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Золото и тайны истории СкифииIn the Bible encyclopedia (Moscow, 1891) Scythians identified with biblical peoples and Magog Gogh, which says that the word of Magog syllable "mA" means the country, and all it defines the country Gogh. By these words are understood Scythian peoples, which later on the border of the I and the II Millennium BC were called moguls, then the Mongols.

Ezekiel (XXXVIII, 2...) reports that the word Magog means the North country, as well as the Rosh (Rus), Meshech and tubal. Peoples and Magog Gogh had its cosmic world Outlook that irritated the Christian prophets. Scientist of Giseni believes that the words of Magog Gogh and of course the same Northern people, which the ancient Greeks called the Scythians.

Studies show that the Scythians and many peoples of our country are descendants of the peoples of the legendary Empire of Atlantis, prostorova its power over the entire Northern part of the globe.

In the Empire of Genghis Khan had Scythian chronicle, rich literature with legends, stories. There is reason to hope that a considerable part of them was kept in a safe underground storage, including in the legendary library of Ivan the terrible.

Fragmentary information about the ancient legendary Scythian, backed up by archaeological excavations indicate that is still hidden from us its true history, socio-economic way of life. On the basis of separate historical materials about the Scythians (and personal research) for the first time this article attempts contour boundary of the lands of their stay, the level of their development in the V century BC

In the ancient Indian Vedas and Legends, in Persian and Chinese sources say about the wonderful land area of Ural-Siberia, where were extraordinary people. In those lands, mount Meru (plateau Putorano), was the abode of gods. This region has attracted the attention of the rulers of China, India, Persia, Greece. However, their interest has ended military, economic or other aggression against Scythia. It is known that in this region was invaded at different times troops India (Arjuna and others), Persia (Cyrus and Darius II), Greece (A. Macedonian), the Roman Empire, Byzantium, etc. From the historical sources it is known that the interest of Greece in the VII century BC the Scythians showed: geographer Hecate Miletus, physician Hippocrates, the Greek tragedians Eshel and Sophocles, poets Aleman and Behind, logograph Damask, philosopher Aristotle and others.

On the origin of the Scythian Herodotus leads two legends. In one of them says that Heracles, when in Scythia, met in the cave of the earth Gilea (black sea coast) woman, the bottom of which was a snake. From their marriage were born three sons - Agathirs, Gelon and SKIF. From SKIF happened Royal sort of Scythians. According to another legend says that the first on this earth, the former at the time of the desert, there was a man by the name of Targitai. His parents were the daughter of Zeus and the river Dnieper. They had three sons: Lipoksai, Arpoksai and Kolaksai. From a senior Lipoksai has been a sort of Scythians-Akhatov, Arpoksai occurred katary and traspie, and from the younger Kolaksai - Royal parlati. Together they are called skolotaj, on behalf of the king. The Scythians called the Greeks. The territory of Scythia was divided Kolaksai initially on three of the Kingdom between his sons and one of them he gave the greatest: the one in which was stored gold. The area to the North of Scythia covered with snow. The formation of the Scythian kings belongs to the I Millennium BC, the period of the reign of Prometheus. However, there are legends about the pedigree of the individual kings - this is not the history of the peoples of Scythia. It seems that the history of the Scythians is rooted in the fertile soil of the ancient civilization of Atlantis Empire. Besides island in the Atlantic ocean with the sacred capital (described by Plato's dialogues Timaeus and "Crete") in the Empire were part of the North-Western part of Africa, America, Greenland, Northern Russia and Scandinavia, as well as almost all the lands located around the modern geographical point of the North pole: big and small Islands of the Northern ocean ridges Mendeleyev University, Haeckel. This island earth were called Earth, inhabited by ancestors of the peoples of Europe and Asia. These Islands are shown on the old map, Mercator edition 1565

12 thousand years ago the North geographic pole of the Earth, with a small area of glaciation, was located in the North-West of Canada near Alaska. Within the Northern ocean, the climate was warm. After the death of the Holy island of the capital in the Atlantic ocean (modern seamounts, Rockaway and Yakutat), center Empire moved to the North-East of Taimyr, in the city of Golden Gates, who was a purely administrative capital of the Empire. In the same period North geographic pole began to zigzag move towards its present position, covering cold, permafrost and ice new spaces and freeing ice-Canada. With the advent in the Northern ocean ice, about 7-8 thousand years ago, the island of middle-earth began to go under water. In these conditions, the peoples of middle-earth were forced to leave the country of their districts, cities, ports, moving to a continental part of Russia (from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka), and also through Svalbard, Greenland and the former then in the North Atlantic numerous Islands on the European and African lands. On the territory of the lands of Russia moved many peoples of middle-earth: among them the ancestors of the Hyperboreans, Massagets, issedonians, Khakases, Celts, Udmurts, Kyrgyz, Karelians, Estonians'. The Islands of Franz Josef, probably the rest of the mysterious middle earth, keeping its secrets. Resettled peoples in conjunction with indigenous people of the mainland formed a new Kingdom and unions, including those that later became known as the Scythian.

Herodotus Heraklian reports that legendary Prometheus is a real historical person, he was a Scythian king (about 3.6 thousand years ago. - Note. author). His Kingdom was on the river AET (eagle), which Hercules has United with the sea. The Kingdom of Prometheus stretched on both sides of the Ural river Pechora to Obi (Istres), and from the river Chusovaya to the North sea. Its capital was at the source of the rivers Bolshaya the Kosva and Lobva, South of Konjak stone. Greek writers Respecting and Eshel reported that Prometheus was chained to a rock in the Scythian mountains. It is possible that he was under house arrest. Not far from this place, in the direction of the city Pavda there is a tomb of Prometheus. This place from generation to generation worship indigenous peoples. Know this and Ural regional specialists. In the Kingdom Prometeia included different peoples, including Albanians, the inhabitants of the Caucasus, who came here from the Urals (ex-Caucasus). Ancient Greek historians, including Herodotus, link Caucasus names with Riphean mountains (the Urals). More than 2.5 thousand years ago the Urals was called the Caucasus, and the modern Caucasus together with the Pamir and Tien-Shan was called the Traverse. Alexander the great in the III century BC went to India along the Traverse (kN. I. Kuklina "Ethnography of Scythia", Leningrad, Nauka, 1985). Up to XVI century A.D. on many maps Scythians was noted on both sides of the Ural mountain range and the black sea region.

Historical data indicate that Hercules and that Herc had a few. They lived in different historical periods. These names were physically very strong people, instead of their civil names.

To get some idea of the level of development of the Scythians, you must remember what is written about the activities of Prometheus and Zeus, who together implementation of various innovations in people's lives. In ancient sources say that Prometheus gave people the art of the new letters and invoices (another reform letters to forget the past Golden age, in which rules EEK the father of Zeus). The writing was before, in the legendary Atlantis, Egypt, on the East long before the birth of Prometheus and Zeus. Information about this is available in Tibet, the Himalayas, Egypt. It is known that the Scythians were in correspondence with the Persian kings Cyrus II and Darius, Alexander the great. Scythia from ancient times had a written language and a greater Knowledge. No wonder the territory of Scythia (Russia) has attracted attention for its sacredness of many outstanding people of the world. The big impression on the Greeks made visits Scythian priests, philosophers, and other educated people. So, for example, Scythian priest Abaris did reliable prediction of earthquakes, calmed the stormy winds calmed the stormy river and sea waves. Brought the arrow of Apollo Hyperborean, he crossed rivers, and impassable places, flying over them by air. During his travels he made purification and cast out a deadly disease. The Scythians had a system of education and upbringing. Another famous Scythian priest Merlin in England surprised people the ability to perform miracles. He took part in the construction of religious buildings in Stonehenge, easily moving and installing the great stones-menhirs, which could not cope hundreds of people. He said that in his homeland in Scythia priests do much greater miracles. Merlin was born in the III century BC to the North of the Dnieper rapids, which are the ruins of some gigantic facilities.

Arab travellers suggests that long before the baptism of Kiev, they saw the Scythians the Bible in the Slavonic language. In the famous "Life" Kirill said that before the baptism of Kiev, Constantine (Cyril) acquired in Chersonesos of the book "the gospel and Psalter written in Slavic (Russian) characters. So Cyril and Methodius were only reformers Slavic and Russian letters, like Prometheus in ancient times. Legendary Prometheus (Scythian king) gave people the fire, with the development of which they learned many arts. But this was a special fire. And to Prometheus people knew the fire of fires, burned areas, smelting metals, etc. during the period of existence of ancient civilizations like Atlantis and after their extinction. Usually the fire was not dangerous neither for people, nor for the Gods, and not because he suffered Prometheus.

Aristotle Tarentsky (about 518 BC) believed that under fire, who gave Prometheus, it is necessary to understand the invisible fire, like the soul. Others compare the fire with a halo over man. In the Indian Vedas also says about the special properties of this fire inside cane, wood, etc. Extends the concept about the fire also the word "pyramid", the literal translation means "the fire within". The pyramids are the engineering and religious buildings. The research of the past century has shown that the inside of the pyramids there really is special and unsolved until the flow of energy (fire). He also present inside the temple of all religions, trees, etc. for Example, Orthodox churches are the pyramids, raised on the walls above the ground. Prometheus the fire - a special education "cold" energy current, knowledge of which was in the hands of the clergy and was used Hyperborean by the priests of the temple of Apollo at Delphi, where "the fire" was used to prophecy. This mysterious "fire" comes in many facilities (barrows, menhirs, dolmens , and cromlechs...) and various cult devices and appliances. In the conducted rites and celebrations Scythians used and a flame of fires. The Scythians worshipped their gods: the Thagimasadas, Goiter, arginase, as well as their ancestors, the burial places of their kings, heroes. Over the tombs of the kings and heroes, the Scythians could build a pyramid, barrows, sculptural statues and other facilities. These include stone pyramids, the Sphinx, the sculpture "Elephant" at lake Borovoye, Kokchetav oblast, Krasnoyarsk pillars etc. ancient Greek sources report that in the land of Hyperboreans were numerous stone sculptures of people and animals, ismetiye rains ("Myths of ancient Greece", P. Graphs, s). Such statues erected in those days the Scythians and other Nations, are under a layer of earth in the hills and hills. Amazing knowledge used the Scythians in the construction of Altai, one of the Pazyryk burial mounds, where the tomb is located in the zone of low temperature.

This allowed the subjects were there be preserved almost intact about 2.5 thousand years.

It is not excluded that the Knowledge about Prometeia fire could be used by the Scythians, and in military Affairs, including the arrow of Apollo, which was demonstrated in Greece Scythian priest Abaris. Scythian warriors, possessing the knowledge and experience of our ancestors passed special psychophysical training that allowed them using the "internal fire", not to feel fatigue after many hours of continuous fighting. Such training school was held and A. Macedonian. Was Scythians established system of influencing the psyche of the soldiers of the enemy. Arion wrote that the Scythians had military icons razvivayuscikhsya on poles dragons. Dragonoversnake icons in the form of the serpent race of non-ferrous scraps. When horses were standing at attention, icons had the appearance of colored cloth hanging down along the shaft. When driving scraps, blown by the wind, became similar to the fearsome dragon, citing fear of the enemy. Icons differed fighting units. Scythians, as in the troops of the Amazons, before the fight was carried out special ritual "ready for battle" and psychological impact on the enemy. In battles Scythians sometimes used Diva (Bigfoot).

Thucydides (IV century BC) claimed that military force and the number of troops with the Scythians could not be matched by any of the Kingdom. In Asia, he wrote, there is no nation that could withstand one-on-one with the Scythians, if they are unanimous. Military experience of the Scythians was absorbed by Genghis Khan's troops across the Nations, as part of his Empire.

Scythian Gold. The gold facing of a scabbard from Scythian burial mound of the don area. VI century BC Fantastic animal-bird

The Scythians sometimes helped in wars neighbors. Subsequently Scythian mercenaries appeared in the army A. Macedonian, Rome, Byzantium. The descendants of the Scythians in the XII century ad will consist of several regiments were sent to France by Kyiv Prince to sit on the throne of the king.

A strong military power of the Scythians could be formed only on the strong socio-economic basis of their kingdoms. Such base they had. More than 2.5 thousand years ago in the Scythian land was warmer climate, the Scythians had developed agriculture, livestock, fisheries, textiles, sokrovennyj and leather goods, products from metals, ceramics, wood, military equipment and products of gold. The products of the Scythians in the level and quality not inferior to the Greek. The Scythians fully provide itself with all necessary. They were underground mining of gold, silver, copper, iron and other minerals. The main gold mining was conducted in the places of Platonovich threads that were protected by a mysterious griffins. Production of castings of the Scythians was at a high level. Herodotus said that under king Aryante in the VII century BC the Scythians were cast copper boiler with a capacity of 600 amphora and a wall thickness of 6 fingers. Were cast it to the South of Novgorod-Seversky the Gums, and hidden during the invasion of Darius East of the Gums. Copper ore were mined there. Hidden somewhere in Romania and Scythian gold relics: a double-edged axe, bowl and a plough with a yoke.

In Scythia well-developed trade, land and water trade route for Siberian and European rivers, the North, the Caspian and the Black seas. In addition wheeled carts and chariots since Prometheus Scythians built linatrile sea and river ships at shipyards of the Yenisei, Ob, Volga, at the mouth of the Pechora, etc. Much later of these places Genghis Khan took masters for the construction of its fleet (for the conquest of Japan). The Scythians sometimes laid underground passages under big rivers, using the technology of mining operations. Tunnels under the river was laid in Egypt and other countries. About underground tunnels under the Dnipro river has been reported repeatedly in the press.

Through the land of Scythia ran lively trade routes from China, India, Persia in Northern regions and Europe along the Yenisei, Ob, Volga, Dnepr, Northern seas, which functioned until the XVII century On their shores were the city with temples and bustling bazaars. Now remember only the last mangasee (XV-XVII centuries), where in the spring blossom gardens, noisy bazaars, full of life.

Ancient Greek sources report that when Prometheus tame bulls for ploughing and other difficult work, and horses harnessed in wheeled vehicles and battle chariots. In addition to land and water transport of the Scythians were and air navigation. About the arrow of Apollo mentioned above, but the Greek sources indicate that Prometheus and Apollo flew on the chariot of Zeus from Athens to the area of the Riphean mountains (the Urals), Hyperborea and the Himalayan mountains. The high priests of the Siberian Scythians also had a flying vehicle (something in the air lucky). This is not surprising. In ancient written sources there are descriptions and diagrams of several variants of aircraft, and the Chinese Emperor Huang Di (II century BC) was a real flying tripod (disc-shaped device with a diameter of 6 m, the 3 piers and self-propelled surface transport. Huang Di knew about the power of the Northern kingdoms and with reverence talked about them, bearing in mind that the aggression against them ended in defeat. It is not excluded that the ancient aircraft to be preserved until our days in underground storages, as there are references in the Eastern tradition.

Scythian Gold. Gold comb from Scythian mound, Dnieper. IV century BC

The Scythians created a unique skill of jewelry from gold and silver, transferring through them information about yourself. Their works are displayed in the museums of the country. The Scythians were knows the secrets of drawing up the healing ointments, drinking and other mysteries of healing, knowledge of which were increased from generation to generation. Great contribution to medicine Prometheus and his son Asclepius, were the Scythians.

It is believed that Prometheus was an outstanding architect and many built. Legends tell that about 200 km to the South of Kostanay was Scythians-Aryans magnificent city - genuine Arkaim - at the intersection of trade and migration ways of the Nations. In those places, the city left numerous monuments and evidences, covered cultural layer of the earth. In these places about 3 thousand years ago was born and raised Zoroaster. Having received a good education from the Scythian priests and entering the alienation with all that surrounded him, he moved to Persia where has developed a new direction in religion - Zoroastrianism (fire-worship). Here, too, he did not survive and was killed. It turns out that Zoroaster has contributed to the destruction of a shared vision of the world, leading people in a world of limited knowledge and attitudes. Scythia had a number of important religious centers of the Ob, Ural, Volga, don... with a beautiful gold-domed churches. One of such centres is still in the III century BC, was located on the Red hill of the Kulikovo field, the traces of which are found there, in C. Saburovo, etc. There are mysterious tiered ring underground passages in the thickness of the rock.

Drevneishee sources report that for the education of physically strong and healthy generation of celto-Scythians, Hyperborea and other peoples have traditionally performed sports games and competitions. Initially, their organizers were Ductile - priests in physical education (Gerkules-Ductile and Hercules-Ductile). Organization of the first sports games belongs to the period of the Golden age, when the rules Kroons (father of Zeus), which were buried on the island of White, the Yamal Peninsula. In Greece these sports games came about 4 thousand years ago with the Hellenes, which phave come to attend here from Siberia, from the land of the legendary Pravin. The Olympic games in Greece were founded by Hercules (Heracles)-Ductile, and it brought forth wild olive of the land of Hyperboreans. Magical items and amulets, dedicated to Hercules-Dattilo, widely used by wizards who don't care about others that Herc, including up to Hercules (son of Alcmene), killed his children, wife and many other innocent people.

The main centers of sport games Scythians were in the Carpathians (North of Moldova); in the southern Urals; the capital Massagets to the North from R. Sarysu; the Ob river, to the South of Nizhnevartovsk; in the Yenisei, some 300 km South of Turukhansk; in Taimyr, etc. a Success in sports competitions certainly were no less impressive than in Greece. It should be noted that sports games (holidays) traditionally held on the whole territory of our country (where lived before the Scythians) up to the XX century A.D. Upbringing physically healthy and spiritually moral of the population affected that Scythians were not theft and other crimes, and if they happen, they quickly revealed by the priests. The priests were also determined in the steppe, where it is better to arrange well, location, etc. Mighty Scythia in the V century BC consisted of 7 main Scythian kingdoms, stretching wide strip from the Carpathians to the Baikal. Its southern border was to the North of the Black sea; to the North of Caspian sea, Aral sea; to the South of lake Balkhash and lake Baikal (see diagram). Scythia was on the border of two worlds with different ways of life: the southern and the mysterious North. In Scythia consisted of the following basic Kingdom (see diagram).

The boundaries of Scythia in the V century BC

1 - Royal Scythians, Dnieper; 2 - the Volga-Don; 3 - Zavolzhsky; 4 - Massagets; 5 - Royal Scythians, Priobskoye; 6 - Yenisei; 7 - Royal Scythians, a breakaway from the Priobskoye

Royal Scythians (with nomads and farmers) lived between the Carpathians and the Don, with the centre to the North of Putivl from R. Sejm.

Volga-Don dwelt between the lower reaches of the don and the Volga centre, Elista.

Zavolzhsky Scythians lived between the Volga and the Northern Aral sea, with its center at the source of the Maly and Bolshoy Uzen (East of lake Baskunchak).

Massagets lived between the South Ural and the Balkhash lake, adjacent to the Irtysh. The center was 200 km to the West of Karaganda and 80 km North R. Sarysu.

Royal Scythians (Ob) lived between the Irtysh and the Ob, with the center between the Irtysh and the source of the river Vasyugan.

Yenisei Scythians lived on both sides of the Yenisei and Angara. The center was located on the Angara river, to the East of Yeniseysk.

Royal Scythians (a breakaway from the Priobskoye) lived between R. Pechora and Subpolar Ural with access to R. Ob. The center was in the p. Ilych (the Pechora tributary).

The ancient Greeks referred to the Scythians 55 peoples, belonging to razlichnym anthropological and linguistic groups. The main languages of the Scythians are Slavic, Turkic and Finno-Ugric. But they were all United in spiritual unity. This included, for example, arimaspi, Budina, geloni, Isidori, Cimmerians, roksolany, Sarmatians, etc. the language Relationship Greeks and Scythians explained by the fact that more than 4 thousand years ago they lived nearby in Siberia. The movement of the Scythians from the East to the black sea was, but the black sea Scythians were formed in the Black sea basin, and here they moved in millenniums and centuries. Here they lost the Kingdom, leaving the memory of the descendants about yourself bright fragmentary historical information. Their numerous monuments of stone waiting to be explored.
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