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Viewings: 4959
В Арктике открыт кратер от удара гигантского метеоритаResearchers from the University of Saskatchewan and the Geological survey of Canada (GSC) found in the Western part of the Arctic zone of Canada, the huge crater that was left by the meteorite millions of years ago.
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Viewings: 4733
Экстремальная жара участитсяWhen your partner craps begin suspiciously often fall out of the "six", it is logical to assume that one side of the cube weighted. If you roll a "seven", something's definitely going wrong.
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Viewings: 4717
In Europe, where the beginning of summer was surprisingly quiet - no temperature records, nor hurricanes - after all, came the season weather anomalies. - Hit city in the South of Poland. The country was swept with a storm. The disaster has left without light more than 12 thousand houses. And thousands more were destroyed completely.

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Viewings: 3772
В Киеве из кранов течет токсичная вода. Вода в Днепре превращается в кашуEnvironmentalists are concerned that the sanitary security of the coastal zone of the Dnieper mass-privatised and built.
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Viewings: 3719
ГМО ведут к вымираниюMaybe someone seems that the problem is caused by the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food products, the matter of the distant future and is more about the West.
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Viewings: 3866
Репетиция апокалипсиса. Что делать, если вдруг наступит конец света?This year around the world held in anticipation of the end of the world. According to the Mayan calendar it can occur on December 21, 2012. So now actively discussed different scenarios for the future of the Apocalypse. How realistic is the end of the world and what to do if it happens?
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Viewings: 3067
"Зона поражения" аномальной жары за полвека выросла в 10 раз. Космологические факторыAn increased incidence of extreme heat in the summer is directly connected to global warming; and, if half a century ago "heat waves" took only 1% of the land surface, now they hit 10%, writes James Hansen (James Hansen) of space research Institute of the name Goddard (GISS) NASA and his colleagues in the article that will be published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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Viewings: 4705
Geologists are trying to predict the eruption of the volcano, near Naples and save more than 3 million local residents
Italian scientists warn about a possible eruption of underground volcano near Naples. When it starts, just to tell no one. All processes going at a great depth. Geologists have suggested to establish special sensors, but you need to drill a well in 3.5 kilometers.

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Viewings: 4938
Mars Express сфотографировал трещины гигантского кратераThe European spacecraft Mars Express has sent a snapshot of the southern region are partially covered Martian crater with a diameter of about 440 km, informally called the Palm.
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Viewings: 5344
6 августа - высадка на МарсNASA is preparing for the landing of a new Curiosity Rover on the surface of the red planet. The operation has to take place on 6 August. Engineers U.S. space Agency have worried during descent and landing of the Rover as a signal from him will come with a 14-minute delay - so much time is required to radio waves to travel from Mars to Earth. If planting is successful, Curiosity will be the sixth unit of NASA landed on the Red planet.
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Viewings: 3655
Ледники Гренландии могут восстановиться в ближайшие десять летGreenland glaciers can restore its thickness in the next decade, as its melting cycles, says the study, published in the Danish scientists in the journal Science.
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Viewings: 5483
«Великобритания будет смыта, также как и большая часть Северной Америки», прогнозируют ученыеA large part of the glaciers of Greenland melts before the end of the month, said NASA specialists. Scientists record unprecedented rapid melting of ice. Just four days the surface of the glacier has melted by 97%. Melted ice island could lead to Apocalypse literally destroy all life on the planet. The details -- Svetlana Belova.
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Viewings: 5501
A growing number of victims of the powerful floods in Japan. Local media reported on 22 dead, seven missing, more than 400 thousand people were ordered to leave their homes. Currently in Kyushu is a large-scale evacuation. Torrential rains in the disaster zone are not terminated, which could threaten the new bed.

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Viewings: 5984
"Чупакабра" в Закарпатье: зверь, похожий на кенгуру, за ночь уничтожил более 60 кролей, кур и индюковThe dog, sniffing one of the dead carcasses, immediately backed away and sat on the tail...Just peregusna or torn, according to hosani, about 50 rabbits, 10 chickens, chicken and three turkeys.
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Viewings: 4659
Bomb shelters in an emergency situation will not save. Strategic objects, which are in the capital, about 200, have become commercial. Garages and Parking lots located in bunkers, to the system of urban security have nothing. And the territory, which is considered his, zealously protect from prying.

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