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There are numerous legends about the fact that the Russian Theosophist, writer and traveler Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) had the amazing ability. It could take literally out of thin air all sorts of useful items: food, utensils, jewelry, embroidered handkerchiefs, books, letters, and more.
The same thing, they say, could make lived in his Ashram (the abode of the Rishis and Munis) Hindu Holy Sathya SAI Baba. When he was asked where he takes all these things, SAI Baba said, from the reality, which the Europeans call the subtle world. And another question, why not eliminate the Holy hunger, helping to provide products of destitute people, the hermit threw up his hands - Providence gives us an example only, the rest we will have to get their work.
And indeed, if the fruits that got "out of nowhere" SAI Baba, immediately eaten up, jewelry, which he materialized and easily gave others, after some time evaporated without a trace.
Here is involuntarily recollected the achievement of the miracle of Jesus Christ, who has fed a few thousand people with two five loaves and fishes, but the Saviour did it only once.
Everyone who heard about the skills of Blavatsky and SAI Baba, once there is a thought that this might be a trick or a clever fraud. However, the experiences of the other chudodeyev" disprove such an opinion.
For example, English is the medium of the XIX century SHOSTAKOVICH Hume did a seance in daylight, which almost completely excludes fraud and forgery. The bells in the presence of Hume rang, books were flying like birds. And once the medium soared himself.
Observers were struck by the influence of Hume on a musical instrument, a harmonica. The medium locked her in a metal basket that others had not the slightest doubt is a reality, not the focus. On mental orders Hume harmonica itself sang different songs.
In the 70-ies of XX century at the Stanford research Institute were carried out scientific experiments with the famous psychic URI Geller, during which time he bent and broke metal objects, erased the recording of the tape, made things disappear and reappear, and so on. Especially surprising was his experiments with the seeds of radish. During these experiments Geller effort of will made the seeds germinate, and then with the help of efforts to return shoots back under the skin of seed. Within several years the amount of psychic tendencies ability URI was tested in different laboratories of the world, while scientists are not convinced that this is not hypnosis, not an illusion, not the effect of suggestion, not a fraud and an awkward focus, and real psychophysical phenomena.
But the American physicist Helmut Schmidt in 1971 spent original experience with the so-called stimulator of random events - a device that spontaneously gave out different signals. The aim of the experiment was to put an end to the question: does the thought on the matter or not. Generating and fixation of random numbers was carried out by a unit without human intervention. The operator, according to the plan Schmidt, had an impact strength of will and thought to increase the number of some of the signals and to reduce other. And he did, although the traditional laws of physics, it would seem, is completely excluded such a possibility. The results of experiments definitely showed that thought affect the matter. Random processes, there has been supplemented by the intervention of the consciousness of the observer.
This materializing the principle established Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the second half of the XX century. In July-August 1979 Maharishi, before more famous friendship with the famous The Beatles, who were his disciples, gathered in one place (Massachusetts, USA) over two thousand of his supporters, in order for the team to focus on a single thought. As a result, the number of accidents in the state fell by 6.5%, and violent crimes - by 3.4%, of plane crashes - by 20.8% in comparison with the control numbers. Similar experiments were conducted in the Philippines, Canada, Australia and the UK, Israel and other countries, always demonstrating the influence of the collective thoughts on the matter.
According to researchers, the Maharishi effect is a phenomenon of collective consciousness operating at group level, society, people, country, the total population of the world in General. The most important condition is that the individual consciousness operated smoothly in unison. When consistency and no, on the contrary, there is a polarization of feelings, attitudes and opinions - it can lead to adverse social and physical consequences: wars, revolutions, earthquakes and man-made disasters.
There are also a number of messages about the directional influence of collective meditation on the weather.
In psychotherapy widely known method placebo, namely, that the patient instead of this medication given a "dummy" is harmless and does not provide any physiological effects of a substance with the appearance of medicines and Packed as this drug. Placebo is used, for example, when for whatever reason, you want to rid the patient of the side effects of medicines. And that's what it turned out, in many cases, placebo treated no worse than the true remedy. Doctors and psychologists previously explained solely by the susceptibility of patients to suggestion, not knowing that there are other reasons. These include so-called effect of materialization run by thought and words of the doctor. As a result, completely inactive drug has the same physiological effects as active. This effect is widely and successfully used not only in medicine, but also, for example, in psychology, in the mass media.
It turns out that the thought is actually affects the matter, not only locally, but also globally. In 1983, the American physicist John Wheeler has formulated "the participatory Anthropic principle": "Observers necessary for the attainment of the Universe being." This formulation is based on the assumption that the observed laws of nature are not only real, there must be real Universes with different laws.
"The participatory anthropic principle" Wheeler means that the Universes without reasonable observer does not assume the status of reality. The reason for this is that only the observer is able to translate a variety of possible States in one, a real one.
Highly respected theorists have come to the conclusion that the consciousness of the observer is an essential element of the Universe, as it were, and it is the mental activity of the person doing the Universe.