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В плену у снежных людейThe history of men in bondage relic hominid species, often cause distrust and smile, and even accusations of lying. In fact, it's not proven that real self snow man, how can you visit a prisoner of the myth, the elusive Ghost, or simply from fiction?

"Old man", gesticulating and muttering, told all the others how he got it "overseas miracle"

In all regions of the world where the local people since ancient times met wild hairy monkey-man, you can hear the stories of those who visited them in captivity. Usually, the victims hairy thieves became women.

Cryptozoology Ivan T. Sanderson mentions in his book about one of such history. Its a long time ago told U. D. burns, the researcher of the phenomenon of Bigfoot, an old Indian woman (died in 1940) from the town of Port Douglas, British Columbia, Canada). In 1871, when she was 17, she was abducted wild hairy man. He forced the woman to swim across the river Harrison, and then dragged her into a cave, where together with him lived old male and female, probably his parents.

In captivity Indian woman spent about a year, but, according to her, she was extremely disappointing this creature" and the thief took it back to the camp native tribe. Was very disappointed of Sasquatch (the name of relict hominoid in Canada and in North-West USA) girl, unknown. Maybe those not pregnant from him?


And now let's move on to the adventures of the most famous, not afraid to say, the world-famous prisoner yetis albert Otmena. He was already in his eighties, when his abduction sasquache recognized throughout the world. Wrote about it in books, Newspapers and magazines, were interviewed. Ostman didn't tell anyone about the incident with him over thirty years, believing that his story may cause only ridicule and suspicion of mental illness. And yet, in his declining years he decided on it and rightly so, because to carry into the grave such a sensation he simply had no right.

In 1924 Ostman after intense work, people decided to spend your vacation in a quiet and secluded location on the nature, and at the same time to fish, hunt and, if lucky, to pan gold, after all, in the area where he was going, they were old abandoned mines.

Your choice albert stopped at a pretty wild place at the extreme point of Toba Bay (British Columbia, Canada) just opposite the Central part of Vancouver island. The old Indian, who shipped it in his boat across the Bay, said Osdmenu that he had chosen a bad place, just missing persons. After a moment, he added: "I Think he was killed Sasquatch".

Albert was first heard about the Sasquatch, so he insisted that the Indian talked about it. To know what was going on, Ostman smiled and said that these monkeys are found only in Africa, but all the rumors about Sasquatch only local legends. Indian shook his head and said nothing. Agreeing with him that he would take him two weeks later, Ostman went to look for a place to camp.


It is located under the canopy of a great oak, next was babbling brook. In the hollow oak he stuck wash the trays on the branches hung up his coat, warm sweater. In the first days managed to kill a deer, he boiled the meat over a fire in a pot, enjoyed the serene calm and beautiful weather. So it took six days, but on the seventh morning when Ostman got out of the sleeping bag, pulled and stretched out his hand for the press, which before bed hung on a branch, but they weren't there. Pants lying on the ground, someone crumpled and cans, standing in the evening correct pyramid, were scattered.

Albert decided it was mischief porcupine. Everything was fixable, the main thing remained his boots made of thick skin, because this rodent could easily chew. The next night Ostman put boots on the bottom of the sleeping bag, canned goods collected in the bag and hung it on the branch of an oak tree, and under the edge of a sleeping bag, just in case, put a loaded disk.

In the morning he found on the branch turned inside out backpack, all of its contents was lying under a tree. The most important thing, from the stream disappeared deer carcass, which he kept in cold water. Clearly in his camp was visited not porcupine. Then who can? Bear? But this animal could have done bed and more. Albert looking for signs, but found on the sand only dents, reminiscent of prints moccasins. Otmena even thought that he decided to frighten the old Indian who was carrying him into the boat, but he immediately dropped. He gathered all supplies in the backpack, everything was fine, just someone poloviny package with prunes.


The coming night albert decided whatever was to watch the mysterious visitor. It was dark, the weather deteriorated, the sky clouds. Fearing that the crown of oak will not save his property from the rain, Ostman stuffed into a sleeping bag not only shoes, but a backpack with supplies, and a gun and a knife. In order to be ready at night, he began to get undressed and slipped into a sleeping bag in a jacket and trousers. When the first raindrop fell on his forehead, he tightened the straps of the bag, put on the face of the valve, leaving behind the nose. Alas, Ostman not suffered from insomnia, and his intention to spend the night attacker remained intent. Cost to cover his eyes, as they once possessed a deep sleep.

The revival was quite unusual: he is not lying in my sleeping bag and hung, as if... riding. It was all shook up, the gun, cans with his sharp parts were sucked into his body, he hung in the dark, literally squeezed his bag and filled it with stuff. The idea was to cut with a knife in the sleeping bag hole, but he was unable to move hand or foot.

Sleeping bag with Otmena dragged someone big and very strong, his heavy breathing and pokreativnee now and then came up the helpless man. Surely he was kidnapped by the huge wild hairy man, spoke of the Indian? This question have often asked myself albert, feeling creature rises from his grave burden somewhere upwards. The most annoying that he was armed, but could not benefit from either a gun or a knife.

The most awful feeling he had when Ostman felt that the sleeping bag with him hanging over a void and he goes down like an Elevator. Finally sleeping bag hit the ground, "train", seems to have reached the final station. His body was completely numb, it was hard to even move. He stuck his head out of the bag, frantically breathing fresh air. It was still dark, he heard some indistinct murmurs.


At dawn, he got out of the bag, clutching his gun, and could see the shapes of four huge two-legged creatures, surrounding it on all sides. "Guys, what the hell do you need me?" he said the first thing that came to mind. In response came a mutter.

While it is not touched, and Ostman watched the creatures that stood next to him. It was definitely a family of wild people. They were all covered with hair, had no clothes and looked like a huge monkeys. Without a doubt, it brought here a "master" adult male height of 7 to 8 feet (213 244 cm), Ostman nicknamed him the "old man". His "woman", the adult female with saggy fur bags Breasts, clearly showed dissatisfaction with the fact that the spouse is brought into the house of the two-legged "creature". Children of the couple, young female and male, were obviously frightened by the form of a man.

It seemed Osdmenu, "the old man", gesticulating and muttering, told all the others how he got it "overseas miracle". When the sun rose, hairy creatures went, leaving albert one. He looked around the room. All around were the cliffs, only in one place was a small V-shaped passage that led upwards. Below, in thickets, perhaps, was the stream. He ventured to go down and saw the water and a young female, who, bending down to the stream, saw an animal. Ostman chose a place, dragged down the remaining belongings (he disappeared prunes, pasta, box of shotgun cartridges and matches) and began to think, how to get out of this mess. Matches he still had, in a jacket pocket in a waterproof box, canned food can be spread out over several days. Longer this time it's here to stay I could not.


Two days sasquache not bother him. It seems that they watched from afar for him and all of his actions. He was "a theatre of one actor", and they spectators... of Course, albert was not going to stop, but he had only come to pass in the rocks, as immediately as if from under the ground grew "old man". Sasquatch unambiguous waving his hands and threateningly something like "Soacha-Sakha". You could of course try to shoot him, but any of the other sasquache could one punch to carry his head. I had to wait for the right moment.

Once back from the stream, Ostman found near his sleeping bag guest came to him son of the host. He never touched, but with eager curiosity looked at things. When albert he bounced off, but not hid, and remained standing, watching the man. Ostman lit the lamp and brewed some coffee, Jr Sasquatch drank his nostrils the scent. Had to throw him the empty jar from under the stew. He deftly caught her, licked her and walked off.

He soon returned, but not alone, but with my sister. She sat in the distance, and the little guy now and then brought to the mouth empty jar, copying gestures Ostman, jaudiga coffee. Albert finished his coffee, took out a jar of snuff, took a pinch, raised it to his nose. The Bank was almost empty, and he threw it to the young female. When after some confusion realized that it was a gift for her, she grabbed bright Bank and published some vibrating piercing screech. This unpleasant sound did not resemble joyful laughter, but it seems that it was he...


On the day of the shoot near Otmena sat "old man" and his son. Albert opened the last jar of snuff, took a pinch, raised it to his nose and happy breathed. Old Sasquatch closely followed his actions, then Ostman gave him the jar, thought, and he will take a pinch. However, "the old man grabbed the jar and instantly emptied its contents into his mouth, licking the Bank. Albert were terrified of what will happen next.

After some time, the master opened his eyes, grabbed his stomach and began to roll on the ground. Ostman jumped up, clutching a gun, he thought Sasquatch will throw at him. But the "old man", holding one hand to his stomach and shrill screaming jumped to the stream and began to drink greedily. Albert realized that it was time to flee. Taking their belongings, he rushed to the passage in the rock. "The old woman", scales, stood in his way, but he shot over her head, and she disappeared. He breathlessly, climbed up, blocking all records of movement in the mountains. Fortunately, no one was persecuted.

In the evening he came down from the rock, shot tatarko and roasted on the fire of her meat. In the morning he awoke in a terrible condition, he felt sick, stomach ached, my head spinning. Whether affected nervous stress, whether something was wrong with the eaten meat. Staggering as he went down, until he heard the sound of the engine. Soon Ostman came to the camp of loggers. Only then he realized that still escaped.


That's such an unusual story. It should be noted that Ostman told her several times journalists and cryptozoology, and in all these versions were some differences, some new items, although outline of the story remained the same. This can be explained by the fact that each new listener to ask questions, which have emerged and new details. It is possible that the old man something was forgotten and spoke differently. By and large in its history there is nothing that just scream of the invention.

However, it is better to give the floor to the expert. At the time Otmena visited Ivan T. Sanderson, and here is his opinion about this story.

"In case with a snow man has a very large number of technical issues related to the nature of this phenomenon that can be inadvertently omitted in the process of narration. And only one answer to these questions will be faithful, while an endless series of all other answers are false. Only so and not otherwise. I asked Osdmenu about two dozen such highly technical issues directly and in the most unexpected moments, and each time, giving the answer, he didn't make any mistakes: no response, impossible; no unnecessary details; no unnecessary fact which would have been impossible and did not have a logical place in the big picture."

It remains to agree with the famous cryptozoologis and recognize that Ostman actually held captive in the snow people. In any case, it would very much like to believe.
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