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Not so far from the Earth found another planet, which scientists call wandering or traveling, and some even tend to call them planets-orphans.
Not so far from the Earth found another planet, which scientists call wandering or traveling, and some even tend to call them planets-orphans.
This is cool (at least, outside the atmosphere) and the dim world. The planet was older than originally envisaged. It is "only" a hundred light years from our planet, and this fact will help you to discover the planet-alone. The planet does not belong to any of the stellar systems. Astronomers suggest that a single planet may not be so rare in the milky way.
In directory planet yet registered as an object CFBDSIR2149, behind it are maintained. Most likely it is a gas giant, for the impressive size of the planet, by weight, it is about 5-7 times more than that of Jupiter. Planet moves "by itself", i.e. does not revolve around a particular star. 100 light years is by galactic standards, not far from our Solar system, our galaxy is 100 thousand light-years wide. Perhaps this stranger did not always look like now, and was for some reason pushed out of your star system.
The team of Delorme could detect the object using canadian-France-Hawaii telescope, first of all by its infrared radiation. After this planet started to research the most powerful telescope in Chile, owned by European southern Observatory. She was spotted in a moving group AB Doradus - the flow of young stars, which is the closest star flow to the Ground. The stars are independent of strategic objects are moving in the galactic environment consistently, and it allows to speak about star streams. Scientists assume that this thread was formed between 50 and 120 million years ago. If the planet is connected with the flow, it has a similar age.
The surface temperature of the planet, according to spectral analysis, approximately S. However, some researchers believe that this object can be a brown dwarf. Because the cosmic body is too great for the planet, but his weight was less than stellar, the intensity of the domestic nuclear reactions too small to release energy could allow an object to become a full-fledged star. Like it or not, will show further research.
But what is clear is that about life on such a planet (at least, about the life of carbon-type) we can not go, because the status of a suitable place for living space traveler fails on almost all criteria: radioactivity and gas-liquid structure, the absence of a Sun-like star, etc.
Previously believed that the planet lone if exist in our galaxy, are an exception. But there are a lot of wandering planets that have no "their" stars. Moreover, research conducted in 2010-2011, show that the giants like Jupiter represent a minority of these planets, and most of the planets type of Neptune, as well as all sorts of "eksplotavimo" and even "ecosense", that is, planets type of Venus, Earth, Mars.
Scientists believe that life on these planets is unlikely, but organic matter, ranging from methane to amino acids, can be present in significant amounts. Because within our Solar system, they also found on some planets and satellites, and in the composition of comets.
As stated by astrophysicist Delorme, further research on this planet will help much fuller and deeper to examine the nature of the giant planets.