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In Russia on the applications of citizens from the New year begins, the issue of universal electronic cards (UEC), which will provide users receive electronically the state and municipal services, as well as banking applications - payment for utilities, transport, shopping, etc.
Map, designed to simplify the access of citizens to public services, will contain customer data and electronic signature. Take advantage of the UEC will be through ATMs, terminals and personal computers.
From 1 January 2013, the UEC are issued on the basis of the statements, as from January 1, 2014 - all citizens of the Russian Federation, except in writing opted out of receiving the card. Issuance of the UEC is free of charge.
Wish to receive the card, you must fill out an application for the issue of the UEC and opening a Bank account and provide them at the point of reception of applications.
An application for the issue of cards are accepted through authorized organizations of subjects of the Russian Federation with attraction of regional branches of Sberbank, banks "URALSIB" and "AK bars", regional administrations and universities.
As soon as the UEC is ready, the authorized organization of the region will take her to the point of issuing cards specified when applying.
As of 24 December, only 57 of 83 regions of the Russian Federation were ready for implementation and delivery of the UEC more than 50%. 100% readiness was not in one of the regions.
Will last UEC long: in three to five years universal card transformed into the passports of new generation, which will provide the Federal migration service.
The Ministry had earlier estimated the cost of production and implementation of the UEC for five years at the level 135-165 billion rubles. According to other data, the cost of UEC to 2016 will be of 101.3 billion.
In July of 2010 was adopted the Federal Law № 210-FZ "On organization of public and municipal services" (hereinafter - the law "On public services"). According to the logic of this law, the constitutional rights of citizens quietly abolished and transferred to the category of paid public services", access to which can be carried out only electronically. Condition use these channels voluntary citizen is issued with a universal electronic card with microchip, which will replace almost all paper documents, and will be the electronic purse of its owner. By means of electronic cards will be done automatic identification of a person by a digital code, which will replace his name in all vital relationship with the state and in the process of interaction with legal entities. The adoption of the law № 210-FZ is a legal revolution in our country, because thus tacitly repealed basic provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and lay the Foundation for building an unprecedented vertotaltime e dictatorship, in which each person will be remotely controlled biological object (eventually - with the inflicted on his body digital ID-mark or implanted under the skin of a microchip)and they are already openly saying the builders of the new system. Already now there is a process of combining data bases for the formation of each inhabitant of Russia electronic dossier with comprehensive information, which, of course, consciously organized with the purpose of establishment of total control and manage the population.
All of man's actions are controlled by the system, and the system will become uncontrolled people. At any time of the day or night stewards of the system will be able to:- to suspend payments or reset Your Bank account (under the guise of "prevention" or without explanation);
- to suspend or "reset" all Your benefits;
- remotely and without explanation to deprive You of all (or part of) Your rights (rights to manage the car, the right to gun ownership, the right to hold a certain position, and so on);
- to deprive You of Your property (including discharged from occupied apartments);
- to declare You tax evaders (with consequences);
- to declare You as a participant in anti-government activities or terrorist (on the testimony of "e" witnesses);
- on the basis of the "cybernetic regulations to outlaw any group of the population on any grounds. It is enough to enter into the system of signs of "non-compliant". For example, anyone who buys an "unnecessary" newspaper, or those who went to "unnecessary" site on the Internet, or who does not eat certain foods at certain times, or who does not buy the "right" books and Newspapers who do not poison their children immunization, does not allow them to watch porn sites or taking drugs and so on, and so on;
- record all of Your movement and to impose a ban on the purchase of tickets;
- in terms of the defense capacity of our Motherland - to record the movement of all of our troops and commanders;
through modulation of certain impulses to influence the subconscious mind of the carriers of the UEC (and having implanted microchips), forcing to commit any actions;
under the pretext of Your lack of material security remove your children;
- perform many actions, reflecting and affecting Your daily life.
Having received the UEC and starting to use it, You will become the 100%-slave system.1. With the introduction of the UEC constitutional rights and obligations of the authorities to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens illegally will turn into a sale to the population "paid services".
2. All of our personal and family data (income, health, addresses) will unite into a single database. Any database can be hacked or buy. All our data is instantly accessible to the world of crime. Data about our children - too.
3. The owners of this database (foreign companies and banks) will sell us access to social services - health, education, social security and other paid services, provided to the conditions of the seller.
4. The UEC is the ideal way for surveillance is to buy a ticket to fill the gasoline will be possible only with the card.
5. The European Union has allocated two million euros to the introduction of the UEC in Russia. To the detriment of national interests, in violation of the Constitution by introducing the UEC in the country promoting the project of European Union and foreign commercial companies.
6. The aim of the project - the dismantling of the Russian state and delegation of authorities of a foreign commercial structures.