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Viewings: 4050
Климатическое оружие покруче атомной бомбыNew bestseller in the USA, Europe and Russia - the book Sidney Sheldon "And are you afraid of the dark?". We will be talking about climate weapon allegedly now create scientists in many countries. It turns out, not to bomb the territory of the enemy, but simply to send a hurricane or flood. And this is not a joke. Further than others in creating the climate of arms moved as Americans. There is unconfirmed information that meteorologists US try to use this weapon for peaceful purposes - an unsuccessful attempt to stop the hurricane Katrina. And recently, the Pentagon has developed a doctrine of doing climatic war.
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Viewings: 6386
Известный физик утверждает, что установка HAARP способна управлять временемA brilliant physicist issued revolutionary work, referencing 30 scientific works, indicating that HAARP has incredible power, and what does not suspect the majority of researchers of high-frequency radiation. Dr. franc Di Aquino claims about the ability of a fully functional network HAARP, activated everywhere, not only to influence weather and geophysical event, but also to influence the space, gravity... and even directly on time! Now the network of installations has many new features and one of them almost ready for operation at the edge of the world: in the desert and alien to the Antarctic. Will the owners HAARP masters of time?
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Viewings: 3830
Хотят ли люди знать: что написано у них в генах?The company 23andMe is a private biotechnology company based in mountain view, California. It is developing new methods and technologies that will enable customers to better understand their own genetic information. The company's name comes from the number of pairs of chromosomes in each (healthy) nucleated somatic cell person. 23andMe is working with clients from 52 countries. And one of these days the company announced the appeal to the office for quality control of food and drugs (eng. Food and Drug Administration - FDA) for permission for his Personal genome of service (Personal Genome Service). It is planned to obtain permission to 107 tests that determine genetic predisposition of people to various diseases.
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Viewings: 4462
Роботами управляют при помощи телепатииRecently experts in robotics from Israel has developed a way to control the movements of the robot with only "power of thought". It is based on the well-known method of functional magnetic resonance imaging, which allows to determine the activity of one or another region of the brain under the influence of various external factors.
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Viewings: 5715
Технология 25 кадр. Зомбирование, воздействие на подсознание. Как нам промывают мозгThe variety of methods of the information-psychological war, the processing of the subconscious mind of the person or group of people by means of suggestion, or special technical means and methods by which it (they) is programmed on unconditional submission anyone's orders to commit any action, or the perception of any of them susceptible to suggestion political, philosophical or religious doctrine.
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Viewings: 6370
Космические поселения глазами НАСАWhile the Planetary Resources only recently announced their intention to engage in the production of platinum and constantly rising in price of rare earth elements on asteroids, NASA back in 1975 in conjunction with Stanford University (USA) studied theoretically the problem.
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Viewings: 4133
Самолёт WhiteKnightTwo поднимет за облака ракету-носитель LauncherOneSir Richard Branson has announced that the aircraft WhiteKnightTwo, which will help to launch suborbital passenger spaceship SpaceShipTwo (SS2) into space, will also be used for the new disposable two-stage booster LauncherOne on liquid fuel (SS2 - hybrid engine).
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Viewings: 4327
Закончены испытания важнейшей системы двигателя космолёта SkylonDeveloper engine SABRE British company Reaction Engines has announced the successful completion of ground testing of pre-cooling the incoming SABRE air - the very "thin places" design, a critical component of the overall system.
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Viewings: 4030
Люди начнут размножаться новым способомOn Tuesday in the Polytechnic Museum Professor of the American Institute for psychiatric and behavioral genetics Michael Reimers gave a public lecture "Latest evolutionary change in the human genome".
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Viewings: 4297
Россия может создать собственную МКС на обратной стороне ЛуныRoskosmos said that Russia is technically ready to create your own space station without attracting foreign partners.
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Viewings: 4380
Частица Бога проклята: 9 наивных вопросов об ее открытииSome theoretical physicists want to spoil Peter Higgs holiday about detection boson his name - the Higgs boson
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Viewings: 5259
РегенерацияScientists have been trying to understand how amphibians - for example, newts and salamanders regenerate cut off tails, legs, jaw. Moreover, they regenerate damaged heart, and eye tissue and spinal cord. The method used for amphibians of self-repair, became clear when the researchers compared the regeneration of Mature individuals and embryos. It turns out that in the early stages of the cells of the future being immature, their fate is likely to change.
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Viewings: 8470
Ученые сфотографировали тень атома!Recently physicists from Australia did something that was previously considered impossible. They are using a special technique, were able to photograph the shadow that cast a single atom of ytterbium. According to scientists, they have developed the technique can be successfully used in cell biology - it will be possible to photograph different moments in the life of proteins and DNA.
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Viewings: 5084
ИмплантантыAbout the alien implants talked for a long time. It is believed that this tiny, apparently, the control device that can be injected into the body, most often through the nasal cavity or through other subtle holes on the body of the victim. It happens that suddenly x-ray detects a person, he said, had been in the hands of aliens, foreign body implant. Sometimes the doctors had to remove the implants.
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Viewings: 5257
Так что такое бозон Хиггса?As you may have already heard, we now have strong evidence that the particle called the Higgs boson", whose existence was predicted on the basis of theoretical calculations are true.
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