, some of forefathers, who lived in a rich on such sentiments of the XVIII century, has left behind a good library, where were the works of the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and other "developers outdated religion". It is on this path stood up, and the young Princess, after three months of marriage for Yerevan Vice-Governor of Nikifor Blavatsky, forever left it at the age of 18 and went around the world "in search of wisdom".
Where she not only visited for over 20 years... In Italy and Egypt, a few years spent in Tibet, made trips around the world, often find themselves on the verge of death during ship accidents.
Finally, 1875 she came to the shores of America, where, with his colleagues and founded the Theosophical society. The literal translation of this term means "divine wisdom" - by analogy with the famous "philosophy", just "love of wisdom".
However, the irony of fate was that despite the shameless mentioning "name of God in vain" (by the way, sins against the First Commandment of the Decalogue) no reverence, no wisdom, nor even the recognition of the existence of God in theosophy and did not smell. And how else, if all its founders was the practical experience of spiritualism and other dark occult practices, which unequivocally condemned by most world religions, like magic and Satanism?
The God of the Bible Elena Petrovna, for example, was called " the beast with ignorance on the tail", at the same time denying the faith in his existence. However, she and her followers (for example, the successor Blavatsky as head of the Theosophical society, Annie Besant, Christian strongly flirted. Proving in the spirit of almost any founder ecologicescay (or even non-Christian, like Krishna) sect that "we are Christ's love and honor". Only just as "the great teacher of mankind" - along with Buddha, Mohammed, and, of course, hundreds of named and unnamed "Mahatmas from Tibet".
By the way, with a light hand teodosio the world was going to walk out the fable that the Savior of the World, in fact, not Son of God (and how could it be the Son of Someone?) and just inquisitive Jewish youth trained in Tibet (the true center of the world wisdom) convincing tricks, and then for their popularization who founded the religion of his name. Of course, his death on the cross in the framework of such a system are either not recognized or she has not been given absolutely no saving value.
In General, as in any other Eastern religions, theosophy does not directly refer to "grace". That is the unselfish love of God even to the sinners, even at the cost of his life for the sake of their salvation from the power of sin and communion with the eternal bliss. Well can't understand Western in origin "sages" such manner as is "the sensible thief"crucified next to Christ, could be in Paradise! And what about his crimes?! Them that - that's just take and forgive? So said one of the disciples Blavatsky, author of "Foundations of world Outlook of the new epoch" Lisovsky: "If the thief and gone to heaven, then a short time, and then still go to atone for their sins on the sinful earth". What can you do - karma, inexorable and soulless the law of retribution for good and for evil.
Any of us at least once in life forgave the offender's just his request: "I'm Sorry,". Not answered "according to the law of karma" insult for insult. But it is people, personalities. As a personal God in theosophy, alas, is not provided. That vividly makes related her with the same pre-Christian Greek-Roman beliefs, where even the immortal gods were a toy in the hands of inexorable fate. However, this "Pantheon" (the collection of all pagan deities) was also taken Blavatsky for thesis "the Great Teachers of Mankind" is also there.
From Hinduism Buddhism same Elena Petrovna took not only so loved her "karma", but the idea of the transmigration of souls. However, to give her her due, rejected already quite wild in the opinion of Western man's view about the possibility of reincarnation of the human soul in animals, plants, minerals. The soul of man moved only in the body of another person - that's indisputable thesis "Secret doctrine".
It is clear that salvation, as such, this doctrine is not. Eternal "torsion" in the "Wheel of Samsara", births and deaths - with the opportunity to achieve maximum level "Arhat"-enlightened, and already to choose where, to whom and when to incarnate. However, between incarnations is not excluded pure and spiritual, quairishi bliss (and hell) for the righteous and sinners.
In the end, theosophy suffered the fate of all "syncretic" spiritual teachings, called to unite all religions. Roughly speaking, in such cases, ten former religions remains, though an eleventh, to which the hostile above. It's good that the Theosophists did not aim to gain power over the world as other "synthesizers", the Freemasons. However, taking into consideration the very popularity of the ideas of Blavatsky in the notorious military occult organization under the modest name SS, also crazy to "Tibetan wisdom", "the knowledge of the ancient Aryans" (and called themselves "true Aryans"), you can see that from world domination theosophy was just one step.
In General, Blavatsky and her followers managed to keep a " equidistance from cash spiritual teachings. Actually, "the secret Doctrine" is a slightly adapted for a representative of Western culture variant of religion East, primarily based on the eclectic blend of Hinduism, Buddhism and its variants, Tibetan Lamaism. And Christian elements here are not more than "decor". In comparison with tesfamicael the worst heretics, like the Mormons or "Jehovah's Witnesses" look real pillars of faith. Yes, however, the faith as such there is not needed - someone to believe if God (which you can access with prayer) is not there?
In our land ideas Madame Blavatsky (as of Helena Roerich, Annie Besant and the other apostles of this religion without God) received the second breath after "Khrushchev thaw". Fearlessly to attend Orthodox churches were allowed only my pensioners and the proletarians who had nothing to lose in terms of career. But the intelligentsia was very hard in the case of suspicion of sympathy for "religious superstition" vividly was the proletariat to recharge. As a Stoker in connection with deprivation of the previous work and "the wolf ticket" for a new employment.
Here to fill "spiritual vacuum" and rushed adherents of theosophy. "Astral travel", "the fire flower blooming", "protecting against power punches" (and their application, of course, is the usual black magic) - it's been so interesting after thoroughly materialistic communism.
Moreover, even the terminology of "the Living ethics" (one of the successors classic theosophy) was as if specially sharpened under the dictionary of technical workers. "Connected to the egregor" (energy-informational essence of this or that phenomenon of religion, philosophy and so on), "disconnected from egregor", "has placed the protection of", "removed protection". In the traditional "retarded" confessions people suffer spiritual quest worry for renegades and everything here is so simple, as simple electrical appliances.
And the peak of the popularity of the Theosophical doctrines came in 90th years, raising a wave from the very bottom of occult-mystical Muti. "The great White Brotherhood" Yuri Krivonogov (aka Yoann Swami) and Mary Tsvigun (aka Maria Devi Christ) with hundreds of thousands of followers waiting in 1993 the end of the world - this is also from the same "secret doctrine" Opera. Although, of course, adventurers, standing at the origins of the new sect, and had not the "official permission" from the Theosophical society to use his many philosophical theses.
And in those years was popular series "Library of the magician and psychic", was held countless courses on "the opening of the third eye" (successful graduates of which, most often, pOtomi were in a madhouse) and so on.
Now, however, theosophy has ceased to be the exclusive popular in the intellectual environment. Maybe because the former "Frowzy" in the new economic conditions have to work ointensive than in the Soviet years and they just don't have time for serious practising occultism. Which is why most demanded "religion" now "presence of God in the soul" - with periodic remembrance of him in the days of the great Christian feasts. Or when explicitly not to deal with the crisis.
Well, theosophy took at the present time befitting her location: somewhere between Krishna (also believe Christ, Allah and Buddha as an incarnation of Lord Krishna), more Christian" sectarians, witch doctors and all kinds of ordinary philosophers. Well, much surprise there was nothing - no wonder the Scripture warns that the false teachers will come to seduce believers until the second glorious coming of Christ.