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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 4101
Российская атомная подлодка месяц дрейфовала незамеченной у берегов СШАRussian nuclear submarine is capable of carrying on Board a cruise missile of the big range, during the month, was noticed in the Gulf of Mexico relatively close to the coast of the USA. This was reported online edition of the Washington Free Beacon belonging to the conservative group "Center for American freedom". The author of the material is bill Gertz, known in the capital journalistic circles close to the Pentagon and intelligence agencies.
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Viewings: 3666
Учёные предсказывают внедрение евгеники в жизнь общества в ближайшие 5 летIt seems that we are moving to a new era of eugenics, and in the near future instead of choosing their partner on the basis of love, we will choose it based on the compatibility of our genes, leading scientists warn.
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Viewings: 4278
From overheating may explode emergency upper stage block "breeze-M", located on the orbit. Upper stage, which was to move into the calculated orbit satellites "Express-MD" and Telkom-3, before the end of the flight program not fulfilled. In tanks of the upper stage was about 10 tons of fuel. It is when heated and can destroy the upper stage, turning it into a cloud of metal fragments.

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Viewings: 3784
Орбиту МКС в среду поднимут на 7,7 км с помощью грузовика ATV-3Specialists of the Moscow mission control Center (MCC) on Wednesday, August 15, will maneuver orbit correction of the International space station (ISS), in which the orbit of the ISS will increase by 7.7 km and will be 414,4 kilometers, said in a statement on the website of Roskosmos.
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Viewings: 3934
Думали, ГМО – страшно? Нанотех уже здесь, на полках ваших магазиновIn nanotechnology is the expense billionth of a meter, they cover all aspects of life from food to medicine, clothing and space. Imagine hundreds of microcomputers width of a strand of hair, programmed for the solution of specific tasks... in your body. Pleasant sounds?
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Viewings: 3724
Паника вокруг таяния льдов Гренландии сменилась трезвым анализомIn July of the current year the world community was shocked with the news that the Greenland glaciers were melting at an unprecedented high speed. Let's remind, that several satellites, confirmed widespread melting of the ice sheet, including those areas that are not year-round are melting.
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Viewings: 3345
Unusual natural phenomenon today is observed in the sky above foros. In the Black sea was formed four tornado. As told eyewitness Pavel Firsov, victims and victims as a result of tornadoes not. Vortices passed foros and nobody touched.

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Viewings: 3647
Почему мы переоцениваем себяPsychologists have come to the conclusion that the pursuit of higher social status is the main reason we try to look smarter than you are.
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Viewings: 4087
Львовские рыбаки наловили в водохранилище пиранийKyiv, August 14 - AIF Ukraine. Fishermen, ubivshii at Dobrotvorskaya reservoir, caught three ten-piranhas. The catch is they took to the experts Louderringtones. It was piranhas, but they are found only in fresh waters of South America.
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Viewings: 3982
Residents of the Northern hemisphere of the Earth last night watched this meteor rain. Perseids or, as it is called, "August Starfall". In the sky could be seen up to a hundred falling meteors per hour. This phenomenon is not rare thing, but every year like this "falling stars" is becoming smaller.

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Viewings: 3555
In the Pacific ocean found a new, previously unknown geographers island. The discovery was made by sailors from New Zealand. The area of the island - 26 thousand square kilometers. This is almost the territory of Belgium. However, its exact coordinates is very difficult to determine - the fact that the island floats.

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Viewings: 5627
Выброс сероводорода был одной из причин триасового вымирания - ученыеTraces of sulfur bacteria in the sediment on the border between the Triassic and Jurassic periods confirmed that the saturation of the world ocean waters hydrogen sulfide was one of the causes of mass extinctions 201,6 million years ago, paleontologists claim in an article published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
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Viewings: 4796
12 августа можно будет наблюдать самый красивый звездопад в годуon August 12 the night sky will decorate the annual August meteor shower Perseids
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Viewings: 3906
Херсонщина в огне: уже выгорели 1500 гектаров лесаAs of the morning of 10 August in two large-scale fires in the Kherson region were burnt down about 1,500 hectares of forest. The spread of fire was stopped, but the fire is still ongoing, said Dnia in the press service of the emergencies Ministry. The fire near the villages Krynka and Velikiye Kopani Tsyurupynsk district of the region became the most large scale this year.
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Viewings: 6711
Солнце треснуло?Кометы в околосолнечной системе 8 августа 2012 годаOn the surface of the disc appeared a giant band. Giant band saw astronomers from NASA on the surface of the Sun. Really shone cracked? This was the first idea professionals. But soon understood: the crack was like oblast dark spots with low temperature.
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