Viewings: 5513

On this day in the small town of Bethlehem there was an unprecedented event - was born into the world of the infant Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus Christ was born supernaturally from the virgin Mary, the Theotokos.
When you came to earth, Christ was not greeted with honour, nobility and wealth. He didn't even have the cradle, like all children, had no shelter - He was born in the countryside, in the cave and laid in a manger where lay pet food.
The first guests of the divine infant were not the kings and nobles, and simple shepherds, who the angel announced the birth of Christ: "I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people: for unto you is born in the city of David a Saviour, Which is Christ the Lord! And here's the sign: you will find a Baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger" (LK of 2.10-12).
The shepherds first hastened to worship the newborn Savior. At this time, with gifts to the King of the World were the Magi (the ancient sages) from the East. They expected soon on earth must come the great King of the World, and wonderful star had shown them the way to Jerusalem.
The Magi brought to the Infant gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts had profound meaning: the gold was brought unto the King in the form of tribute, frankincense as God, and myrrh as the person who must die (myrrh in those days anoint the dead).
But is it met was born the Christ? The Holy Church sings that the whole creation of God met the Savior, the angels brought Him singing, Magi - gifts, pastors met Baby, earth has prepared a cave, a cave, and the mother of the Lord was the virgin Mary.
Christmas day ends a forty-day Christmas fast (Holy lent), on the eve of strict fasting. After Christmas come Boxing day - Holy days or 12 days, during which marked the holiday.