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Viewings: 3835
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Viewings: 4256
Вспышка на Солнце может вызвать в субботу сильную магнитную бурюThe outbreak, which occurred on Thursday on the visible side of the Sun, apply power to the maximum category of x-ray radiation - class X. Such outbreaks result from "short circuits" - reconnection of the power lines of the solar magnetic field. The result is released huge amounts of energy and there is an x-ray flash, which is often accompanied by emission of solar plasma.
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Viewings: 3712
Украина: Нынешняя жара побила все рекорды последних 10 летThe heat, which is observed during the last two years, breaking records the last 10-15 years. In an exclusive commentary to UNN said Director of the Ukrainian hydrometeorological center Mykola Kulbida.
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Viewings: 5705
 Уникальная находка: со дна Днепра достали 500-летнюю лодку из дуба Workers of the National reserve "Khortitsa" taken out from the bottom of the Dnieper old boat, which age of about five hundred years. Experts suggest that such vessels Dnieper water was cut off our ancestors in the times of Kievan Rus. But a more exact date will be determined after conducting radiogennogo analysis. The finding was discovered senior researcher of the reserve Valery Nefyodov in 2011 in line with the Old Dnieper river in two kilometers from the island Baida. "In June of this year we carried out a more detailed investigation and found that it dugout boat - boat-odnodnevki made of solid wood of a large oak. The image of such boats can be seen in the engravings of the XVI-XVII centuries," said Valery. Length odnodnevki - about eight meters, width - up to one meter. According to historians, it could accommodate up to eight people.
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Viewings: 5326
Обнародована численность населения ЗемлиThe number of the inhabitants of the Earth are celebrating today is world population day is 7 billion to 57 million 608 thousand people.
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Viewings: 4000
Фобии ускоряют старениеWomen with phobias molecular indicators are older than his years. In this premature aging researchers blame psychological stress, which can be shortened telomeres and thereby age of the cell.
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Viewings: 5097
In Ohio USA - mass evacuation of the population. Early in the morning freight train derailed and caught fire and exploded in the area of the American city of Columbus. While it is known that as a result of the catastrophe suffered two people. Presumably, some cars were Stirin - polymer, which negatively affects the nervous system.

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Viewings: 3867
Судьбу Крымска может повторить любой российский городThe reason of accident in the Kuban - the flood. The scale of the tragedy is a consequence of the human factor. The victims could be much less if the population notification was properly conducted. And this story would not be at all, if the responsible person in advance concerned technical condition of hydraulic structures.
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Viewings: 4349
In Ukraine in the past today showers were flooded the cities of Odesa and Odesa. Life in cities virtually stopped: electricity partially disabled, public transport runs intermittently. According to available data, in the result of the violence of elements nobody has suffered.

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Viewings: 4080
Glowing object was seen on the North of the country that attracted the attention of some of the witnesses. The national office of emergency management in the region of Tarapaca (Tarapac?) confirmed the registration of the given phenomenon.

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Viewings: 3716
In Europe from the heat has killed already more than hundred people. In many countries for several weeks, the temperature is above 40 degrees. Air conditioners do not save, the water in rivers and lakes is also not refreshing. The city open special rooms where you can at least rest a bit.

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Viewings: 3666
Во Львовской области в церковь ударила молния. Вековое здание сгорелоWooden Church of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, "the Nativity of the MostHoly mother of God" burned due to lightning and what happened as a result of fire on July 10 Bench near the village Skole district, Lviv region. About it is spoken in the message of the Ministry of emergency situations.
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Viewings: 4598
Власти Крымска заметают следыLocal residents say: they were offered money for the recognition of the fact that the notification of emergencies worked. The authorities of Krymsk promised the inhabitants of money - 10 thousand roubles - if they would sign a paper saying that they had been warned about the coming flood. This is stated in the report of TV company "Vesti-Kuban".
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Viewings: 6065
Человеческие кости 7000-летней давности найдены в Балтийском мореDivers-the researchers found on the bottom of the Baltic sea, Kiel most ancient ever found in Schleswig-Holstein human bones, reported the media.
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Viewings: 5463
Из-за жары нас ждут магнитные бури в июлеIn periods of magnetic storms on the Earth there are disruptions in the work of equipment, weather-sensitive people say about the deterioration of health.
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